
Defines functions tune.fit

Documented in tune.fit

#' Using the \pkg{glmnet} and \pkg{ncvreg} packages, fits a Generalized Linear
#' Model or Cox Proportional Hazards Model using various methods for choosing
#' the regularization parameter \eqn{\lambda}
#' This function fits a generalized linear model or a Cox proportional hazards
#' model via penalized maximum likelihood, with available penalties as
#' indicated in the \pkg{glmnet} and \pkg{ncvreg} packages. Instead of
#' providing the whole regularization solution path, the function returns the
#' solution at a unique value of \eqn{\lambda}, the one optimizing the
#' criterion specified in \code{tune}.
#' @importFrom ncvreg ncvsurv
#' @importFrom ncvreg cv.ncvsurv
#' @export
#' @param x The design matrix, of dimensions n * p, without an intercept. Each
#' row is an observation vector.
#' @param y The response vector of dimension n * 1. Quantitative for
#' \code{family='gaussian'}, non-negative counts for \code{family='poisson'},
#' binary (0-1) for \code{family='binomial'}. For \code{family='cox'}, \code{y}
#' should be an object of class \code{Surv}, as provided by the function
#' \code{Surv()} in the package \pkg{survival}.
#' @param family Response type (see above).
#' @param penalty The penalty to be applied in the regularized likelihood
#' subproblems. 'SCAD' (the default), 'MCP', or 'lasso' are provided.
#' @param concavity.parameter The tuning parameter used to adjust the concavity
#' of the SCAD/MCP penalty. Default is 3.7 for SCAD and 3 for MCP.
#' @param tune Method for selecting the regularization parameter along the
#' solution path of the penalized likelihood problem. Options to provide a
#' final model include \code{tune='cv'}, \code{tune='aic'}, \code{tune='bic'},
#' and \code{tune='ebic'}. See references at the end for details.
#' @param nfolds Number of folds used in cross-validation. The default is 10.
#' @param type.measure Loss to use for cross-validation. Currently five
#' options, not all available for all models. The default is
#' \code{type.measure='deviance'}, which uses squared-error for gaussian models
#' (also equivalent to \code{type.measure='mse'} in this case), deviance for
#' logistic and poisson regression, and partial-likelihood for the Cox model.
#' Both \code{type.measure='class'} and \code{type.measure='auc'} apply only to
#' logistic regression and give misclassification error and area under the ROC
#' curve, respectively. \code{type.measure='mse'} or \code{type.measure='mae'}
#' (mean absolute error) can be used by all models except the \code{'cox'};
#' they measure the deviation from the fitted mean to the response. For
#' \code{penalty='SCAD'} and \code{penalty='MCP'}, only
#' \code{type.measure='deviance'} is available.
#' @param gamma.ebic Specifies the parameter in the Extended BIC criterion
#' penalizing the size of the corresponding model space. The default is
#' \code{gamma.ebic=1}. See references at the end for details.
#' @return Returns an object with \item{ix}{ The vector of indices of the
#' nonzero coefficients selected by the maximum penalized likelihood procedure
#' with \code{tune} as the method for choosing the regularization parameter.  }
#' \item{a0}{The intercept of the final model selected by \code{tune}.  }
#' \item{beta}{The vector of coefficients of the final model selected by
#' \code{tune}.  }
#' \item{fit}{The fitted penalized regression object.}
#' \item{lambda}{The corresponding lambda in the final model.}
#' \item{lambda.ind}{The index on the solution path for the final model.}
#' @author Jianqing Fan, Yang Feng, Diego Franco Saldana, Richard Samworth, and
#' Yichao Wu
#' @references Jerome Friedman and Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani (2010)
#' Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models Via Coordinate Descent.
#' \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, \bold{33}(1), 1-22.
#' Noah Simon and Jerome Friedman and Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani (2011)
#' Regularization Paths for Cox's Proportional Hazards Model Via Coordinate
#' Descent. \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, \bold{39}(5), 1-13.
#' Patrick Breheny and Jian Huang (2011) Coordiante Descent Algorithms for
#' Nonconvex Penalized Regression, with Applications to Biological Feature
#' Selection. \emph{The Annals of Applied Statistics}, \bold{5}, 232-253.
#' Hirotogu Akaike (1973) Information Theory and an Extension of the Maximum
#' Likelihood Principle. In \emph{Proceedings of the 2nd International
