conjoint: Conjoint analysis within a mixed effects model framework.

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Note Author(s) References See Also Examples

View source: R/initSensCons.R


Performs conjoint analysis within a mixed effects model framework. This function is then used in the conjoint analysis of the ConsumerCheck software tool.


conjoint(structure = 1, data, response, fixed, random, facs, 
         corr = FALSE, alpha.random = 0.1, alpha.fixed = 0.05)



numerical, takes values in c(1,2,3). Specifies the complexity of the conjoint model.

structure = 1

mixed effects model includes fixed main effects. Random effects consist of random consumer effect and interaction between consumer and the main effects.

structure = 2

mixed effects model includes main effects and all 2-factor interactions. Random effects consist of consumer effect and interaction between consumer and all fixed effects (both main and interaction ones).

structure = 3

This is a full factorial model with all possible fixed and random effects (i.e. including all main effects and all higher-way interactions). The automated reduction in random part is followed by an automated reduction in fixed part.


a data frame.


a vector. Names of the variables that correspond to the liking scores.


a list. first element is a vector with a name Product includes names of the design variables. second element with a name Consumer includes names of the consumer characteristics variables


a string with the name for a consumer variable


a vector with the names of the variables that need to be considered as factors


a logical vaue. TRUE if the correlations between random effects are included in the model. FALSE if correlations between random effects are set to 0.


significance level for elimination of the random part (for LRT test)


significance level for elimination of the fixed part (for F test)


Conjoint analysis (Green and Rao 1971; Green and Srinivasan 1978) is a method for analysing the effects of design factors and consumer characteristics on consumer likings. A common approach is to analyse it in a mixed effects model framework, where random effects consist of consumer effect and interactions between consumer effects and design factors, and fixed effects consist of design factors and consumer characteristics and possibly interactions between them.



data frame with value of Chi square statistics, p-values for the likelihood ratio test for random effects. The order of elimination of non-significant random effects for strucutre = 3


data frame with tests for whether the model fixed terms are significant (Analysis of Variance)


Least Squares Means data frame with p-values and Confidence intervals


Differences of Least Squares Means data frame with p-values and Confidence intervals. The multiplicity correction for multiple comparisons tests uses Bonferroni method


These are the residuals of the final model (for structure = 3, the reduced one)


These are the residuals that are extracted from a fixed effects model with a saturated fixed structure (main effects and all higher-way interactions form fixed part) and one fixed Consumer effect.


The tests for the random effects use likelihood ratio tests while the tests for the fixed effects use the F-test with Satterthwaites approximation to degrees of freedom. The automated reduction in the fixed part uses the principle of marginality, i.e. the highest order interactions are tested first: if they are significant, the lower order effects are not eliminated even if being non-significant.


Alexandra Kuznetsova, Per Bruun Brockhoff


Green P, Rao V (1971). Conjoint measurement for quantifying judgemental data. Journal of Marketing Research, 8, 355 - 363

Green P, Srinivasan V (1978). Conjoint analysis in consumer research: Issues and outlook. Journal of Consumer Research, 5, 103 - 123

See Also

sensmixed, SensMixedUI


## check with the  ham
response <- c("Liking")
fixed <- list(Product=c("Product", "Information"), Consumer="Gender")
random <- c("Consumer")
facs <- c("Consumer", "Product", "Information", "Gender")

res.ham <- conjoint(structure=3, ham, response, fixed, random, facs)

Example output

[1] "Calculating  Liking ..."
Number of levels for  interaction  Consumer:Product:Information is more or equal to the number of observations in data 

Number of levels for  interaction  Consumer:Product:Information is more or equal to the number of observations in data 

Warning messages:
1: In checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv,  :
  Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00425257 (tol = 0.002, component 1)
2: In checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv,  :
  Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00425258 (tol = 0.002, component 1)

Random effects:
                     Chi.sq Chi.DF elim.num p.value
Information:Consumer   1.52      1        1   0.218
Product:Consumer     164.26      1     kept  <0.001
Consumer               3.01      1     kept   0.083

Fixed effects:
                              Sum Sq   Mean Sq NumDF  DenDF   F.value elim.num
Product:Information:Gender  5.991542 1.9971805     3 316.02 1.1995135        1
Product:Gender              1.743572 0.5811906     3 237.00 0.3483748        2
Information:Gender          1.407454 1.4074535     1 319.00 0.8436494        3
Gender                      1.465605 1.4656048     1  79.00 0.8789376        4
Product:Information        10.387346 3.4624486     3 320.00 2.0764599        5
Product                    19.346565 6.4488550     3 240.00 3.8291490     kept
Information                 6.520062 6.5200617     1 323.00 3.8714296     kept
Product:Information:Gender  0.310
Product:Gender              0.790
Information:Gender          0.359
Gender                      0.351
Product:Information         0.103
Product                     0.010
Information                 0.050

Least squares means:
               Product Information Estimate Standard Error  DF t-value Lower CI
Product  1           1          NA    5.809          0.232 313    25.0     5.35
Product  2           2          NA    5.105          0.232 313    22.0     4.65
Product  3           3          NA    6.093          0.232 313    26.2     5.64
Product  4           4          NA    5.926          0.232 313    25.5     5.47
Information  1      NA           1    5.633          0.140 106    40.3     5.36
Information  2      NA           2    5.833          0.140 106    41.7     5.56
               Upper CI p-value    
Product  1         6.27  <2e-16 ***
Product  2         5.56  <2e-16 ***
Product  3         6.55  <2e-16 ***
Product  4         6.38  <2e-16 ***
Information  1     5.91  <2e-16 ***
Information  2     6.11  <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

 Differences of LSMEANS:
                  Estimate Standard Error    DF t-value Lower CI Upper CI
Product 1 - 2          0.7          0.314 240.0   2.240   0.0849    1.323
Product 1 - 3         -0.3          0.314 240.0  -0.900  -0.9027    0.335
Product 1 - 4         -0.1          0.314 240.0  -0.370  -0.7361    0.501
Product 2 - 3         -1.0          0.314 240.0  -3.140  -1.6064   -0.369
Product 2 - 4         -0.8          0.314 240.0  -2.610  -1.4398   -0.202
Product 3 - 4          0.2          0.314 240.0   0.530  -0.4521    0.785
Information 1 - 2     -0.2          0.102 323.0  -1.970  -0.4012    0.000
                  p-value p-value.adjust  
Product 1 - 2      0.0260           0.16  
Product 1 - 3      0.3669           1.00  
Product 1 - 4      0.7092           1.00  
Product 2 - 3      0.0019           0.01 *
Product 2 - 4      0.0095           0.06 .
Product 3 - 4      0.5962           1.00  
Information 1 - 2  0.0500           0.05 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
                         Chi.sq Chi.DF elim.num p.value
Information:Consumer   1.520722      1        1   0.218
Product:Consumer     164.262745      1     kept  <0.001
Consumer               3.010458      1     kept   0.083

