
Defines functions rbga

# rbga_PPF_GGA.R in SamplingStrata 1.3-1
# This function is a modified version of the corresponding one
# in the package "genalg" by E. Willighagen available on the CRAN
# Date of last modification: October 12, 2017
# Modified by Giulio Barcaroli
rbga <- function(stringMin=c(), stringMax=c(),
                 popSize=200, iters=100, 
                 # add these 2 parameters:
                 monitorFunc=NULL, evalFunc=NULL,
                 showSettings=FALSE, verbose=FALSE,
                 strata) {
    if (is.null(evalFunc)) {
        stop("A evaluation function must be provided. See the evalFunc parameter.");
    vars = length(stringMin);
    if (is.na(mutationChance)) {
        mutationChance = 1/(vars+1);
    if (is.na(elitism)) {
    # Modification 1: elitism definition
       elitism = popSize*elitism_rate
    #   elitism = floor(popSize/5)
    if (length(stringMin) != length(stringMax)) {
        stop("The vectors stringMin and stringMax must be of equal length.");
    if (popSize < 5) {
        stop("The population size must be at least 5.");
    if (iters < 1) {
        stop("The number of iterations must be at least 1.");
    if (!(elitism < popSize)) {
        stop("The population size must be greater than the elitism.");
    if (showSettings) {
#        if (verbose) cat("The start conditions:\n");
        result = list(stringMin=stringMin, stringMax=stringMax, suggestions=suggestions,
                      popSize=popSize, iters=iters,
                      elitism=elitism, mutationChance=mutationChance);
        class(result) = "rbga";
    } else {
#        if (verbose) cat("Not showing GA settings...\n");
    if (vars > 0) {
        if (!is.null(suggestions)) {
#            if (verbose) cat("Adding suggestions to first population...\n");
            population = matrix(nrow=popSize, ncol=vars);
            suggestionCount = dim(suggestions)[1]
            for (i in 1:suggestionCount) {
#                population[i,] = suggestions[i,]
				population[i,] = recode(suggestions[i,])
#            if (verbose) cat("Filling others with random values in the given domains...\n");
            for (var in 1:vars) {
#                population[(suggestionCount+1):popSize,var] = stringMin[var] +
#                                   runif(popSize-suggestionCount)*(stringMax[var]-stringMin[var]);
#				population[(suggestionCount+1):popSize,var]=sample.int(stringMax[var],size=(popSize-suggestionCount),replace=TRUE,prob=NULL)
				if (suggestionCount < popSize) population[(suggestionCount+1):popSize,var]=sample.int(stringMax[var],size=(popSize-suggestionCount),replace=TRUE,prob=NULL)
        } else {
 #           if (verbose) cat("Starting with random values in the given domains...\n");
            # start with an random population
            population = matrix(nrow=popSize, ncol=vars);
            # fill values
# Modification 2: generation of the initial population by using "sample.int" to get integer numbers
            for (var in 1:vars) {
#                population[,var] = stringMin[var] +
#                                   runif(popSize)*(stringMax[var]-stringMin[var]);
	# New ---------------------------------------
		for (i in (1:popSize)) {
			population[i,] <- recode(population[i,])
	# -------------------------------------------        
        # do iterations
        bestEvals = rep(NA, iters);
        meanEvals = rep(NA, iters);
        soluz = as.list(rep(NA, popSize));
        samprate = as.list(rep(NA, popSize));
        evalVals = rep(NA, popSize);
		# Modifica 4: controllo di mutationChance sulla base del bestEval
		costante <- 0
        for (iter in 1:iters) {
#            if (verbose) cat(paste("Starting iteration", iter, "\n"));

            # calculate each object
#            if (verbose) cat("Calculating evaluation values... ");
            for (object in 1:popSize) {
                if (is.na(evalVals[object])) {
                  censiti <- 0
                    evalVals[object] = sum(evalFunc(vett));
                    soluz[[object]] = evalFunc(population[object,]);
                    samprate[[object]] = tapply(strata$N,indices,sum)/soluz[[object]];
#                    if (verbose) cat(".");
            bestEvals[iter] = min(evalVals);
            meanEvals[iter] = mean(evalVals);
			# Modification 3: mutationChance is increased in case of potential local minimum
