
Defines functions Match

Documented in Match

#' Matching rows in data frames
#' The algorithm is based on converting variable combinations to whole numbers. 
#' The final matching is performed using \code{\link{match}}.
#' When the result of multiplying together the number of unique values in each column of x exceeds 9E15 
#' (largest value stored exactly by the numeric data type), the algorithm is recursive.
#' @param x data frame
#' @param y data frame
#' @return An integer vector giving the position in y of the first match if there is a match, otherwise NA.
#' @export
#' @author Øyvind Langsrud
#' @examples
#' a <- data.frame(x = c("a", "b", "c"), y = c("A", "B"), z = 1:6)
#' b <- data.frame(x = c("b", "c"), y = c("B", "K", "A", "B"), z = c(2, 3, 5, 6))
#' Match(a, b)
#' Match(b, a)
#' # Slower alternative
#' match(data.frame(t(a), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), data.frame(t(b), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
#' match(data.frame(t(b), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), data.frame(t(a), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
#' # More comprehensive example (n, m and k may be changed)
#' n <- 10^4
#' m <- 10^3
#' k <- 10^2
#' data(precip)
#' data(mtcars)
#' y <- data.frame(car = sample(rownames(mtcars), n, replace = TRUE), 
#'                 city = sample(names(precip), n, replace = TRUE),
#'                 n = rep_len(1:k, n), a = rep_len(c("A", "B", "C", "D"), n),
#'                 b = rep_len(as.character(rnorm(1000)), n),
#'                 d = sample.int(k + 10, n, replace = TRUE),
#'                 e = paste(sample.int(k * 2, n, replace = TRUE), 
#'                           rep_len(c("Green", "Red", "Blue"), n), sep = "_"),
#'                 r = rnorm(k)^99)
#' x <- y[sample.int(n, m), ]
#' row.names(x) <- NULL
#' ix <- Match(x, y)
Match <- function(x, y) {
  # # To test whether tibble input works 
  # x <- tibble::as_tibble(x)
  # y <- tibble::as_tibble(y)
  if (NROW(x) == 0) 
  if (NROW(y) == 0) 
    return(rep(as.integer(NA), NROW(x)))
  if (any(!(names(x) == names(y)))) 
    y <- y[, names(x), drop = FALSE]
  for (i in seq_len(NCOL(x))) x[, i] <- factor(x[, i, drop = TRUE], exclude = NULL)
  for (i in seq_len(NCOL(x))) y[, i] <- factor(y[, i, drop = TRUE], levels = levels(x[, i, drop = TRUE]), exclude = NULL)
  for (i in seq_len(NCOL(x))) x[, i] <- as.integer(x[, i, drop = TRUE]) - 1
  for (i in seq_len(NCOL(x))) y[, i] <- as.integer(y[, i, drop = TRUE]) - 1
  asn <- as.numeric(apply(x, MARGIN = c(2), max)) + 1
  mg <- rep(1, length(asn))
  h <- rev(c(1, cumprod(rev(asn))))
  a <- h + 1
  b <- h - 1
  amb <- a - b
  while (any(amb != 2)) {
    ind <- seq_len(min(which(amb == 2)) - 1)
    mg[ind] <- mg[ind] + 1
    indh <- seq_len(min(which(amb == 2)))
    asn <- asn[ind]
    h[indh] <- rev(c(1, cumprod(rev(asn))))
    a <- h + 1
    b <- h - 1
    amb <- a - b
  k <- h[-1]
  for (i in seq_len(NCOL(x))) x[, i] <- k[i] * x[, i]
  for (i in seq_len(NCOL(x))) y[, i] <- k[i] * y[, i]
  if (max(mg) == 1) {
    x <- rowSums(x)
    y <- rowSums(y)
    return(match(x, y))
  ng <- max(mg)
  if (ng == NCOL(x)) {
    warning(paste("The problem cannot be handled as usual.", ng, "integer coded columns are pasted together."))
    return(match(do.call("paste", c(x, sep = "_")), do.call("paste", c(y, sep = "_"))))
  X <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, NROW(x), ng))
  Y <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, NROW(y), ng))
  for (i in seq_len(ng)) {
    X[, i] <- rowSums(x[, mg == i, drop = FALSE])
    Y[, i] <- rowSums(y[, mg == i, drop = FALSE])
  Match(X, Y)

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