                              Sum Sq   Mean Sq NumDF     DenDF   F.value
Product:Information:Gender  5.991542 1.9971805     3 316.01961 1.1995135
Product:Gender              1.743572 0.5811906     3 236.99997 0.3483748
Information:Gender          1.407454 1.4074535     1 318.99997 0.8436494
Gender                      1.465605 1.4656048     1  79.00021 0.8789376
Product:Information        10.387346 3.4624486     3 320.00000 2.0764599
Product                    19.346565 6.4488550     3 239.99924 3.8291490
Information                 6.520062 6.5200617     1 322.99926 3.8714296
                           elim.num Pr(>F)
Product:Information:Gender        1  0.310
Product:Gender                    2  0.790
Information:Gender                3  0.359
Gender                            4  0.351
Product:Information               5  0.103
Product                        kept  0.010
Information                    kept  0.050

               Product Information Estimate Standard Error    DF t-value
Product  1           1        <NA>   5.8086         0.2323 313.1   25.01
Product  2           2        <NA>   5.1049         0.2323 313.1   21.98
Product  3           3        <NA>   6.0926         0.2323 313.1   26.23
Product  4           4        <NA>   5.9259         0.2323 313.1   25.51
Information  1    <NA>           1   5.6327         0.1398 105.8   40.29
Information  2    <NA>           2   5.8333         0.1398 105.8   41.73
               Lower CI Upper CI p-value
Product  1       5.3517   6.2656       0
Product  2       4.6479   5.5619       0
Product  3       5.6356   6.5496       0
Product  4       5.4689   6.3829       0
Information  1   5.3555   5.9099       0
Information  2   5.5562   6.1105       0

                  Estimate Standard Error  DF t-value Lower CI Upper CI p-value
Product 1 - 2       0.7037         0.3141 240    2.24   0.0849   1.3225  0.0260
Product 1 - 3      -0.2840         0.3141 240   -0.90  -0.9027   0.3348  0.3669
Product 1 - 4      -0.1173         0.3141 240   -0.37  -0.7361   0.5015  0.7092
Product 2 - 3      -0.9877         0.3141 240   -3.14  -1.6064  -0.3689  0.0019
Product 2 - 4      -0.8210         0.3141 240   -2.61  -1.4398  -0.2022  0.0095
Product 3 - 4       0.1667         0.3141 240    0.53  -0.4521   0.7854  0.5962
Information 1 - 2  -0.2006         0.1020 323   -1.97  -0.4012   0.0000  0.0500
Product 1 - 2             0.1560
Product 1 - 3             1.0000
Product 1 - 4             1.0000
Product 2 - 3             0.0114
Product 2 - 4             0.0570
Product 3 - 4             1.0000
Information 1 - 2         0.0500

