
Defines functions CollectDataFacebook

Documented in CollectDataFacebook

#' Note: this function is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future release.
#' Please use the \code{Collect} function
#' Collect data from Facebook pages for generating different types of networks
#' This function collects data from Facebook pages (i.e. post data and
#' comments/likes data within posts), and structures the data into a data frame
#' of class \code{dataSource.facebook}, ready for creating networks for further
#' analysis.
#' \code{CollectDataFacebook} collects public 'post' data from a given Facebook
#' page, including comments and 'likes' from within each post.
#' The function then finds and maps the edgeTypes between users and posts,
#' and structures these relationships into a format suitable for creating
#' bimodal networks using \code{CreateBimodalNetwork}.
#' A date range must be specified for collecting post data using
#' \code{rangeFrom} and \code{rangeTo} (i.e. data will be collected from posts
#' posted within the date range). If no date range is supplied, then the
#' default is the current system date minus one week (i.e. 7 days leading up to
#' current system date).
#' @param pageName character string, specifying the name of the Facebook page.
#' For example, if page is: https://www.facebook.com/StarWars, then
#' \code{pageName="StarWars".}
#' @param rangeFrom character string, specifying a 'start date' for data
#' collection, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. For example, to collect data starting
#' from July 4th 2015, \code{rangeFrom} would be "2015-07-04". Default value is
#' current system date minus one week (i.e. the date 7 days ago).
#' @param rangeTo character string, specifying an 'end date' for data
#' collection, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. For example, to collect data until
#' December 25th 2015, \code{rangeFrom} would be "2015-12-25". Default value is
#' the current system date.
#' @param verbose logical. If \code{TRUE} then this function will output
#' runtime information to the console as it computes. Useful diagnostic tool
#' for long computations. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param n numeric, maximum number of comments and likes to return (see
#' \code{getPost} in Rfacebook package). Default value is 1000.
#' @param writeToFile logical. If \code{TRUE} then the data is saved to file in
#' current working directory (CSV format), with filename denoting
#' \code{rangeFrom}, \code{rangeTo}, and \code{pageName}.
#' @param credential Optional, a \code{credential} object created by \code{Authenticate}.
#' @return A data frame object of class \code{dataSource.facebook} that can be
#' used with \code{Create}.
#' @note Currently supported network types:
#' - bimodal networks
#' - dynamic networks
#' Note: dynamic networks created using Facebook data are bimodal. This means
#' that there are two types of vertices present in the network (i.e. Facebook
#' users and Facebook posts), with edges representing the time(s) when user i
#' commented on post j. Currently, timestamp data is not available through the
#' Facebook API for 'likes' data (i.e. when user i 'likes' post j), so
#' edge ties based on 'likes' are excluded from dynamic Facebook data.
#' @author Timothy Graham <timothy.graham3@@uq.net.au> & Robert Ackland
#' <robert.ackland@@anu.edu.au>
#' @seealso \code{Authenticate} must be run first or no data
#' will be collected.
#' @keywords facebook data mining SNA
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   ## Use your own values for myAppID and myAppSecret
#'   appID <- "xxxx"
#'   appSecret <- "yyyy"
#'   ## Collect data and create bimodal network
#'   g_bimodal_facebook_star_wars <- Authenticate("Facebook",
#'   appID = appID, appSecret = appSecret) %>%
#'   SaveCredential("FBCredential.RDS") %>%
#'   Collect(pageName="StarWars", rangeFrom="2015-03-01",
#'   rangeTo="2015-03-02", writeToFile=FALSE) %>%
#'   Create("Bimodal")
#'   ## Create a dynamic network using the saved credentials
#'   g_bimodal_facebook_star_wars_dynamic <-
#'   LoadCredential("FBCredential.RDS") %>%
#'   Collect(pageName="StarWars", rangeFrom="2015-03-01",
#'   rangeTo="2015-03-02", writeToFile=FALSE) %>%
#'   Create("dynamic")
#' }
#' @export
CollectDataFacebook <-
function(pageName,rangeFrom,rangeTo,verbose,n,writeToFile,credential = NULL) {

    postID=from=edgeType=edgeWeight=to=NULL # to please the gods of R CMD CHECK

  # handle the arguments

    ## use side effect
    if (!(exists("fb_oauth")) & is.null(credential)) {
        fb_oauth <- NULL # to get rid of the note when doing R CMD CHECK
    ## not use side effect
    if (!is.null(credential)) {
        fb_oauth <- credential$auth

      if (missing(verbose)) {
        verbose <- TRUE # default to verbose

      if (missing(writeToFile)) {
        writeToFile <- FALSE # default = not write to file

      if (verbose=="TRUE" | verbose=="true" | verbose=="T" | verbose==TRUE) {
        verbose <- TRUE
      else {verbose <- FALSE}

      if (missing(n)) {
        n <- 1000 # default to 1000 max comments/like for each post (within the page)

      numCommentsLikes <- n

      rm(n) # debug - could cause problems with other functions, maybe?

