bladderMALDIRompp2010: Load the example MALDI-MSI data.

View source: R/data_funcs.R

bladderMALDIRompp2010R Documentation

Load the example MALDI-MSI data.


Loads a single mouse urinary bladder MALDI mass spectrometry imaging dataset acquired in positive ionization mode using Thermo qExactive Orbitrap. The dataset is available at "" The dataset is loaded in the R environment under the variable name maldiData.


bladderMALDIRompp2010(verbose = TRUE)



Logical (default = TRUE). Show additional output text.


desiData MS intensity matrix. Rows represent pixels, columns represent matched peaks.


Rompp, A., Guenther, S., Schober, Y., Schulz, O., Takats, Z., Kummer, W., & Spengler, B. (2010). Histology by mass spectrometry: label-free tissue characterization obtained from high-accuracy bioanalytical imaging. Angewandte chemie international edition, 49(22), 3834-3838.

SPUTNIK documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:53 a.m.