affected_allele_count | Determine total number of alleles shared by affecteds in a... |
affected_onlyPed | Remove unaffected relatives |
assign_gen | Assign generation number based on oldest founder |
check_ped | Checks individual pedigrees for proper format. |
check_peds | Checks ped_files for expected info and format. |
check_SNV_map | Check SNV_map for possible issues |
combine_exons | Combine overlapping exons |
combine_exons_by_chrom | Combine exons within a chromosome |
combine_identicalmutations | Combine identical mutations |
condition_haplos_no_cSNV | Reduce haplos to contain non-cSNV data |
convert_BP_to_cM | Convert from basepairs to centimorgan |
convert_CM_to_BP | Convert from centiMorgan to basepairs |
create_chrom_map | Create chromosome map from marker map |
create_slimMap | Create recombination map |
EXhaps | Example Haplotypes dataset |
EXmuts | Example Mutations dataset |
extract_tempIDs | Determine i and j positions of mutations for sparse matrix |
famStudy | Constructor function for an object of class famStudy |
find_no_cSNV_rows | Find haplotypes that do not carry any cRVs |
genos2sparseMatrix | Convert genotypes to haplotypes. |
get_parOffInfo | Get parent and offspring information from a pedigree |
get_SMindex_by_person | Returns the row and columns locations of mutations for a... |
hg_apopPath | Apoptosis sub-pathway dataset |
hg_exons | Human exon data |
identify_pathwayRVs_byChrom | Identify variants located in a defined pathway |
identify_pathwaySNVs | Identify SNVs located in a specified pathway |
is.famStudy | Check to see if object is of class famStudy |
is_int | Determine if input is an integer |
is_odd | Determine if input is an odd number |
is.SNVdata | Check to see if object is of class ped |
load_1KG | Load pre-formatted 1000 Genomes Project exon data |
read_slim | Import SLiM data to R |
reconstruct_fromHaplotype | Construct offspring sequence from parental allele vector |
reduce_to_events | Reduce chiasmata vector to crossovers that this gamete... |
reMap_mutations | Re-map slim mutations |
remove_allWild | Remove unmutated markers from data |
resample | Dummy sample function |
sim_chiasmataPositions | Simulate crossover positions |
sim_FGenos | Draw Founder Genotypes from Haplotype Distribution Given... |
sim_gameteFormation | Simulate formation of gametes. |
sim_gameteInheritance | Simulate inheritance of parental gamete to offspring |
sim_haploidFormation | Simulate recombination among chromatids. |
sim_RVstudy | Simulate sequence data for a sample of pedigrees |
sim_seq | Simulate sequence data for a pedigree |
SNVdata | Constructor function for an object of class SNVdata |
study_peds | Example pedigrees |
summary.famStudy | Summary function for objects of class famStudy |
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