
Defines functions rii

Documented in rii

#' RII/SII and confidence intervals
#' \code{rii} calculates the relative index of inequality (RII) or the slope index of inequality (SII) and
#' confidence intervals for either measure. The SII is obtained via OLS regression of the health variable
#' on the midpoints of the cumulative population distribution.
#' The RII is calculated as SII divided by health outcome across all socioeconomic positions. Simulation
#' is used to calculate confidence intervals (see \code{method} below).
#' @param data Name of data set.
#' @param health Health outcome of interest.
#' @param population Population counts. Should correspond to data provided in \code{health}.
#' @param ses Categorical deprivation measure used for splitting the data. Should be ordered, such as numeric or a factor.
#' @param age Variable that defines 5-year age groups, should be ordered and numeric, such as 1 through 18.
#'   If the age group coding starts with 0 it will be assumed that age groups 0 and 1-4 are separate.
#'   If the age group starts with 1, it will be assumed that the first age group is 0-4 (ages 0 and 1-4 are combined).
#' @param groups Conditions such as sex or ethnicity that together define the sub-population for which the
#'   RII/SII is calculated for. Default is \code{NULL}, no sub-population is selected.
#' @param age_group The age groups the standardized rates should be calculated for. By default the function calculates
#'   results for the following age groups: 0-14, 15-29, 30-44, 45-59, 60-74, 75+, 0-64 and all ages.
#'   User supplied age groups should be provided using the standard population groups as cut-offs, e.g. use
#'   \code{age_group=c("20-29", "30-39")} and not \code{c("19-30", "31-41")}. Open ended age groups can be supplied by giving
#'   a single age, e.g. "45" means 45 and above. Overlapping age groups, such as \code{c("20-29", "25-34")}, are not supported.
#'   Results for ages 0-64 and all ages will always be provided.
#' @param st_pop The standard population weights used for calculating rates, default 2013 ESP for 18 age groups with 0-4 as
#'   the first age group. See \code{\link{st_pop}} for other predefined options. Can be user supplied, but must match
#'   the number of age groups given in \code{age} and add up to 1.
#' @param N Number of simulations for the confidence intervals, default 1000.
#' @param RII Logical, should RII or SII be calculated, default \code{RII=TRUE}.
#' @param CI Confidence intervals, 95 by default but can be set to any number between 0 and 100.
#' @param method The method used for simulating confidence intervals. Default \code{method = "multinomial"}.
#'    The CI are calculated using a multinomial distribution as described in Lumme et al (2015)
#'    "A Monte Carlo method to estimate the confidence intervals for the concentration index
#'    using aggregated population register data." Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, 15(2),
#'    82-98. \url{http://doi.org/10.1007/s10742-015-0137-1}
#' @param W Logical, should weighted regression be used for RII/SII, default \code{W=FALSE}.
#' @param total The total number of people in the standard population, i.e. are rates be calculated
#'    per 1000 or 100 000, default 1000. Relevant for SII only.
#' @return A data frame giving RII/SII by age groups together with confidence intervals
#' @import tidyr
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @export
#' @examples
#' d <- health_data
#' # RII with 95% CI
#' rii(d, bad, pop, quintile, age, ethnicity == "all")
#' # SII with 99% CI, using weighted least squares
#' rii(d, bad, pop, quintile, age, ethnicity == "all", RII = FALSE, CI = 99, W = TRUE)
#' # Supply own population weights
#' new_w <- c(0.075, 0.075, 0.075, 0.06, 0.060, 0.060, 0.06, 0.070, 0.050,
#'    0.050, 0.050, 0.06, 0.060, 0.055, 0.050, 0.040, 0.025, 0.025)
#' # RII with user supplied weights
#' rii(d, bad, pop, quintile, age, ethnicity == "all", RII = FALSE, CI = 99, st_pop = new_w)
#' # SII for new age groups with 95% CI
#' rii(d, bad, pop, quintile, age, ethnicity == "Scot" &  ur2fold == "Urban",
#'    age_group=c("0-19", "20-34", "35-49"), RII = FALSE)

rii <- function(data, health, population, ses, age, groups = NULL, age_group = NULL, st_pop = "esp2013_18ag",
                N = 1000, RII = TRUE, CI = 95, method = "multinomial", W = FALSE, total = 1000) {

  # For package building only - to get rid of NOTEs
  cr <- rate <- sii <- . <- w <- age_health <- ci_low <- ci_high <- NULL
  tp <- sp_g1 <- sp <- g1 <- g2 <- pop <- sp_g2 <- cum_p <- prob <- sim <- dep <- rate_sim <- NULL

  # Function starts
  df <- subset_q(data, substitute(groups), substitute(c(health, population, ses, age))) #select data from data frame
  names(df) <- c("health", "population", "ses", "age") #give names to use within function

  n_g <- length(table(df$ses)) # Number of groups
  name <- names(table(df$ses)) # Names of groups
  if (!is.numeric(df$ses)) {df$ses <- as.integer(df$ses)} # Factor variable converted to integer

  min_age <- min(df$age) # Minimum age age group in the data
  n_age <- length(unique(df$age)) # Number of age groups
  dw <- age_grouping(age_group, st_pop, min_age, n_age) # Weights table for all age groups

  if (is.null(age_group)) {age_group=c("0-14", "15-29", "30-44", "45-59", "60-74", "75")} # Set default age group names