           1            2            3            4            5            6 
-0.028055053 -0.228672337 -0.090493749 -0.291111033 -1.087892137  0.711490579 
           7            8            9           10           11           12 
 0.157960230 -0.042657054 -0.149932348 -0.350549632  0.235916655  1.035299371 
          13           14           15           16           17           18 
 0.422422368  0.221805084  0.246813534  0.046196250  0.314544368  0.113927084 
          19           20           21           22           23           24 
-1.958624929  1.840757788 -0.139927416  0.659455300  2.079098450 -2.121518833 
          25           26           27           28           29           30 
 0.393406147  0.192788863  0.093410351 -1.107206933 -0.087892137 -0.288509421 
          31           32           33           34           35           36 
-0.447405070  0.351977646 -1.231616400  0.567766316 -0.294055096 -0.494672380 
          37           38           39           40           41           42 
-0.869992284  0.929390432  0.770494783 -0.430122501 -0.063901316 -0.264518600 
          43           44           45           46           47           48 
 0.479025288 -0.721591996  0.508453400  0.307836116 -2.088616633  1.710766083 
          49           50           51           52           53           54 
 1.195163542 -0.005453742 -1.131658754 -0.332276038 -0.075404142  0.723978574 
          55           56           57           58           59           60 
 0.116795225 -1.083822059 -0.319497943  0.479884773 -0.381936639  0.417446077 
          61           62           63           64           65           66 
-1.168604427  1.630778289  0.471882640  0.271265356 -0.305159438  0.494223278 
          67           68           69           70           71           72 
-0.367598134  0.431784582  0.451099378  0.250482094 -1.329874755  1.469507961 
          73           74           75           76           77           78 
 0.448263699 -0.752353585  0.228747402  1.028130119 -0.584746885  1.214635831 
          79           80           81           82           83           84 
 0.239644282  0.039026998  0.779021084  0.578403800 -0.758531812 -0.959149096 
          85           86           87           88           89           90 
 3.086992200 -3.113625084  0.727479266 -0.473138017 -0.428008495 -0.628625779 
          91           92           93           94           95           96 
-0.701177791 -0.901795075 -0.250288479  0.549094237  0.600929188  0.400311904 
          97           98           99          100          101          102 
 0.568290484  0.367673200 -0.758531812 -0.959149096  0.481626900 -0.718990384 
         103          104          105          106          107          108 
 0.543575166  0.342957882  1.223840552  0.023223268 -0.708347043 -0.908964327 
         109          110          111          112          113          114 
-0.889649531 -0.090266815  1.172298735 -1.028318549 -0.712282132  0.087100584 
         115          116          117          118          119          120 
-0.142529029  0.656853687  0.254707284  0.054090000 -0.104805650  0.694577066 
         121          122          123          124          125          126 
 2.395256658 -2.805360626 -0.694008538 -0.894625822 -0.848484526  0.950898190 
         127          128          129          130          131          132 
-1.207997459  1.591385257 -0.051413322  0.747969394  0.070052082 -0.130565202 
         133          134          135          136          137          138 
-0.111250406  0.688132310  0.080948961 -1.119668323  1.546782726 -0.653834558 
         139          140          141          142          143          144 
 0.036056330 -1.164560954  0.065484442 -0.135132842 -0.083297892  0.716084824 
         145          146          147          148          149          150 
 0.872221368  0.671604084 -0.665331527 -0.865948811 -0.873460515 -1.074077799 
         151          152          153          154          155          156 
 0.004583651 -0.196033633  0.371898389  0.171281105 -0.533462707 -0.734079991 
         157          158          159          160          161          162 
-0.082573395  0.716809321  0.925721872 -1.274895412  0.443590916  0.242973632 
         163          164          165          166          167          168 
-1.067135480 -0.267752764  0.146196732 -1.054420552 -0.607950901  0.191431815 
         169          170          171          172          173          174 
 2.268706579 -1.931910705 -0.636654517 -0.837271801  1.182042996 -2.018574288 
         175          176          177          178          179          180 
 0.217164762 -0.983452522  0.888410385 -0.312206899 -0.622316011 -0.822933295 
         181          182          183          184          185          186 
-0.619714399 -0.820331683  1.231503268 -1.969114016  0.446413188  0.245795904 
         187          188          189          190          191          192 
 0.383974492  0.183357208  0.991941404 -0.208675880 -0.183667429  0.615715287 
         193          194          195          196          197          198 
-0.106916832 -0.307534116 -0.142529029  0.656853687 -0.350658016  0.448724700 
         199          200          201          202          203          204 
-0.104805650  0.694577066  0.998771447 -0.201845837 -0.722685549 -0.923302833 
         205          206          207          208          209          210 
-0.666430937  1.132951779  1.341864330 -1.858752954 -3.547389321  3.251993395 
         211          212          213          214          215          216 
-0.636654517 -0.837271801  0.419600095  0.218982811 -1.204296438 -0.404913722 
         217          218          219          220          221          222 
 0.089475262 -0.111142022  1.053863066 -0.146754218 -0.364996522  0.434386194 
         223          224          225          226          227          228 
 0.670125245 -0.530492039 -0.348174954  0.451207762  1.010847550 -0.189769734 
         229          230          231          232          233          234 
 0.802718562 -0.397898722  0.443205629  0.242588345  0.510936462  0.310319178 
         235          236          237          238          239          240 
-0.578328734  0.221053982  0.451099378  0.250482094 -0.935240055  0.864142661 
         241          242          243          244          245          246 
-1.109739105  0.689643611 -0.593639001 -0.794256285 -1.591037388  0.208345328 
         247          248          249          250          251          252 
 1.865545578 -2.335071706 -0.705112879  0.094269837 -0.135359776  0.664022940 
         253          254          255          256          257          258 
 0.656511236 -0.544106048 -0.097636397  0.701746319 -1.269313174  1.530069542 
         259          260          261          262          263          264 
-1.147847770  0.651534946 -1.329150258  1.470232458  0.311336808  0.110719524 
         265          266          267          268          269          270 
 0.060798252 -0.139819032  0.235916655  1.035299371  0.211691768  0.011074484 
         271          272          273          274          275          276 
 1.246813534 -0.953803750 -1.485362516  0.314020200 -0.099513513  0.699869203 
         277          278          279          280          281          282 
 0.903088100 -0.297529184 -0.483251333  0.316131383  0.802379352 -0.398237932 
         283          284          285          286          287          288 
-0.076155244 -0.276772528  0.715715769 -1.484901515  0.356202835 -0.844414449 
         289          290          291          292          293          294 
-0.663947874  1.135434842 -0.515655971  1.283726745 -0.934515558  0.864867158 
         295          296          297          298          299          300 
-0.320854991 -0.521472275 -2.471024011  1.328358705 -0.928097407 -0.128714691 
         301          302          303          304          305          306 
 0.522791905  0.322174621  1.557913672 -0.642703612  0.175506294 -0.025110989 
         307          308          309          310          311          312 
-0.492297702  0.307085014  0.510303911 -0.690313373  0.334695077 -0.865922207 
         313          314          315          316          317          318 
-0.537397796  0.261984920 -0.178375292  0.621007424 -0.175773680  0.623609036 
         319          320          321          322          323          324 
 0.070078687  0.869461403  0.941417426 -0.259199858  1.246786930 -1.953830354 
