
Defines functions SparCC.frac sparcc

Documented in sparcc

#' @title sparcc wrapper
#' @description SpiecEasi R package, says in his package that
#' this is "a reimplementation of SparCC algorithm (Friedman et Alm, PLoS Comp Bio, 2012)."
#' Installation of SpiecEasi can sometimes generate errors, so I have included Dr. Huaying Fang's sparcc wrapper
#' as one of the functions in this package for the estimation of co-abundance networks. His code was acquired from
#' CCLasso (Fang et al, Bioinformatics, 2015), provided in GitHub (https://github.com/huayingfang/CCLasso).
#' @param x count data matrix (OTU table)
#' @param imax Number of iterations in the outer loop
#' @param kmax max iteration steps for SparCC
#' @param alpha threshold for strong correlation
#' @param Vmin absolute value of correlations below this threshold are considered zero by the inner SparCC loop.
#' @return This will estimate an association matrix (network) for observed OTU table.
#' @importFrom stats median

sparcc <- function(x, imax = 20, kmax = 10, alpha = 0.1, Vmin = 1e-4) {
  # dimension for w (latent variables)
  p <- ncol(x);
  n <- nrow(x);
  # posterior distribution (alpha)
  x <- x + 1;
  # store generate data
  y <- matrix(0, n, p);
  # store covariance/correlation matrix
  cov.w <- cor.w <- matrix(0, p, p);
  indLow <- lower.tri(cov.w, diag = T);
  # store covariance/correlation for several posterior samples
  covs <- cors <- matrix(0, p * (p + 1) / 2, imax);
  for(i in 1:imax) {
    # generate fractions from posterior distribution
    y <- t(apply(x, 1, function(x)
      gtools::rdirichlet(n = 1, alpha = x)));
    # estimate covariance/correlation
    cov_cor <- SparCC.frac(x = y, kmax = kmax, alpha = alpha, Vmin = Vmin);
    # store variance/correlation only low triangle
    covs[, i] <- cov_cor$cov.w[indLow];
    cors[, i] <- cov_cor$cor.w[indLow];
  # calculate median for several posterior samples
  cov.w[indLow] <- apply(covs, 1, median);
  cor.w[indLow] <- apply(cors, 1, median);
  cov.w <- cov.w + t(cov.w);
  diag(cov.w) <- diag(cov.w) / 2;
  cor.w <- cor.w + t(cor.w);
  diag(cor.w) <- 1;
  return(list(cov.w = cov.w, cor.w = cor.w));
# SparCC for fractions known
#   function: SparCC.frac
#   input:
#          x ------ nxp fraction data matrix, row is sample, col is variable
#       kmax ------ max iteration steps for SparCC. default is 10
#      alpha ------ the threshold for strong correlation. default is 0.1
#       Vmin ------ minimal variance if negative variance appears. default is 1e-4
#   output: a list structure
#      cov.w ------ covariance estimation
#      cor.w ------ correlation estimation
SparCC.frac <- function(x, kmax = 10, alpha = 0.1, Vmin = 1e-4) {
  # Log transformation
  x <- log(x);
  p <- ncol(x);
  # T0 = var(log(xi/xj)) variation matrix
  TT <- stats::var(x);
  T0 <- diag(TT) + rep(diag(TT), each = p) - 2 * TT;
  # Variance and correlation coefficients for Basic SparCC
  rowT0 <- rowSums(T0);
  var.w <- (rowT0 - sum(rowT0) / (2 * p - 2))/(p - 2);
  var.w[var.w < Vmin] <- Vmin;
  #cor.w <- (outer(var.w, var.w, "+") - T0 ) /
  #  sqrt(outer(var.w, var.w, "*")) / 2;
  Is <- sqrt(1/var.w);
  cor.w <- (var.w + rep(var.w, each = p) - T0) * Is * rep(Is, each = p) * 0.5;
  # Truncated correlation in [-1, 1]
  cor.w[cor.w <= - 1] <- - 1;
  cor.w[cor.w >= 1] <- 1;
  # Left matrix of estimation equation
  Lmat <- diag(rep(p - 2, p)) + 1;
  # Remove pairs
  rp <- NULL;
  # Left components
  cp <- rep(TRUE, p);
  # Do loops until max iteration or only 3 components left
  k <- 0;
  while(k < kmax && sum(cp) > 3) {
    # Left T0 = var(log(xi/xj)) after removing pairs
    T02 <- T0;
    # Store current correlation to find the strongest pair
    curr_cor.w <- cor.w;
    # Remove diagonal
    diag(curr_cor.w) <- 0;
    # Remove removed pairs
    if(!is.null(rp)) {
      curr_cor.w[rp] <- 0;
    # Find the strongest pair in vector form
    n_rp <- which.max(abs(curr_cor.w));
    # Remove the pair if geater than alpha
    if(abs(curr_cor.w[n_rp]) >= alpha) {
      # Which pair in matrix form
      t_id <- c(arrayInd(n_rp, .dim = c(p, p)));
      Lmat[t_id, t_id] <- Lmat[t_id, t_id] - 1;
      # Update remove pairs
      n_rp <- c(n_rp, (p + 1) * sum(t_id) - 2 * p - n_rp);
      rp <- c(rp, n_rp);
      # Update T02
      T02[rp] <- 0;
      # Which component left
      cp <- (diag(Lmat) > 0);
      # Update variance and truncated lower by Vmin
      var.w[cp] <- solve(Lmat[cp, cp], rowSums(T02[cp, cp]));
      var.w[var.w <= Vmin] <- Vmin;
      # Update correlation matrix and truncated by [-1, 1]
      #cor.w <- (outer(var.w, var.w, "+") - T0 ) /
      #  sqrt(outer(var.w, var.w, "*")) / 2;
      Is <- sqrt(1/var.w);
      cor.w <- (var.w + rep(var.w, each = p) - T0) *
        Is * rep(Is, each = p) * 0.5;
      # Truncated correlation in [-1, 1]
      cor.w[cor.w <= - 1] <- - 1;
      cor.w[cor.w >= 1] <- 1;
    else {
    k <- k + 1;
  # Covariance
  Is <- sqrt(var.w);
  cov.w <- cor.w * Is * rep(Is, each = p);
  return(list(cov.w = cov.w, cor.w = cor.w));

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