
Defines functions create_sk_flextable_list

Documented in create_sk_flextable_list

#' Create a List of Flextable Objects
#' Create a list of flextable objects to display Seasonal Kendall results in the NERRS reserve level template
#' @param sk_result a \code{data.frame} of reformatted results from \code{\link{sk_seasonal}}
#' @param stations chr, vector of stations to be displayed
#' @param param chr, vector of parameters to be displayed
#' @param trend_col chr, a four element vector that specifies colors for increasing, decreasing, no change, and insufficient data trends
#' @param font_col_default chr, default color to be used for trend table
#' @param font_sz_stn int, specify the font size of displayed station names
#' @param font_sz_result int, specify the font size of the displayed results
#' @param font_sz_head int, specify the font size of the table header row
#' @param ht_head num, specify the cell height of the table body rows. Units for this parameter are in inches.
#' @param ht_body num, specify the cell height of the table header row. Units for this parameter are in inches.
#' @param is_swmp logical, are the station names and parameter names consistent with SWMP station and parameter names? If either of these conditions is false then this parameter should be set to \code{FALSE} and then the user should define \code{stn_name}, \code{stn_abbrev}, and \code{par_name}. default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param stn_name chr, a list of full station names that the user would like to add to the trend table (e.g., "Cat Point")
#' @param stn_abbrev chr, a list of station abbreviations that the user would like to add to the trend table (e.g., "CP" as an abbreviation for Cat Point).
#' @param par_name chr, a list of parameter names to be used if the names to not match standard CDMO parameters.
#' @importFrom flextable align border flextable height style width
#' @importFrom stats formula
#' @importFrom officer fp_border fp_cell fp_par fp_text
#' @export
#' @details This function is intended for internal use with the NERRS reserve level reporting scripts. Using the results from the reserve level trend analysis, \code{create_sk_flextable_list} creates a list of two \code{flextable} objects to be displayed in the NERRS reserve level template. The first \code{flextable} in the list contains the two-letter station IDs for each station and the full location name of each station. The second table lists the seasonal kendall results and the names of the parameters of interest.
#' @author Julie Padilla
#' @concept reporting
#' @return Returns a list of \code{\link[flextable]{flextable}} objects

create_sk_flextable_list <- function(sk_result, stations, param, trend_col = c('#247BA0', '#A3DFFF', '#D9D9D9', 'white')
                                     , font_col_default = '#444E65'
                                     , font_sz_stn = 6, font_sz_result = 12, font_sz_head = 6
                                     , ht_head = 0.28, ht_body = 0.202, is_swmp = TRUE
                                     , stn_name = NULL, stn_abbrev = NULL, par_name = NULL) {

  # Checks
  if(!is_swmp) {
      stop('stn_name must be defined if is_swmp is FALSE. Please define stn_name or set is_swmp to TRUE')
      stop('stn_abbrev must be defined if is_swmp is FALSE. Please define stn_abbrev or set is_swmp to TRUE')
      stop('par_name must be defined if is_swmp is FALSE. Please define par_name or set is_swmp to TRUE')

  # Generate tables and relabel columns
  # Rename columns for both tables
    tbl_station <- generate_station_table(sk_result, stations)
    tbl_result <- generate_results_table(sk_result, stations, param)
    par_nms <- ft_col_names(param = param)
  } else {
    tbl_station <- data.frame(loc_id = stn_abbrev, loc_name = stn_name, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    tbl_station <- tbl_station[order(tbl_station$loc_name), ]
    tbl_result <- sk_result[sk_result$station %in% stations, ]
    tbl_result <- tbl_result[order(tbl_result$station), ]
    tbl_result <- tbl_result[param]
    par_nms <- par_name

  names(tbl_station) <- c('Location ID', 'Location Name')
  names(tbl_result) <- par_nms

  # make flextable object
  ft_header <- flextable::flextable(data = tbl_station)

  # change column names to words
  header_col_names <- ft_header$header$dataset
  header_col_names[1, ] <- c('Location ID', 'Location Name')
  ft_header$header$dataset <- header_col_names