         325          326          327          328          329          330 
-0.118419658  0.680963058  0.495240909 -0.705376375 -1.759970431  2.039412285 
         331          332          333          334          335          336 
-1.033139728  0.766242988 -0.241268715 -0.441885999 -0.627608148 -0.828225432 
         337          338          339          340          341          342 
 0.807698094  0.607080810 -1.492297702  1.307085014 -0.727253189 -0.927870473 
         343          344          345          346          347          348 
 0.940060377 -1.260556907  1.971944947 -2.228672337  1.357793951  0.157176667 
         349          350          351          352          353          354 
-2.482526837  2.316855879 -0.895692770 -1.096310054 -0.770607915 -0.971225199 
         355          356          357          358          359          360 
 4.220606388 -3.980010896  1.223208001 -0.977409283 -0.795323232 -0.995940516 
         361          362          363          364          365          366 
 0.400575400  0.199958116 -0.715516296 -0.916133580 -0.475357584  0.324025132 
         367          368          369          370          371          372 
 0.165129483 -0.035487801 -0.514039527 -0.714656811 -0.522825223  1.276557493 
         373          374          375          376          377          378 
-0.730954211  1.068428505 -0.090467144  0.708915572 -0.133743332 -1.334360616 
         379          380          381          382          383          384 
 0.068201571  0.867584287  0.676168484  0.475551200 -0.315536250  0.483846466 
         385          386          387          388          389          390 
-0.989386517  0.809996199 -0.419633414  1.379749303  0.582968199  0.382350915 
         391          392          393          394          395          396 
 0.618089965  0.417472682  0.757513326  0.556896042  0.062882829 -0.137734454 
         397          398          399          400          401          402 
-0.329150258  0.470232458 -0.926220291 -0.126837575 -0.106916832 -0.307534116 
         403          404          405          406          407          408 
 1.673566871 -0.527050413 -0.166753916 -0.367371200  0.895194350 -0.305422934 
         409          410          411          412          413          414 
-0.535547285 -0.736164569  0.061032319  0.860415035 -0.147096669  0.652286047 
         415          416          417          418          419          420 
 0.493390398  0.292773114  1.345071889 -1.855545395 -2.506636207  2.292746509 
         421          422          423          424          425          426 
 1.312061305 -0.888555979 -2.468912828  2.330469888 -0.190451395  0.608931321 
         427          428          429          430          431          432 
-0.042159491  0.757223225 -0.882480279 -0.083097563 -0.663454412 -0.864071696 
         433          434          435          436          437          438 
-0.121255338 -0.321872621 -0.156867534  0.642515182 -1.154265922  1.645116794 
         439          440          441          442          443          444 
-0.119144155  0.680238561  0.433925194 -0.766692090  0.214408897  1.013791613 
         445          446          447          448          449          450 
-0.599085390  1.200297326  0.436036376  0.235419092 -0.544567048  0.254815668 
         451          452          453          454          455          456 
-0.369448645  1.429934071  1.027787668 -0.172829616  0.641448234 -0.559169050 
         457          458          459          460          461          462 
 0.584479500 -0.616137784  0.522040804 -0.678576480  0.919277116 -1.281340168 
         463          464          465          466          467          468 
 1.349033583 -1.851583701  0.955755931 -0.244861353 -0.133509265 -0.334126549 
         469          470          471          472          473          474 
-0.130907653 -0.331524937  0.720310014 -0.480307270 -0.178609359 -0.379226643 
         475          476          477          478          479          480 
 0.207239644  1.006622360  0.999110657 -0.201506627  1.034232424 -0.166384860 
         481          482          483          484          485          486 
 0.512786973 -0.687830311  1.082540077 -0.118077207 -0.941684811  0.857697905 
         487          488          489          490          491          492 
 0.488071656 -0.712545628  1.309225626 -1.891391658  1.089709329 -0.110907955 
         493          494          495          496          497          498 
-0.329150258  0.470232458  0.495240909 -0.705376375  0.632813758  0.432196474 
         499          500          501          502          503          504 
-0.667182038  0.132200678  0.124688974 -1.075928310 -0.445554559 -0.646171843 
         505          506          507          508          509          510 
-0.824493706  0.974889011  2.113067598 -2.087549686 -2.911157289  1.888225427 
         511          512          513          514          515          516 
 2.150790977 -2.049826307  0.075136757 -0.125480527  1.039524561 -0.161092723 
         517          518          519          520          521          522 
 0.831395573 -0.369221711 -0.344213260  0.455169456  2.048956216 -1.151661068 
         523          524          525          526          527          528 
-0.856404880 -0.057022164 -0.880629768 -1.081247052  2.602779699 -2.597837585 
         529          530          531          532          533          534 
-0.712282132  0.087100584  0.462836271  0.262218987 -0.745292716  1.054090000 
         535          536          537          538          539          540 
 0.289829050  0.089211766 -0.197620648  0.601762068 -1.286885844  0.512496872 
         541          542          543          544          545          546 
-0.100380131 -1.300997415 -0.616970665  1.182412051  1.878744662 -2.321872621 
         547          548          549          550          551          552 
 0.053863066  0.853245782  0.661829978  0.461212694 -0.145970655 -0.346587939 
         553          554          555          556          557          558 
-1.746277885  0.053104831  0.877128218  0.676510935  0.668999231  0.468381947 
         559          560          561          562          563          564 
 0.071929198 -0.128688086 -0.362513459  0.436869257 -0.819586855  0.979795861 
         565          566          567          568          569          570 
 0.604475957  0.403858673  0.639597723  0.438980440 -0.697943627  0.101439089 
         571          572          573          574          575          576 
 0.898635976  0.698018693 -0.573876611 -0.774493895  0.514898156  0.314280872 
         577          578          579          580          581          582 
-2.740959143  2.058423573 -0.355110139  1.444272577 -2.984700327  2.814682389 
         583          584          585          586          587          588 
 0.682613240  0.481995956 -2.148081837  0.651300879 -0.340771634  1.458611082 
         589          590          591          592          593          594 
 0.240368778  0.039751494  0.696951745  0.496334461  0.864406157 -1.336211127 
         595          596          597          598          599          600 
-1.381936639  1.417446077  0.647491473  0.446874189  0.471882640  0.271265356 
         601          602          603          604          605          606 
-0.065751827  0.733630889  0.477174777  0.276557493 -0.363146011 -0.563763295 
         607          608          609          610          611          612 
 0.093436956 -0.107180328 -0.001228553  0.798154163  1.936332751 -1.264284533 
         613          614          615          616          617          618 
 0.885281364 -2.315335920 -0.868866270 -0.069483554  0.225691063  0.025073779 
         619          620          621          622          623          624 
-0.258208833 -0.458826117 -0.860972521 -0.061589804 -1.615120154  1.184262562 
         625          626          627          628          629          630 
 2.257190346 -1.943426938  1.221578150  0.020960866  1.408083862 -0.792533422 
         631          632          633          634          635          636 
 0.021744429 -0.178872855 -2.844150953  1.955231763 -2.274397849  2.524984867 
         637          638          639          640          641          642 
-1.087892137  0.711490579  1.157960230 -1.042657054  0.548633236 -0.651984047 
         643          644          645          646          647          648 
 0.302290440  0.101673156 -1.905838547  1.893544169  0.313187319 -0.887429965 

