
Defines functions plot.SIR_threshold_bootstrap

Documented in plot.SIR_threshold_bootstrap

#'  Graphical output of SIR_threshold_bootstrap
#' Display the estimated index versus Y of the SIR model, the size of the models,
#' the occurrence of variable selection, the distribution of the coefficients of  
#' and \eqn{\hat{b}} and the distribution of \eqn{\lambda_{opt}} found across the replications.
#' @param x A SIR_threshold_bootstrap object
#' @param choice the graph to plot: 
#' \itemize{
#'   \item "estim_ind" Plot the estimated index by the SIR model versus Y.
#'   \item "size" Plot the size of the models across the replications.
#'   \item "selec_var" Plot the occurrence of the selected variables across the replications.
#'   \item "coefs_b" Plot the value of \eqn{\hat{b}} across the replications.
#'   \item "lambdas_replic" Plot the distribution of \eqn{\lambda_{opt}} across the replications.
#'   \item "" Plot every graphs (default).
#' }
#' @param \ldots arguments to be passed to methods, such as graphical parameters (not used here).
#' @return No return value
#' @examples
#' # Generate Data
#' set.seed(10)
#' n <- 200
#' beta <- c(1,1,rep(0,8))
#' X <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n,sigma=diag(1,10))
#' eps <- rnorm(n)
#' Y <- (X%*%beta)**3+eps
#' \donttest{
#' res = SIR_threshold_bootstrap(Y,X,H=10,n_lambda=300,thresholding="hard", n_replications=30,k=2)
#' # Estimated index versus Y
#' plot(res,choice="estim_ind")
#' # Model size
#' plot(res,choice="size")
#' # Selected variables
#' plot(res,choice="selec_var")
#' # Coefficients of b
#' plot(res,choice="coefs_b")
#' # Optimal lambdas
#' plot(res,choice="lambdas_replic")
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.new
#' @importFrom graphics abline barplot box boxplot legend title
plot.SIR_threshold_bootstrap <- function(x, choice = "", ...) {

    if (!inherits(x, "SIR_threshold_bootstrap"))
        stop("Only use with \"SIR_threshold_bootstrap\" obects")

    if (!(choice %in% c("", "estim_ind", "size", "selec_var", "coefs_b",
        stop("\"choice\" must be either \"estim_ind\",\"size\",\"selec_var\",
            \"coefs_b\" or \"lambdas_replic\"", call. = FALSE)

    cols = rep("gray", ncol(x$b))
    cols[which(x$b != 0)] = "steelblue3"

    if (choice == "" || choice == "estim_ind") {
        if (choice == "") {
        plot(x$index_pred, x$Y, xlab = "Estimated first index", ylab = "y", pch = 4)
        title("Reconstructed index")

    if (choice == "" || choice == "size") {
        # Barplot of the number of selected variable by the model 
        if (choice == "") {
        cols2 = rep("gray", length(table(x$vec_nb_var_selec)))
        cols2[which.max(table(x$vec_nb_var_selec))] = "steelblue3"

        barplot((table(x$vec_nb_var_selec) / x$n_replications) * 100, ylab = "percent",
                xlab = "Number of selected variables", col = cols2)
        title(paste("Number of selected variables over the", x$n_replications, "bootstrap replications"))
        legend("topright", legend = "optimal number of selected variables", col = c("steelblue3"),
               pch = c(15))

    if (choice == "" || choice == "selec_var") {
        if (choice == "") {
        # Barplot of the number of time where each variable has been selected
        barplot((x$occurrences_var / x$n_replications) * 100, names.arg =
                colnames(x$b), ylab = "percent", xlab = "variable name", col = cols)
        title(paste("Selected variables over the", x$n_replications, "bootstrap replications"))
        legend("topright", legend = "selected variables", col = c("steelblue3"),
               pch = c(15))

    if (choice == "" || choice == "coefs_b") {
        # Boxplot showing the distribution of the coefficients of b
        if (choice == "") {
        mat_b <- x$mat_b
        j0 <- which.max(abs(mat_b[1,]))
        for (i in 1:nrow(mat_b)) {
            if (mat_b[i, j0] != 0) {
                mat_b[i,] <- mat_b[i,] * sign(mat_b[i, j0])

        boxplot(mat_b, xlab = "coefficients of b", ylab = "", main =
            paste("Value of b over the", x$n_replications, "bootstrap replications"),
            names = colnames(x$b), col = cols)
        points(matrix(x$b * ifelse(sign(x$b[j0]) != 0, sign(x$b[j0]), 1), ncol = 1), pch = 19, col = 6, lwd = 3)
        legend("topright", legend = c(expression(hat(beta) ~ " associated to optimal" ~ lambda), "selected variables"), col = c(6, "steelblue3"),
               pch = c(19, 15))

    if (choice == "" || choice == "lambdas_replic") {
        # Boxplot showing the distribution of the optimal lambdas found
        if (choice == "") {
        boxplot(x$lambdas_opt_boot, xlab = expression(lambda), ylab = "",
            main = paste("Value of optimal", expression(lambda), "over the",
            x$n_replications, "bootstrap replications"))
        abline(h = x$lambda_opt, col = 6, lwd = 3)
        legend("topright", legend = expression("optimal" ~ lambda), col = 6,
               lty = 1, lwd = 3, cex = 1)

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SIRthresholded documentation built on July 10, 2023, 2:03 a.m.