chd: Coronary heart disease

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The file gives the number of men diagnosed as having coronary heart disease (CHD) in an American study of 1329 men (the data are presented and analysed in Ku and Kullback, 1974). The serum cholesterol level and blood pressure in mm mercury were recorded for each man, and are reported in one of four categories, giving a 4X4 cross-classified in each cell of which the number of men with CHD and the total number of men examined are given.




A data.frame of 16 obs. of 4 variables:

[,1] chol Factor w/ 4 levels "<200","200-219",...
[,2] bp Factor w/ 4 levels "<127","127-146",...
[,3] r integer, number of men with CHD
[,4] t integer, total number of men in study


See p.248 in SMIR


Ku, H.H. and Kullback, S. (1974), "Loglinear models in contingency table analysis", The American Statistician, 28, 115–22.

SMIR documentation built on May 29, 2017, 10:39 a.m.

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