    Product Information Gender Consumer         resid
1         1           1      1        1 -7.828460e-14
2         1           2      1        1  4.878049e-02
3         2           1      1        1 -2.439024e-01
4         2           2      1        1 -8.536585e-01
5         3           1      1        1 -1.121951e+00
6         3           2      1        1  3.658537e-01
7         4           1      1        1  9.512195e-01
8         4           2      1        1  8.536585e-01
9         1           1      2        2 -2.115625e+00
10        1           2      2        2 -2.490625e+00
11        2           1      2        2  1.784375e+00
12        2           2      2        2  2.584375e+00
13        3           1      2        2  7.093750e-01
14        3           2      2        2  3.593750e-01
15        4           1      2        2 -6.656250e-01
16        4           2      2        2 -1.656250e-01
17        1           1      1        3  6.250000e-01
18        1           2      1        3  6.737805e-01
19        2           1      1        3 -2.618902e+00
20        2           2      1        3  7.713415e-01
21        3           1      1        3  5.030488e-01
22        3           2      1        3  9.908537e-01
23        4           1      1        3  1.576220e+00
24        4           2      1        3 -2.521341e+00
25        1           1      1        4  2.000000e+00
26        1           2      1        4  2.048780e+00
27        2           1      1        4 -1.243902e+00
28        2           2      1        4 -2.853659e+00
29        3           1      1        4 -1.219512e-01
30        3           2      1        4 -6.341463e-01
31        4           1      1        4 -4.878049e-02
32        4           2      1        4  8.536585e-01
33        1           1      2        5 -1.865625e+00
34        1           2      2        5 -2.406250e-01
35        2           1      2        5 -9.656250e-01
36        2           2      2        5 -1.165625e+00
37        3           1      2        5 -4.062500e-02
38        3           2      2        5  1.609375e+00
39        4           1      2        5  1.584375e+00
40        4           2      2        5  1.084375e+00
41        1           1      1        6 -6.250000e-01
42        1           2      1        6 -5.762195e-01
43        2           1      1        6  1.310976e-01
44        2           2      1        6 -1.478659e+00
45        3           1      1        6  2.253049e+00
46        3           2      1        6  1.740854e+00
47        4           1      1        6 -2.673780e+00
48        4           2      1        6  1.228659e+00
49        1           1      2        7  3.759375e+00
50        1           2      2        7  2.384375e+00
51        2           1      2        7 -3.340625e+00
52        2           2      2        7 -2.540625e+00
53        3           1      2        7  1.584375e+00
54        3           2      2        7  2.234375e+00
55        4           1      2        7 -1.790625e+00
56        4           2      2        7 -2.290625e+00
57        1           1      1        8 -8.750000e-01
58        1           2      1        8  1.737805e-01
59        2           1      1        8 -1.118902e+00
60        2           2      1        8 -7.286585e-01
61        3           1      1        8 -9.969512e-01
62        3           2      1        8  1.490854e+00
63        4           1      1        8  1.076220e+00
64        4           2      1        8  9.786585e-01
65        1           1      1        9 -6.250000e-01
66        1           2      1        9  4.237805e-01
67        2           1      1        9 -8.689024e-01
68        2           2      1        9 -4.786585e-01
69        3           1      1        9  1.253049e+00
70        3           2      1        9  7.408537e-01
71        4           1      1        9 -1.673780e+00
72        4           2      1        9  1.228659e+00
73        1           1      1       10 -1.250000e+00
74        1           2      1       10 -2.201220e+00
75        2           1      1       10  1.506098e+00
76        2           2      1       10  1.896341e+00
77        3           1      1       10 -3.719512e-01
78        3           2      1       10  1.115854e+00
79        4           1      1       10 -2.987805e-01
80        4           2      1       10 -3.963415e-01
81        1           1      2       11  3.384375e+00
82        1           2      2       11  3.009375e+00
83        2           1      2       11 -3.715625e+00
84        2           2      2       11 -3.915625e+00
85        3           1      2       11  3.209375e+00
86        3           2      2       11 -3.140625e+00
87        4           1      2       11  8.343750e-01
88        4           2      2       11  3.343750e-01
89        1           1      2       12 -1.615625e+00
90        1           2      2       12 -1.990625e+00
91        2           1      2       12 -2.715625e+00
92        2           2      2       12 -2.915625e+00
93        3           1      2       12  1.209375e+00
94        3           2      2       12  1.859375e+00
95        4           1      2       12  2.834375e+00
96        4           2      2       12  3.334375e+00
97        1           1      2       13  2.384375e+00
98        1           2      2       13  2.009375e+00
99        2           1      2       13 -3.715625e+00
100       2           2      2       13 -3.915625e+00
101       3           1      2       13  2.093750e-01
102       3           2      2       13 -1.140625e+00
103       4           1      2       13  1.834375e+00
104       4           2      2       13  2.334375e+00
105       1           1      2       14  4.259375e+00
106       1           2      2       14  2.884375e+00
107       2           1      2       14 -2.840625e+00
108       2           2      2       14 -3.040625e+00
109       3           1      2       14 -1.915625e+00
110       3           2      2       14 -1.265625e+00
111       4           1      2       14  1.709375e+00
112       4           2      2       14  2.093750e-01
113       1           1      1       15 -2.375000e+00
114       1           2      1       15 -1.326220e+00
115       2           1      1       15  3.810976e-01
116       2           2      1       15  7.713415e-01
117       3           1      1       15  5.030488e-01
118       3           2      1       15 -9.146341e-03
119       4           1      1       15  5.762195e-01
120       4           2      1       15  1.478659e+00
121       1           1      2       16  2.509375e+00
122       1           2      2       16 -2.865625e+00
123       2           1      2       16 -2.590625e+00
124       2           2      2       16 -2.790625e+00
125       3           1      2       16  3.343750e-01
126       3           2      2       16  1.984375e+00
127       4           1      2       16 -4.062500e-02
128       4           2      2       16  3.459375e+00
129       1           1      1       17  1.125000e+00
130       1           2      1       17  2.173780e+00
131       2           1      1       17 -1.189024e-01
132       2           2      1       17 -7.286585e-01
133       3           1      1       17  1.003049e+00
134       3           2      1       17  1.490854e+00
135       4           1      1       17 -1.923780e+00
136       4           2      1       17 -3.021341e+00
137       1           1      1       18  3.000000e+00
138       1           2      1       18  1.048780e+00
139       2           1      1       18 -2.243902e+00
140       2           2      1       18 -3.853659e+00
141       3           1      1       18 -1.219512e-01
142       3           2      1       18 -6.341463e-01
143       4           1      1       18  9.512195e-01
144       4           2      1       18  1.853659e+00
145       1           1      1       19  5.000000e+00
146       1           2      1       19  5.048780e+00
147       2           1      1       19 -2.243902e+00
148       2           2      1       19 -2.853659e+00
149       3           1      1       19 -3.121951e+00
150       3           2      1       19 -3.634146e+00
151       4           1      1       19  9.512195e-01
152       4           2      1       19  8.536585e-01
153       1           1      1       20  1.625000e+00
154       1           2      1       20  1.673780e+00
155       2           1      1       20 -2.618902e+00
156       2           2      1       20 -3.228659e+00
157       3           1      1       20  1.503049e+00
158       3           2      1       20  1.990854e+00
159       4           1      1       20  5.762195e-01
160       4           2      1       20 -1.521341e+00
161       1           1      1       21  2.875000e+00
162       1           2      1       21  2.923780e+00
