knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4, fig.align = "center")
The following example demonstrates the use of the contmixvar1
function, which simulates one continuous mixture distribution $Y$. @Head2002's fifth-order transformation is used to generate the components of $Y$ with n = 10000
. @HeadKow outlined a general method for comparing a simulated distribution $Y$ to a given theoretical distribution $Y^*$. These have been modified below to apply to continuous mixture variables and will be shown for Example 1. Note that they could easily be modified further for comparison to an empirical vector of data. More details about continuous mixture variables can be found in the Expected Cumulants and Correlations for Continuous Mixture Variables vignette. Some code has been modified from the SimMultiCorrData package [@SMCD].
Obtain the standardized cumulants (skewness, kurtosis, fifth, and sixth) for the components of $Y^$. This can be done using SimMultiCorrData::calc_theory
along with either the component distribution names (plus up to 4 parameters for each) or the PDF's with support bounds. In the case of an empirical vector of data, use SimMultiCorrData::calc_moments
or SimMultiCorrData::calc_fisherk
[@SMCD]. If you desire $Y$ to have the mean and variance of $Y^$, use calc_mixmoments
with the component parameters as inputs to find $E[Y^]$ and $SD[Y^]$.
Obtain the constants for the components of $Y$. This can be done using SimMultiCorrData::find_constants
on each component or by simulating the mixture variable with contmixvar1
Determine whether these constants produce a valid power method PDF. The results of find_constants
or contmixvar1
indicate whether the constants yield invalid or valid PDF's for the component variables. The constants may also be checked using SimMultiCorrData::pdf_check
. If the constants generate an invalid PDF, the user should check if the skurtosis falls above the lower bound (using SimMultiCorrData::calc_lower_skurt
). If yes, sixth cumulant correction values should be used in SimMultiCorrData::find_constants
or contmixvar1
to find the smallest corrections that produce valid PDF constants. If all of the component distributions have valid PDF's, the mixture variable has a valid PDF.
Select a critical value from $Y^$, i.e. $y^$ such that $Pr(Y^ \ge y^) = \alpha$ for the desired significance level $\alpha$.
Calculate the cumulative probability for the simulated mixture variable $Y$ up to $y^*$ and compare to $1 - \alpha$.
Plot a parametric graph of $Y^*$ and $Y$. This can be done with the simulated vector of data $Y$ using plot_simpdf_theory
= TRUE) and specifying the PDF fx
for the mixture variable. If comparing to an empirical vector of data, use SimMultiCorrData::plot_sim_pdf_ext
The component distributions are Normal(-2, 1) and Normal(2, 1). The mixing proportions are $0.4$ and $0.6$. Use @HeadKow's steps to compare the density of the simulated variable to the theoretical density:
The values of $\gamma_1,\ \gamma_2,\ \gamma_3,$ and $\gamma_4$ are all $0$ for normal variables. The mean and standard deviation of the mixture variable are found with calc_mixmoments
library("SimCorrMix") library("printr") options(scipen = 999) n <- 10000 mix_pis <- c(0.4, 0.6) mix_mus <- c(-2, 2) mix_sigmas <- c(1, 1) mix_skews <- rep(0, 2) mix_skurts <- rep(0, 2) mix_fifths <- rep(0, 2) mix_sixths <- rep(0, 2) Nstcum <- calc_mixmoments(mix_pis, mix_mus, mix_sigmas, mix_skews, mix_skurts, mix_fifths, mix_sixths)
Note that calc_mixmoments
returns the standard deviation, not the variance. The simulation functions require variance as the input. First, the parameter inputs are checked with validpar
validpar(k_mix = 1, method = "Polynomial", means = Nstcum[1], vars = Nstcum[2]^2, mix_pis = mix_pis, mix_mus = mix_mus, mix_sigmas = mix_sigmas, mix_skews = mix_skews, mix_skurts = mix_skurts, mix_fifths = mix_fifths, mix_sixths = mix_sixths) Nmix2 <- contmixvar1(n, "Polynomial", Nstcum[1], Nstcum[2]^2, mix_pis, mix_mus, mix_sigmas, mix_skews, mix_skurts, mix_fifths, mix_sixths)
Look at a summary of the target distribution and compare to a summary of the simulated distribution.
SumN <- summary_var(Y_comp = Nmix2$Y_comp, Y_mix = Nmix2$Y_mix, means = Nstcum[1], vars = Nstcum[2]^2, mix_pis = mix_pis, mix_mus = mix_mus, mix_sigmas = mix_sigmas, mix_skews = mix_skews, mix_skurts = mix_skurts, mix_fifths = mix_fifths, mix_sixths = mix_sixths) knitr::kable(SumN$target_mix, digits = 5, row.names = FALSE, caption = "Summary of Target Distribution") knitr::kable(SumN$mix_sum, digits = 5, row.names = FALSE, caption = "Summary of Simulated Distribution")
Nmix2$constants Nmix2$valid.pdf
Let $\alpha = 0.05$. Since there are no quantile functions for mixture distributions, determine where the cumulative probability equals $1 - \alpha = 0.95$. The boundaries for uniroot
were determined through trial and error.
fx <- function(x) 0.4 * dnorm(x, -2, 1) + 0.6 * dnorm(x, 2, 1) cfx <- function(x, alpha, FUN = fx) { integrate(function(x, FUN = fx) FUN(x), -Inf, x, subdivisions = 1000, stop.on.error = FALSE)$value - (1 - alpha) } y_star <- uniroot(cfx, c(3.3, 3.4), tol = 0.001, alpha = 0.05)$root y_star
We will use the function SimMultiCorrData::sim_cdf_prob
to determine the cumulative probability for $Y$ up to y_star
. This function is based on Martin Maechler's ecdf
function [@Stats].
sim_cdf_prob(sim_y = Nmix2$Y_mix[, 1], delta = y_star)$cumulative_prob
This is approximately equal to the $1 - \alpha$ value of $0.95$, indicating the method provides a good approximation to the actual distribution.
plot_simpdf_theory(sim_y = Nmix2$Y_mix[, 1], ylower = -10, yupper = 10, title = "PDF of Mixture of Normal Distributions", fx = fx, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf)
We can also plot the empirical cdf and show the cumulative probability up to y_star.
plot_sim_cdf(sim_y = Nmix2$Y_mix[, 1], calc_cprob = TRUE, delta = y_star)
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