  # format
  def_txt_hd <- fp_text(color = '#404040', bold = TRUE, font.size = font_sz_head)
  def_txt_bdy <- fp_text(color = '#404040', bold = TRUE, font.size = font_sz_stn)
  def_par <- fp_par(text.align = 'center')
  def_cell <- fp_cell(background.color = "white", border = fp_border(color = '#444E65'))

  ft_header <- style(ft_header, pr_c = def_cell, pr_t = def_txt_hd, pr_p = def_par, part = 'head')
  ft_header <- style(ft_header, pr_c = def_cell, pr_t = def_txt_bdy, pr_p = def_par, part = 'body')

  # RESULTS TBL ----
  # make flextable object for SK results
  ft_result <- flextable(data = tbl_result)

  # # ft_result$header$dataset <- data.frame(as.list(nms))
  # ft_result$header$col_keys <- nms

  # set styling elements
  def_par <- fp_par(text.align = 'center')
  def_txt_hd <- fp_text(color = '#404040', bold = TRUE, font.size = font_sz_head)
  def_cell_hd <- fp_cell(background.color = 'white', border = fp_border(color = '#444E65')
                         , margin.top = 2, margin.bottom = 2)
  def_txt_bdy <- fp_text(color = font_col_default, font.size = font_sz_result)
  def_cell_bdy <- fp_cell(background.color = trend_col[3], border = fp_border(color = '#444E65'))

  # set alignment and border for all parts of the table
  ft <- align(ft_result, align = 'center', part = 'all')
  ft <- border(ft, border = fp_border(color = '#444E65'), part = 'all')

  ft <- style(ft, pr_c = def_cell_hd, pr_t = def_txt_hd, part = 'head')

  # set default styling for the body
  ft <- style(ft, pr_c = def_cell_bdy, pr_t = def_txt_bdy, part = 'body')

  # set custom styling based on SK results
  ## will need to loop 3 times, one for each potential value
  col_names <- names(tbl_result)

  # formatting for increasing trends
  for(i in 1:length(names(tbl_result))) {
    condition <- formula(paste('~ `', col_names[[i]], '` == "h"', sep = ''))
    result <- col_names[[i]]

    ft <- style(ft, condition, result,
                pr_t = fp_text(color = "white", font.family = 'Wingdings 3', font.size = font_sz_result, bold = TRUE),
                pr_c = fp_cell(background.color = trend_col[1], border = fp_border(color = '#444E65')))

  # formatting for decreasing trends
  for(i in 1:length(names(tbl_result))) {
    condition <- formula(paste('~ `', col_names[[i]], '` == "i"', sep = ''))
    result <- col_names[[i]]

    ft <- style(ft, condition, result,
                pr_t = fp_text(color="white", font.family = 'Wingdings 3', font.size = font_sz_result),
                pr_c = fp_cell(background.color = trend_col[2], border = fp_border(color = '#444E65')))


  # formatting for insufficient data for trends
  for(i in 1:length(names(tbl_result))) {
    condition <- formula(paste('~ `', col_names[[i]], '` == "x"', sep = ''))
    result <- col_names[[i]]

    ft <- style(ft, condition, result,
                pr_t = fp_text(color='#A5A5A5', font.size = font_sz_result),
                pr_c = fp_cell(background.color = trend_col[4], border = fp_border(color = '#444E65')))


  # final formatting
  ft <- width(ft, width = 0.6)
  ft <- height(ft, height = ht_head, part = 'head')
  ft <- height(ft, height = ht_body, part = 'body')

  ft_header <- width(ft_header, j = 1, width = 0.55)
  ft_header <- width(ft_header, j = 2, width = 1.1)
  ft_header <- height(ft_header, height = ht_head, part = 'head')
  ft_header <- height(ft_header, height = ht_body, part = 'body')

  ls_ft <- list(ft_header, ft)



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SWMPrExtension documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:44 a.m.