163       2           1      1       21 -2.368902e+00
164       2           2      1       21 -1.978659e+00
165       3           1      1       21 -2.469512e-01
166       3           2      1       21 -1.759146e+00
167       4           1      1       21 -1.737805e-01
168       4           2      1       21  7.286585e-01
169       1           1      2       22  4.509375e+00
170       1           2      2       22  1.343750e-01
171       2           1      2       22 -1.590625e+00
172       2           2      2       22 -1.790625e+00
173       3           1      2       22  1.334375e+00
174       3           2      2       22 -2.015625e+00
175       4           1      2       22 -4.062500e-02
176       4           2      2       22 -5.406250e-01
177       1           1      2       23  3.759375e+00
178       1           2      2       23  2.384375e+00
179       2           1      2       23 -1.340625e+00
180       2           2      2       23 -1.540625e+00
181       3           1      2       23 -1.415625e+00
182       3           2      2       23 -1.765625e+00
183       4           1      2       23  1.209375e+00
184       4           2      2       23 -1.290625e+00
185       1           1      1       24  2.500000e-01
186       1           2      1       24  2.987805e-01
187       2           1      1       24  6.097561e-03
188       2           2      1       24 -6.036585e-01
189       3           1      1       24  1.128049e+00
190       3           2      1       24 -3.841463e-01
191       4           1      1       24 -7.987805e-01
192       4           2      1       24  1.036585e-01
193       1           1      1       25 -1.375000e+00
194       1           2      1       25 -1.326220e+00
195       2           1      1       25  3.810976e-01
196       2           2      1       25  7.713415e-01
197       3           1      1       25 -4.969512e-01
198       3           2      1       25 -9.146341e-03
199       4           1      1       25  5.762195e-01
200       4           2      1       25  1.478659e+00
201       1           1      2       26  3.009375e+00
202       1           2      2       26  1.634375e+00
203       2           1      2       26 -3.090625e+00
204       2           2      2       26 -3.290625e+00
205       3           1      2       26  8.343750e-01
206       3           2      2       26  2.484375e+00
207       4           1      2       26  4.593750e-01
208       4           2      2       26 -2.040625e+00
209       1           1      2       29 -2.490625e+00
210       1           2      2       29  4.134375e+00
211       2           1      2       29 -1.590625e+00
212       2           2      2       29 -1.790625e+00
213       3           1      2       29  3.334375e+00
214       3           2      2       29  2.984375e+00
215       4           1      2       29 -3.040625e+00
216       4           2      2       29 -1.540625e+00
217       1           1      2       30 -6.156250e-01
218       1           2      2       30 -9.906250e-01
219       2           1      2       30  2.284375e+00
220       2           2      2       30  1.084375e+00
221       3           1      2       30 -7.906250e-01
222       3           2      2       30 -1.406250e-01
223       4           1      2       30 -1.656250e-01
224       4           2      2       30 -6.656250e-01
225       1           1      1       31 -1.375000e+00
226       1           2      1       31 -3.262195e-01
227       2           1      1       31  1.381098e+00
228       2           2      1       31 -2.286585e-01
229       3           1      1       31  5.030488e-01
230       3           2      1       31 -1.009146e+00
231       4           1      1       31  5.762195e-01
232       4           2      1       31  4.786585e-01
233       1           1      2       32  1.384375e+00
234       1           2      2       32  1.009375e+00
235       2           1      2       32 -1.715625e+00
236       2           2      2       32 -9.156250e-01
237       3           1      2       32  1.209375e+00
238       3           2      2       32  8.593750e-01
239       4           1      2       32 -2.165625e+00
240       4           2      2       32  3.343750e-01
241       1           1      1       33  2.500000e-01
242       1           2      1       33  2.298780e+00
243       2           1      1       33 -9.939024e-01
244       2           2      1       33 -1.603659e+00
245       3           1      1       33 -1.871951e+00
246       3           2      1       33 -3.841463e-01
247       4           1      1       33  3.201220e+00
248       4           2      1       33 -8.963415e-01
249       1           1      1       34 -2.250000e+00
250       1           2      1       34 -1.201220e+00
251       2           1      1       34  5.060976e-01
252       2           2      1       34  8.963415e-01
253       3           1      1       34  6.280488e-01
254       3           2      1       34 -8.841463e-01
255       4           1      1       34  7.012195e-01
256       4           2      1       34  1.603659e+00
257       1           1      2       35 -9.906250e-01
258       1           2      2       35  1.634375e+00
259       2           1      2       35 -2.090625e+00
260       2           2      2       35 -2.906250e-01
261       3           1      2       35 -1.165625e+00
262       3           2      2       35  1.484375e+00
263       4           1      2       35  4.593750e-01
264       4           2      2       35  9.593750e-01
265       1           1      2       36 -1.115625e+00
266       1           2      2       36 -1.490625e+00
267       2           1      2       36  1.784375e+00
268       2           2      2       36  2.584375e+00
269       3           1      2       36 -2.906250e-01
270       3           2      2       36 -6.406250e-01
271       4           1      2       36  3.343750e-01
272       4           2      2       36 -1.165625e+00
273       1           1      1       37 -3.625000e+00
274       1           2      1       37 -1.576220e+00
275       2           1      1       37  1.131098e+00
276       2           2      1       37  1.521341e+00
277       3           1      1       37  2.253049e+00
278       3           2      1       37  7.408537e-01
279       4           1      1       37 -6.737805e-01
280       4           2      1       37  2.286585e-01
281       1           1      1       38  2.250000e+00
282       1           2      1       38  1.298780e+00
283       2           1      1       38  6.097561e-03
284       2           2      1       38 -6.036585e-01
285       3           1      1       38  1.280488e-01
286       3           2      1       38 -2.384146e+00
287       4           1      1       38  2.012195e-01
288       4           2      1       38 -8.963415e-01
289       1           1      1       39  3.424933e-15
290       1           2      1       39  2.048780e+00
291       2           1      1       39  7.560976e-01
292       2           2      1       39  2.146341e+00
293       3           1      1       39 -1.121951e+00
294       3           2      1       39  3.658537e-01
295       4           1      1       39 -2.048780e+00
296       4           2      1       39 -2.146341e+00
297       1           1      2       40 -4.365625e+00
298       1           2      2       40 -7.406250e-01
299       2           1      2       40 -2.465625e+00
300       2           2      2       40 -1.665625e+00
301       3           1      2       40  2.459375e+00
302       3           2      2       40  2.109375e+00
303       4           1      2       40  3.084375e+00
304       4           2      2       40  1.584375e+00
305       1           1      1       41  8.750000e-01
306       1           2      1       41  9.237805e-01
307       2           1      1       41 -3.689024e-01
308       2           2      1       41  2.134146e-02
309       3           1      1       41  7.530488e-01
310       3           2      1       41 -7.591463e-01
311       4           1      1       41 -1.737805e-01
312       4           2      1       41 -1.271341e+00
313       1           1      1       42 -2.000000e+00
314       1           2      1       42 -9.512195e-01
315       2           1      1       42 -2.439024e-01
316       2           2      1       42  1.463415e-01
317       3           1      1       42 -1.219512e-01
318       3           2      1       42  3.658537e-01
319       4           1      1       42  9.512195e-01
320       4           2      1       42  1.853659e+00
321       1           1      1       43  2.000000e+00
322       1           2      1       43  1.048780e+00
323       2           1      1       43 -2.439024e-01
324       2           2      1       43 -3.853659e+00