#' Symposium on Information Theory}, BN Petrov and F Csaki (eds.), 267-281.
#' Gideon Schwarz (1978) Estimating the Dimension of a Model. \emph{The Annals
#' of Statistics}, \bold{6}, 461-464.
#' Jiahua Chen and Zehua Chen (2008) Extended Bayesian Information Criteria for
#' Model Selection with Large Model Spaces. \emph{Biometrika}, \bold{95},
#' 759-771.
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#' set.seed(0)
#' data('leukemia.train', package = 'SIS')
#' y.train = leukemia.train[,dim(leukemia.train)[2]]
#' x.train = as.matrix(leukemia.train[,-dim(leukemia.train)[2]])
#' x.train = standardize(x.train)
#' model = tune.fit(x.train[,1:3500], y.train, family='binomial', tune='bic')
#' model$ix
#' model$a0
#' model$beta
tune.fit <- function(x, y, family = c("gaussian", "binomial", "poisson", "cox"), penalty = c("SCAD", "MCP", "lasso"), concavity.parameter = switch(penalty, SCAD = 3.7, 3), tune = c("cv", "aic", "bic", "ebic"), nfolds = 10, 
    type.measure = c("deviance", "class", "auc", "mse", "mae"), gamma.ebic = 1) {
    if (is.null(x) || is.null(y)) 
        stop("The data is missing!")
    this.call = match.call()
    family = match.arg(family)
    penalty = match.arg(penalty)
    if (class(concavity.parameter) != "numeric") 
        stop("concavity.parameter must be numeric!")
    tune = match.arg(tune)
    if (class(nfolds) != "numeric") 
        stop("nfolds must be numeric!")
    type.measure = match.arg(type.measure)
    if (tune == "cv") {
        if (penalty == "lasso" ) {
            cv.fit = cv.glmnet(x, y, family = family, type.measure = type.measure, nfolds = nfolds)
            coef.beta = coef(cv.fit, s = "lambda.1se") 
            reg.fit = cv.fit$glmnet.fit
            lambda = cv.fit$lambda.1se
            lambda.ind = which(cv.fit$lambda == cv.fit$lambda.1se)
        } else if (family != 'cox') {
            cv.fit = cv.ncvreg(x, y, family = family, penalty = penalty, gamma = concavity.parameter, nfolds = nfolds)
            cv.1se.ind = min(which(cv.fit$cve<cv.fit$cve[ cv.fit$min]+cv.fit$cvse[ cv.fit$min]))
            coef.beta = cv.fit$fit$beta[, cv.1se.ind]  # extract coefficients at a single value of lambda, including the intercept
            reg.fit = cv.fit$fit
            lambda = cv.fit$lambda[cv.1se.ind]
            lambda.ind = cv.1se.ind
        } else {
          cv.fit = cv.ncvsurv(x, y, family = family, penalty = penalty, gamma = concavity.parameter, nfolds = nfolds)
          cv.1se.ind = min(which(cv.fit$cve<cv.fit$cve[ cv.fit$min]+cv.fit$cvse[ cv.fit$min]))
          coef.beta = cv.fit$fit$beta[, cv.1se.ind]  # extract coefficients at a single value of lambda
          reg.fit = cv.fit$fit
          lambda = cv.fit$lambda[cv.1se.ind]
          lambda.ind = cv.1se.ind
    } else {
        n = nrow(x)
        if (penalty == "lasso" ) {
            reg.fit = glmnet(x, y, family = family)
            coef.beta = rbind(reg.fit$a0,as.matrix(reg.fit$beta))  # extract coefficients at all values of lambda,  including the intercept
            dev = deviance(reg.fit)
            reg.df = reg.fit$df
        } else {
          if(family != 'cox'){
            reg.fit = ncvreg(x, y, family = family, penalty = penalty, gamma = concavity.parameter)
            coef.beta = reg.fit$beta  # extract coefficients at all values of lambda, including the intercept
            dev = loglik(x, y, coef.beta, family = family)
            reg.df = getdf(coef.beta[-1, , drop = FALSE])
        } else {
          reg.fit = ncvsurv(x, y, family = family, penalty = penalty, gamma = concavity.parameter)
          coef.beta = reg.fit$beta  # extract coefficients at all values of lambda, including the intercept
          dev = 2*reg.fit$loss
          reg.df = getdf(coef.beta)
        if (tune == "aic") {
            obj = dev + 2 * reg.df
        if (tune == "bic") {
            obj = dev + log(n) * reg.df
        if (tune == "ebic") {
            obj = dev + log(n) * reg.df + 2 * gamma.ebic * log(choose(dim(x)[2], reg.df))
        lambda.ind = which.min(obj)
        coef.beta = coef.beta[, lambda.ind]
        lambda = reg.fit$lambda[lambda.ind]
    if(family != 'cox'){
      a0 = coef.beta[1]
      coef.beta = coef.beta[-1]
    } else{
      a0 = NULL
      coef.beta = as.vector(coef.beta)
    ix = which(coef.beta != 0)
    beta = coef.beta[ix]
    return(list(ix = ix, a0 = a0, beta = beta, fit = reg.fit, lambda = lambda, lambda.ind = lambda.ind))

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