claims: Insurance claims data

Description Usage Format Note Source


The file gives the number of policyholders of an insurance company who were “exposed to risk”, and the number of car insurance claims made in the third quarter of 1973 by these policyholders, arranged as a contingency table cross-classified by three four-level factors: dist, the district in which the policyholder lived (1: rural, 2: small towns, 3: large towns, 4: major cities), car, the engine capacity of the car (1: $<$ 1 litre, 2: 1 – 1.5 litres, 3: 1.5 – 2 litres, 4: $>$ 2 litres), and age, the age of the policyholder (1: $<$ 25, 2: 25 – 29, 3: 30 – 35, 4: $>$ 35)




[,1] n integer, number of policy holders
[,2] c integer, number of claims
[,3] age Factor w/ 4 levels "<25","25-29","30-35",">35"
[,4] dist Factor w/ 4 levels "rural","small towns","large towns", "major cities"
[,5] car Factor w/ 4 levels "<1","1-1.5","1.5-2",">2"


See p.271 in SMIR


Baxter, L.A., Coutts, S.M. and Ross, G.A.F., 1980, "Application of linear models in motor insurance", Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Actuaries, Zurich, 11–29.

SMIR documentation built on May 29, 2017, 10:39 a.m.

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