325       3           1      1       43  8.780488e-01
326       3           2      1       43  1.365854e+00
327       4           1      1       43 -4.878049e-02
328       4           2      1       43 -1.146341e+00
329       1           1      2       44  9.375000e-03
330       1           2      2       44  3.634375e+00
331       2           1      2       44 -9.062500e-02
332       2           2      2       44  1.709375e+00
333       3           1      2       44 -1.656250e-01
334       3           2      2       44 -5.156250e-01
335       4           1      2       44 -2.540625e+00
336       4           2      2       44 -2.040625e+00
337       1           1      2       45  3.884375e+00
338       1           2      2       45  3.509375e+00
339       2           1      2       45 -1.215625e+00
340       2           2      2       45  1.584375e+00
341       3           1      2       45 -3.290625e+00
342       3           2      2       45 -3.640625e+00
343       4           1      2       45  3.343750e-01
344       4           2      2       45 -1.165625e+00
345       1           1      1       46  2.000000e+00
346       1           2      1       46 -1.951220e+00
347       2           1      1       46  4.756098e+00
348       2           2      1       46  3.146341e+00
349       3           1      1       46 -2.121951e+00
350       3           2      1       46  2.365854e+00
351       4           1      1       46 -4.048780e+00
352       4           2      1       46 -4.146341e+00
353       1           1      2       47 -2.240625e+00
354       1           2      2       47 -2.615625e+00
355       2           1      2       47  6.659375e+00
356       2           2      2       47 -1.540625e+00
357       3           1      2       47  3.584375e+00
358       3           2      2       47  1.234375e+00
359       4           1      2       47 -2.790625e+00
360       4           2      2       47 -2.290625e+00
361       1           1      2       48  2.134375e+00
362       1           2      2       48  1.759375e+00
363       2           1      2       48 -2.965625e+00
364       2           2      2       48 -3.165625e+00
365       3           1      2       48 -4.062500e-02
366       3           2      2       48  6.093750e-01
367       4           1      2       48  5.843750e-01
368       4           2      2       48  1.084375e+00
369       1           1      1       49 -3.125000e+00
370       1           2      1       49 -3.076220e+00
371       2           1      1       49  6.310976e-01
372       2           2      1       49  2.021341e+00
373       3           1      1       49 -2.469512e-01
374       3           2      1       49  1.240854e+00
375       4           1      1       49  8.262195e-01
376       4           2      1       49  1.728659e+00
377       1           1      2       50 -3.365625e+00
378       1           2      2       50 -4.740625e+00
379       2           1      2       50  1.534375e+00
380       2           2      2       50  2.334375e+00
381       3           1      2       50  2.459375e+00
382       3           2      2       50  2.109375e+00
383       4           1      2       50 -9.156250e-01
384       4           2      2       50  5.843750e-01
385       1           1      2       51 -2.990625e+00
386       1           2      2       51 -1.365625e+00
387       2           1      2       51 -9.062500e-02
388       2           2      2       51  1.709375e+00
389       3           1      2       51  8.343750e-01
390       3           2      2       51  4.843750e-01
391       4           1      2       51  4.593750e-01
392       4           2      2       51  9.593750e-01
393       1           1      2       52  3.009375e+00
394       1           2      2       52  2.634375e+00
395       2           1      2       52 -9.062500e-02
396       2           2      2       52 -2.906250e-01
397       3           1      2       52 -1.656250e-01
398       3           2      2       52  4.843750e-01
399       4           1      2       52 -3.540625e+00
400       4           2      2       52 -2.040625e+00
401       1           1      1       53 -1.375000e+00
402       1           2      1       53 -1.326220e+00
403       2           1      1       53  3.381098e+00
404       2           2      1       53  7.713415e-01
405       3           1      1       53 -1.496951e+00
406       3           2      1       53 -2.009146e+00
407       4           1      1       53  1.576220e+00
408       4           2      1       53  4.786585e-01
409       1           1      2       54 -3.490625e+00
410       1           2      2       54 -3.865625e+00
411       2           1      2       54  1.409375e+00
412       2           2      2       54  2.209375e+00
413       3           1      2       54  3.343750e-01
414       3           2      2       54  9.843750e-01
415       4           1      2       54  9.593750e-01
416       4           2      2       54  1.459375e+00
417       1           1      1       55  6.250000e-01
418       1           2      1       55 -2.326220e+00
419       2           1      1       55 -2.618902e+00
420       2           2      1       55  1.771341e+00
421       3           1      1       55  2.503049e+00
422       3           2      1       55 -9.146341e-03
423       4           1      1       55 -2.423780e+00
424       4           2      1       55  2.478659e+00
425       1           1      2       56  1.384375e+00
426       1           2      2       56  2.009375e+00
427       2           1      2       56  2.284375e+00
428       2           2      2       56  3.084375e+00
429       3           1      2       56 -1.790625e+00
430       3           2      2       56 -1.140625e+00
431       4           1      2       56 -3.165625e+00
432       4           2      2       56 -2.665625e+00
433       1           1      1       57 -1.625000e+00
434       1           2      1       57 -1.576220e+00
435       2           1      1       57  1.310976e-01
436       2           2      1       57  5.213415e-01
437       3           1      1       57 -7.469512e-01
438       3           2      1       57  1.740854e+00
439       4           1      1       57  3.262195e-01
440       4           2      1       57  1.228659e+00
441       1           1      1       58 -1.500000e+00
442       1           2      1       58 -2.451220e+00
443       2           1      1       58  1.256098e+00
444       2           2      1       58  1.646341e+00
445       3           1      1       58 -6.219512e-01
446       3           2      1       58  8.658537e-01
447       4           1      1       58  4.512195e-01
448       4           2      1       58  3.536585e-01
449       1           1      1       59 -2.125000e+00
450       1           2      1       59 -1.076220e+00
451       2           1      1       59  6.310976e-01
452       2           2      1       59  2.021341e+00
453       3           1      1       59  1.753049e+00
454       3           2      1       59  2.408537e-01
455       4           1      1       59 -1.737805e-01
456       4           2      1       59 -1.271341e+00
457       1           1      1       60  1.125000e+00
458       1           2      1       60  1.737805e-01
459       2           1      1       60  8.810976e-01
460       2           2      1       60 -7.286585e-01
461       3           1      1       60  1.003049e+00
462       3           2      1       60 -1.509146e+00
463       4           1      1       60  1.076220e+00
464       4           2      1       60 -2.021341e+00
465       1           1      1       61  2.250000e+00
466       1           2      1       61  1.298780e+00
467       2           1      1       61 -9.939024e-01
468       2           2      1       61 -1.603659e+00
469       3           1      1       61 -8.719512e-01
470       3           2      1       61 -1.384146e+00
471       4           1      1       61  1.201220e+00
472       4           2      1       61  1.036585e-01
473       1           1      2       62 -2.615625e+00
474       1           2      2       62 -2.990625e+00
475       2           1      2       62  1.284375e+00
476       2           2      2       62  2.084375e+00
477       3           1      2       62  1.209375e+00
478       3           2      2       62 -1.406250e-01
479       4           1      2       62  8.343750e-01
480       4           2      2       62  3.343750e-01
481       1           1      2       63 -1.156250e-01
482       1           2      2       63 -1.490625e+00
483       2           1      2       63  2.784375e+00
484       2           2      2       63  1.584375e+00
485       3           1      2       63 -1.290625e+00
486       3           2      2       63  3.593750e-01
487       4           1      2       63 -6.656250e-01