#			if (iter > 1) {
#				if (bestEvals[iter] == bestEvals[iter-1]) costante <- costante + 1
#				if ((iters > 1000) & (costante > (iters / 100))) {
#					if (mutationChance > 1/(5 * (vars+1)))   {
#						mutationChance <- mutationChance / 2
#						cat("\nmutationChance modified to: ",mutationChance,"\n")
#						costante <- 0
#					}
#				}
#				if (bestEvals[iter] != bestEvals[iter-1]) costante <- 0
#			}
			# -------------------------------------------------------	
#            if (verbose) cat(" done.\n");
            if (!is.null(monitorFunc)) {
#                if (verbose) cat("Sending current state to rgba.monitor()...\n");
                # report on GA settings
                result = list(type="floats chromosome",
                              stringMin=stringMin, stringMax=stringMax,
                              popSize=popSize, iter=iter, iters=iters,
                              population=population, elitism=elitism, mutationChance=mutationChance,
                              evaluations=evalVals, best=bestEvals, mean=meanEvals)
                class(result) = "rbga";
            if (iter < iters) { # ok, must create the next generation
#                if (verbose) cat("Creating next generation...\n");
                newPopulation = matrix(nrow=popSize, ncol=vars);
                newEvalVals = rep(NA, popSize);
#                if (verbose) cat("  sorting results...\n");
                sortedEvaluations = sort(evalVals, index=TRUE);
                sortedPopulation  = matrix(population[sortedEvaluations$ix,], ncol=vars);
                # save the best
                if (elitism > 0) {
#                    if (verbose) cat("  applying elitism...\n");
                    newPopulation[1:elitism,] = sortedPopulation[1:elitism,];
                    newEvalVals[1:elitism] = sortedEvaluations$x[1:elitism]
                } # ok, save nothing
                # fill the rest by doing crossover
                if (vars > 1) {
#                    if (verbose) cat("  applying crossover...\n");
                    for (child in (elitism+1):popSize) {
                        # ok, pick two random parents
                        # parentIDs = sample(1:popSize, 2)
                        # select parents proportionally to fitness
                        # expon = 4
                        # denom = sum((max(sortedEvaluations$x)+1-sortedEvaluations$x)^expon)
                        # probs = (max(sortedEvaluations$x)+1-sortedEvaluations$x)^expon/denom
                        # parentIDs = sample(1:popSize, 2, prob = probs)
                        # parents = sortedPopulation[parentIDs,];
                        # crossOverPoint = sample(0:vars,1);
                        # if (crossOverPoint == 0) {
                        #     newPopulation[child, ] = parents[2,]
                        #     newEvalVals[child] = sortedEvaluations$x[parentIDs[2]]
                        # } else if (crossOverPoint == vars) {
                        #     newPopulation[child, ] = parents[1,]
                        #     newEvalVals[child] = sortedEvaluations$x[parentIDs[1]]
                        # } else {
                        #     newPopulation[child, ] = 
                        #         c(parents[1,][1:crossOverPoint], 
                        #           parents[2,][(crossOverPoint+1):vars])
                        # }
                        # Selection of parents with probability proportional to fitness
                        # (from O'Luing et al)
                        # fitness = dnorm(1:popSize, mean = 0, sd = (popSize/3))
                        # Alternative 1
                        # expon = 4
                        # fitness = sortedEvaluations$x^expon/sum(sortedEvaluations$x^expon)
                        # Alternative 2
                        v <- sort(sortedEvaluations$x)
                        k = 2
                        probs <- 1 / (1 + exp(-((k*sd(v)/mean(v))*(v - mean(v))))) / length(v)
                        fitness <- sort(probs, decreasing = TRUE)
                        if(sum(fitness>=2)) parentIDs = sample(1:popSize, 2, prob = fitness)
                        if(sum(fitness<2)) parentIDs = sample(1:popSize, 2)
                        # parentIDs = sample(1:popSize, 2, prob = fitness)
                        parents = sortedPopulation[parentIDs,];
                        # GGA crossover
                        G1 <- sort(unique(parents[1,]))
                        G2 <- sort(unique(parents[2,]))
