SpatialStreamNetwork-class: Class "SpatialStreamNetwork"

SpatialStreamNetwork-classR Documentation

Class "SpatialStreamNetwork"


A class that holds spatial features (points and lines), attributes, and topological information for stream networks.

Objects from the Class

SpatialStreamNetwork objects can be created by calls in the form importSSN(x).



Object of class "data.frame"; columns include NetworkID (a factor identifying individual networks that are assumed independent for modeling purposes), SegmentID (a unique identifier for each stream segment), and DistanceUpstream (the cumulative distance from the network outlet, the most downstream point on a network, to the uppermost point of that stream segment). Row names are set to SegmentID values.


Object of class "SSNPoints" with 2 slots

          @ SSNPoints: List of SSNPoint objects with 5 slots
              @ network.point.coords: object of class "data.frame". Row names
                represent point identifiers (pid) stored in the
                  $ NetworkID: factor identifying the NetworkID of that point
                  $ SegmentID: factor identifying the unique stream segment of that point
                  $ DistanceUpstream: numeric value representing the cumulative
                    distance from the network outlet, the most downstream point
                    on a network, to that point
              @ point.coords: numeric matrix or "data.frame" with x- and y-
                coordinates (each row is a point); row names represent point
                identifiers (pid) stored in the data.frame.
              @ object of class "data.frame"; the number of rows in
                data should equal the number of points in the
                network.point.coords object; row names are set to the pid
              @ points.bbox: Object of class "matrix"; see Spatial-class
              @ proj4string: Object of class "CRS"; see CRS-class
          @ ID: character string representing the name of the observation points

Object of class "SSNPoints". See description of object format under slot obspoints


Object of class "character" representing the file location of the SSN dataset


Object of class "data.frame". The number of rows in data should equal the number of lines in the lines object. Row names correspond to SegmentID values


Object of class "list"; list members are all of class Lines. Each list item represents a polyline segment and the number of list items should be equal to the number of rows in the network.line.coords object


Object of class "matrix"; see Spatial


Object of class "CRS"; see CRS


Class SpatialLines-class, by class "SpatialLinesDataFrame", distance 2.

See Also

Line-class, Lines-class

SSN documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:30 p.m.