488       4           2      2       63 -1.165625e+00
489       1           1      2       64  9.375000e-03
490       1           2      2       64 -3.365625e+00
491       2           1      2       64  2.909375e+00
492       2           2      2       64  1.709375e+00
493       3           1      2       64 -1.656250e-01
494       3           2      2       64  4.843750e-01
495       4           1      2       64 -5.406250e-01
496       4           2      2       64 -1.040625e+00
497       1           1      1       65  3.500000e+00
498       1           2      1       65  3.548780e+00
499       2           1      1       65 -7.439024e-01
500       2           2      1       65 -3.536585e-01
501       3           1      1       65 -6.219512e-01
502       3           2      1       65 -2.134146e+00
503       4           1      1       65 -1.548780e+00
504       4           2      1       65 -1.646341e+00
505       1           1      2       66 -1.156250e-01
506       1           2      2       66  1.509375e+00
507       2           1      2       66  2.784375e+00
508       2           2      2       66 -1.415625e+00
509       3           1      2       66 -4.290625e+00
510       3           2      2       66  3.593750e-01
511       4           1      2       66  2.334375e+00
512       4           2      2       66 -1.165625e+00
513       1           1      1       67 -8.750000e-01
514       1           2      1       67 -8.262195e-01
515       2           1      1       67  1.881098e+00
516       2           2      1       67  2.713415e-01
517       3           1      1       67  1.003049e+00
518       3           2      1       67 -5.091463e-01
519       4           1      1       67 -9.237805e-01
520       4           2      1       67 -2.134146e-02
521       1           1      2       68  4.884375e+00
522       1           2      2       68  1.509375e+00
523       2           1      2       68 -1.215625e+00
524       2           2      2       68 -4.156250e-01
525       3           1      2       68 -3.290625e+00
526       3           2      2       68 -3.640625e+00
527       4           1      2       68  3.334375e+00
528       4           2      2       68 -1.165625e+00
529       1           1      2       69 -2.365625e+00
530       1           2      2       69 -1.740625e+00
531       2           1      2       69  1.534375e+00
532       2           2      2       69  1.334375e+00
533       3           1      2       69 -5.406250e-01
534       3           2      2       69  1.109375e+00
535       4           1      2       69  8.437500e-02
536       4           2      2       69  5.843750e-01
537       1           1      2       70  1.259375e+00
538       1           2      2       70  1.884375e+00
539       2           1      2       70 -1.840625e+00
540       2           2      2       70 -4.062500e-02
541       3           1      2       70 -1.915625e+00
542       3           2      2       70 -3.265625e+00
543       4           1      2       70  7.093750e-01
544       4           2      2       70  3.209375e+00
545       1           1      1       71  3.750000e-01
546       1           2      1       71 -3.576220e+00
547       2           1      1       71  1.131098e+00
548       2           2      1       71  1.521341e+00
549       3           1      1       71  2.253049e+00
550       3           2      1       71  1.740854e+00
551       4           1      1       71 -1.673780e+00
552       4           2      1       71 -1.771341e+00
553       1           1      2       73 -5.490625e+00
554       1           2      2       73 -3.865625e+00
555       2           1      2       73  3.409375e+00
556       2           2      2       73  3.209375e+00
557       3           1      2       73  2.334375e+00
558       3           2      2       73  1.984375e+00
559       4           1      2       73 -1.040625e+00
560       4           2      2       73 -5.406250e-01
561       1           1      2       74 -1.615625e+00
562       1           2      2       74 -9.906250e-01
563       2           1      2       74 -1.715625e+00
564       2           2      2       74  8.437500e-02
565       3           1      2       74  1.209375e+00
566       3           2      2       74  8.593750e-01
567       4           1      2       74  8.343750e-01
568       4           2      2       74  1.334375e+00
569       1           1      1       75 -2.125000e+00
570       1           2      1       75 -1.076220e+00
571       2           1      1       75  3.631098e+00
572       2           2      1       75  3.021341e+00
573       3           1      1       75 -3.246951e+00
574       3           2      1       75 -3.759146e+00
575       4           1      1       75  1.826220e+00
576       4           2      1       75  1.728659e+00
577       1           1      2       76 -4.865625e+00
578       1           2      2       76 -2.406250e-01
579       2           1      2       76  1.034375e+00
580       2           2      2       76  2.834375e+00
581       3           1      2       76 -4.040625e+00
582       3           2      2       76  1.609375e+00
583       4           1      2       76  1.584375e+00
584       4           2      2       76  2.084375e+00
585       1           1      2       77 -5.615625e+00
586       1           2      2       77 -2.990625e+00
587       2           1      2       77  1.284375e+00
588       2           2      2       77  3.084375e+00
589       3           1      2       77  2.093750e-01
590       3           2      2       77 -1.406250e-01
591       4           1      2       77  1.834375e+00
592       4           2      2       77  2.334375e+00
593       1           1      1       78 -8.750000e-01
594       1           2      1       78 -2.826220e+00
595       2           1      1       78 -2.118902e+00
596       2           2      1       78  2.713415e-01
597       3           1      1       78  2.003049e+00
598       3           2      1       78  1.490854e+00
599       4           1      1       78  1.076220e+00
600       4           2      1       78  9.786585e-01
601       1           1      2       79  8.843750e-01
602       1           2      2       79  1.509375e+00
603       2           1      2       79  1.784375e+00
604       2           2      2       79  1.584375e+00
605       3           1      2       79 -2.290625e+00
606       3           2      2       79 -2.640625e+00
607       4           1      2       79 -6.656250e-01
608       4           2      2       79 -1.656250e-01
609       1           1      2       80  2.009375e+00
610       1           2      2       80  2.634375e+00
611       2           1      2       80  3.909375e+00
612       2           2      2       80  7.093750e-01
613       3           1      2       80 -1.165625e+00
614       3           2      2       80 -4.515625e+00
615       4           1      2       80 -2.540625e+00
616       4           2      2       80 -1.040625e+00
617       1           1      1       81  1.750000e+00
618       1           2      1       81  1.798780e+00
619       2           1      1       81 -4.939024e-01
620       2           2      1       81 -1.103659e+00
621       3           1      1       81 -1.371951e+00
622       3           2      1       81 -8.841463e-01
623       4           1      1       81 -1.298780e+00
624       4           2      1       81  1.603659e+00
625       1           1      2       82  1.634375e+00
626       1           2      2       82 -2.740625e+00
627       2           1      2       82  2.534375e+00
628       2           2      2       82  1.334375e+00
629       3           1      2       82  1.459375e+00
630       3           2      2       82 -8.906250e-01
631       4           1      2       82 -1.915625e+00
632       4           2      2       82 -1.415625e+00
633       1           1      1       83 -4.000000e+00
634       1           2      1       83  1.048780e+00
635       2           1      1       83 -1.243902e+00
636       2           2      1       83  3.146341e+00
637       3           1      1       83 -1.121951e+00
638       3           2      1       83  3.658537e-01
639       4           1      1       83  1.951220e+00
640       4           2      1       83 -1.463415e-01
641       1           1      1       84  5.000000e-01
642       1           2      1       84 -4.512195e-01
643       2           1      1       84  1.256098e+00
644       2           2      1       84  6.463415e-01
645       3           1      1       84 -1.621951e+00
646       3           2      1       84  1.865854e+00
647       4           1      1       84 -5.487805e-01
648       4           2      1       84 -1.646341e+00

SensMixed documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:16 p.m.