  # Observed data - summarized up by age across all SES
  D_A <- df %>% group_by(age) %>%
    summarise_all(sum) %>%
    mutate(ses=n_g + 1, tp = NA)

  # Observed data - by SES and age
  DT <- df %>% group_by(ses, age) %>%
    summarise_all(sum) %>%
    group_by(age) %>%
    mutate(tp = sum(population)) %>%
    bind_rows(D_A) %>%
    mutate(population = ifelse(population < 1, 1, population),
           cr = health/population*total) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    right_join(dw, by="age")

  ## Standardisation of observed data
  # for all ages
  da <- DT %>%
    mutate(rate = cr*sp) %>%
    select(ses, rate, population, tp) %>%
    group_by(ses) %>%
    summarise_all(sum) %>%
    mutate(pop=population/tp, age="all")

  # standardization for age groups
  d6g <- DT %>%
    filter(is.na(g1) == FALSE) %>%
    mutate(rate=cr*sp/sp_g1) %>%
    select(ses, rate, population, tp, g1) %>%
    group_by(ses, g1) %>%
    summarise_all(sum) %>%
    mutate(pop=population/tp, age=age_group) %>%

  # standardization for 0-64
  d64 <- DT %>%
    filter(g2==1) %>%
    mutate(rate=cr*sp/sp_g2) %>%
    select(ses, rate, population, tp) %>%
    group_by(ses) %>%
    summarise_all(sum) %>%
    mutate(pop=population/tp, age="0-64")

  # Calculate RII/SII

  if (RII == TRUE) {
  # Health rates by age across all SES - needed for RII later
  all_rates <- bind_rows(d6g, d64, da) %>%
    select(ses, age, rate)  %>%
    filter(ses==n_g + 1)

  rates <- bind_rows(d6g, d64, da) %>%
    select(-population, -tp) %>%
    filter(ses != n_g+1) %>%
    group_by(age) %>%
    mutate(cum_p = popmid(pop)) %>% rename(dep=ses)

  if (W == FALSE) {
    sii_obs <- rates %>%
      summarise(sii = beta(x = cum_p, y = rate))
  } else {
    sii_obs <- rates %>%
      summarise(sii = beta(x = cum_p, y = rate, w = pop )) # weighted by population share

  # Calculate CI for RII/SII
  if (method == "multinomial") {Ds <- CI_multinom(df, N, n_g)} #simulated data

  Ds <- merge(Ds, dw, by="age") #merge simulated data with weights

  # Standardization of simulated data
  # for all ages
  das <- Ds %>%
    mutate_at(vars(3:(2+n_g)), funs(.*sp)) %>%
    select(1:(2+n_g)) %>%
    group_by(sim) %>%
    summarise_all(sum) %>%

  # Standardization for provided age groups
  d6gs <- Ds %>%
    filter(is.na(g1) == FALSE) %>%
    mutate_at(vars(3:(2+n_g)), funs(.*sp/sp_g1)) %>%
    select(sim:g1, -sp) %>%
    group_by(sim, g1) %>%
    summarise_all(sum) %>%
    mutate(age = as.character(factor(g1, labels=(age_group)))) %>%

  # Standardization for ages 0-64
  d64s <- Ds %>%
    filter(g2==1) %>%
    mutate_at(3:(2+n_g), funs(.*sp/sp_g2)) %>%
    select(1:(2+n_g)) %>%
    group_by(sim) %>%
    summarise_all(sum) %>%

  # Bind together standardized rates
  rates_s <- bind_rows(d64s, das, d6gs) %>%
    gather("dep", "rate_sim", 3:(n_g+2)) %>%
    mutate(dep=as.numeric(gsub("X", "", dep))) %>%
    left_join(rates[,c("age", "dep", "pop", "cum_p")], c("age", "dep")) %>%
    group_by(sim, age)

  if (W == FALSE) {
    sii_s <- rates_s %>%
      summarise(sii = beta(x = cum_p, y = rate_sim))
  } else {
    sii_s <- rates_s %>%
      summarise(sii = beta(x = cum_p, y = rate_sim, w = pop)) # weighted by population share

  # Prepare final output

  # Pick out CI
  pl <- (1-CI/100)/2 #lower CI
  ph <- CI/100 + (1-CI/100)/2 #higher CI

  OUT <- sii_s %>%
    group_by(age) %>%
    summarise_at(vars(sii), funs(ci_low=quantile(.,probs=pl)*total, ci_high=quantile(., probs=ph)*total)) %>%
    left_join(sii_obs, ., by="age") %>%

  # Calculate RII from SII
  if (RII == TRUE) {OUT <- OUT %>% left_join(all_rates, by="age") %>%
    mutate_at(vars(sii:ci_high), funs(./rate)) %>%
    rename(rii=sii) %>% select(1:4)}

  # Order output
  OUT <- OUT[order(match(OUT$age, c(age_group, "0-64", "all"))),]


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