                        ######################## parte nuova ###################
#                        s<-ppss(pikG1^2,round(length(G1)/2))
						            s <- sample(1:length(pikG1),round(length(pikG1)/2),prob=pikG1^2)
                        #s<-sample(1:length(pikG1), round(length(G1)/2, prob = fitness))
                        cross <- G1[c(s)]
                        offspring <- parents[2,]
                        # increase <- length(G2)-min((parents[1,][parents[1,] %in% cross]))+1
                        offspring[parents[1,] %in% cross] <- (parents[1,])[parents[1,] %in% cross]
                        newPopulation[child, ] <- recode(offspring)
                } else { # otherwise nothing to crossover
#                    if (verbose) cat("  cannot crossover (#vars=1), using new randoms...\n");
                    # random fill the rest
                    newPopulation[(elitism+1):popSize,] = 
                        sortedPopulation[sample(1:popSize, popSize-elitism),];
                population = newPopulation;
                evalVals   = newEvalVals;
                # do mutation
                if (mutationChance > 0) {
#                    if (verbose) cat("  applying mutations... ");
                    mutationCount = 0;
                    for (object in (elitism+1):popSize) { # don't mutate the best
                        for (var in 1:vars) {
                            if (runif(1) < mutationChance) { # ok, do mutation
                              genoma <- as.factor(population[object,])
                              levels(genoma) <- c(1:length(levels(genoma)))
                              population[object,] <- genoma
                              if (runif(1) <= (1-addStrataFactor)) {
                                  mutation <- as.numeric(sample(levels(genoma),1))
                              else  {
                                  mutation <- max(as.numeric(levels(genoma)))+1
                                # OPTION 1
                                # mutate to something random
                                #mutation = stringMin[var] +
                                #    runif(1)*(stringMax[var]-stringMin[var]);
                                # OPTION 2
                                # mutate around solution
#                                dempeningFactor = (iters-iter)/iters
#                                direction       = sample(c(-1,1),1)
#                                mutationVal     = (stringMax[var]-stringMin[var])*0.67
#                                mutationVal     = (stringMax[var]-stringMin[var])
#                                mutation = population[object,var] + direction*mutationVal
#                                mutation = population[object,var] + direction*mutationVal*dempeningFactor
                                # but in domain: if not, then take random
#                                if (mutation < stringMin[var]) 
#                                    mutation = stringMin[var] +
#                                               runif(1)*(stringMax[var]-stringMin[var]);
              # Modification 4 : possibility to go beyond the maximum                                 
                        #        if (mutation > stringMax[var]) 
                        #            mutation = stringMin[var] +
                        #                       runif(1)*(stringMax[var]-stringMin[var]);
                                # apply mutation, and delete known evalutation value
                                population[object,var] = mutation;
                                evalVals[object] = NA;
                                mutationCount = mutationCount + 1;
#                    if (verbose) cat(paste(mutationCount, "mutations applied\n"));
	# New ---------------------------------------
	for (i in (1:popSize)) {
		population[i,] <- recode(population[i,])
	# -------------------------------------------
    # report on GA settings
    result = list(type="floats chromosome", 
                  stringMin=stringMin, stringMax=stringMax,
                  popSize=popSize, iters=iters, suggestions=suggestions,
                  population=population, elitism=elitism, mutationChance=mutationChance,
                  evaluations=evalVals, best=bestEvals, mean=meanEvals);
    class(result) = "rbga";


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SamplingStrata documentation built on Nov. 16, 2022, 1:08 a.m.