Defines functions SS.ID

Documented in SS.ID

SS.ID <-
function( Z, d, rsN = NULL ) {
    T <- nrow(Z)
    n <- ncol(Z)
    time.t <- as.integer( floor(T/2) )
    if( is.null(rsN) ) {
        r <- min(10, as.integer( floor( time.t / n ) - 3 ) )
        s <- min(20, as.integer( floor( time.t / n ) - 2 ) )
        N <- as.integer( floor(T/2) - max(r,s) - 2 )
    } else {
        r <- rsN[1] ; s <- rsN[2] ; N <- rsN[3]
    YY <- matrix( NA, n*r,N )
    for( tt in time.t:(time.t+N-1) ) { YY[ , tt - time.t + 1 ]  <- as.vector( t( Z[ tt:(tt+r-1), ] ) ) }
    PP <- matrix( NA, n*s, N )
    for( tt in time.t:(time.t+N-1) ) { PP[ , tt - time.t + 1 ] <- as.vector( t( Z[ (tt-1):(tt-s), ] ) ) }
    GG <- tcrossprod( YY , PP ) / N
    W1 <- diag(1, r*n)
    W2 <- solve( tcrossprod(PP) / N ) %*% PP ##### N used in next step.  Not included here so we can use W2 later
    GG.hat <- W1 %*% GG %*% W2
    GGhs <- svd( GG.hat )
    U1 <- GGhs$u[ , 1:d, drop=FALSE ]
    RR <- diag(1, d)
    O.hat <- solve( W1 ) %*% U1 %*% RR
    H.hat <- O.hat[1:n , 1:d, drop=FALSE]
    O1 <- O.hat[ (n+1):(n*r) , 1:d, drop=FALSE ]
    O2 <- O.hat[ (1):(n*(r-1)) , 1:d, drop=FALSE ]
    F.hat <- tcrossprod( solve( crossprod(O2) ) , O2 ) %*% O1
    LL <- tcrossprod( solve( RR ) , U1 )
    YY.hat <- tcrossprod( YY , PP ) %*% solve( tcrossprod(PP) ) %*% PP
    XX.hat <- LL %*% YY.hat
    nu.mx <- matrix(NA, d, ncol(XX.hat)-1)
    for(i in 2:ncol(XX.hat)) {
        nu.mx[ , i-1] <- XX.hat[ , i ] - F.hat %*% XX.hat[ , i-1 ]
    Q.hat <- var( t(nu.mx) )
    ve.mx <- matrix(NA, n, ncol(XX.hat))
    for(i in 1:ncol(XX.hat)) {
        ve.mx[ , i] <- Z[ time.t+i-2, ] - H.hat %*% XX.hat[ , i ] ########### OK
    R.hat <- var( t(ve.mx) )
    return( list( F.hat=F.hat, H.hat=H.hat, Q.hat=Q.hat, R.hat=R.hat ) )

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SSsimple documentation built on Dec. 7, 2019, 9:06 a.m.