      # Ensure that argument `pageName` has been specified by user.

      if (missing(pageName)) {
        cat("Error. Argument `pageName` is missing.\nPlease specify a Facebook page to collect data from.\n")

      # If date range has not been specified, or one of the range values is missing,
      # then default to a range of one week (from current system date).

      if (missing(rangeFrom) | missing(rangeTo)) {

        rangeFrom <- as.Date(Sys.Date()) - 7
        rangeTo <- as.Date(Sys.Date())
        cat(paste("No date range was specified for data collection.\nDefaulting to one week, from: ",rangeFrom," to ",rangeTo,"\n",sep=""))

      # Start data collection

      cat(paste("Now retrieving data from page: ",pageName,"\n",sep=""))

      dates <- seq(from=as.Date(rangeFrom), to=as.Date(rangeTo), by="day") # search by day
      n <- length(dates)-1

      df <- list()

      for (i in 1:n){

        if (!verbose) {
            try(df[[i]] <- getPage(pageName, token=fb_oauth, since=dates[i], until=dates[i+1]),silent=TRUE)

        if (verbose) {
          cat(as.character(dates[i]), " ") # if user wants feedback (verbose TRUE)

        if (verbose) {
          try(df[[i]] <- getPage(pageName, token=fb_oauth, since=dates[i], until=dates[i+1]),silent=TRUE)


      pageData <- do.call(rbind, df)

      # Generate error message and return from function if there is no post data found for the data range specified.
      # cat(paste("\nDEBUG length of pageData: ",length(pageData)))
      if (length(pageData)==0) {
        cat("Error. No posts found for this date range! Please try a larger range.")

      cat("Now collecting data from POSTS (within the page).\n")  ### DEBUG

      if (verbose) {
        cat(paste(" Collecting posts data from ",nrow(pageData)," posts.\n",sep=""))
        cat(paste("Collecting maximum of",numCommentsLikes,"comments and likes for each post.\n"))

      tempDataList <- lapply(pageData[,7], function(x) { # apply function over IDs of posts in `pageData`

        if (verbose) {

        # OLD WAY (sometimes Facebook API causes errors, see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8353119/facebook-api-oauthexception-an-unexpected-error-has-occurred-please-retry-you)
        # postData <- getPost(post=x, n=numCommentsLikes, token=fb_oauth)

        # NEW WAY, error handling

                  postData <- getPost(post=x, n=numCommentsLikes, token=fb_oauth)
              error=function(cond) {
                cat(paste("\nFacebook API caused an unknown error while retrieving post ID, ", x,"\n"))
                cat(paste("Condition: ",cond,"\n"))
                # We will return a list (what the rest of the code expects)
                # with some NA values. Then we will need to remove these later.
                      postTEMP <- data.frame(from_id=NA,

                      likesTEMP <- data.frame(from_name=NA,

                      commentsTEMP <- data.frame(from_id=NA,

                      postListTemp <- list(postTEMP,likesTEMP,commentsTEMP)
                      names(postListTemp) <- c("post","likes","comments")
                # return("dodgydata123")


        # clean ODD CHARACTERS from tempDataList
        for (i in 1:length(tempDataList)){

    # DEBUG
    # cat(paste0("\nI am cleaning odd characters on tempDataList[",i,"] out of ",length(tempDataList)))

          tempDataList[i][[1]]$post$from_name <- iconv(tempDataList[i][[1]]$post$from_name, to = 'UTF-8')
          tempDataList[i][[1]]$post$message <- iconv(tempDataList[i][[1]]$post$message, to = 'UTF-8')
          tempDataList[i][[1]]$like$from_name <- iconv(tempDataList[i][[1]]$like$from_name, to = 'UTF-8')
          tempDataList[i][[1]]$comments$from_name <- iconv(tempDataList[i][[1]]$comments$from_name, to = 'UTF-8')
          tempDataList[i][[1]]$comments$message <- iconv(tempDataList[i][[1]]$comments$message, to = 'UTF-8')

          # anatomy of the tempDataList:
          # tempDataList[i][[1]]$post         # 10 variables
          # tempDataList[i][[1]]$likes        # 2 variables (from_name, from_id)
          # tempDataList[i][[1]]$comments     # 6 variables

          # now we have a list with all the post data (in the set of pageData$id)
          # pull out the data we want, and put into DATA TABLE (not dataframe... too slow)

          # 'dummy' first row of dataframe, for DEBUG purposes (fix later.....)

          tempDataTable <- data.table(
            postID = "foo",
            postName = "bar",
            postMessage = "something",
            postType = "something",
            postLink = "something",
            postTimestamp = "something",
            likeFromID = "fizz",
            likeFromName = "buzz",
            commentFromID = "foo",
            commentFromName = "bar",
            commentText = "blah",
            commentTimestamp = "bar")

            # keyCols = c("postID","postName")
            # setkey(tempDataTable,postID) # set the key value of the data table

          # pre-declare vars for speed

          likeFromID_TEMP       <- "foo"
          likeFromName_TEMP     <- "foo"
          commentFromID_TEMP    <- "foo"
          commentFromName_TEMP  <- "foo"
          commentText_TEMP      <- "foo"
          commentTimestamp_TEMP <- "foo"

          for (i in 1:length(tempDataList)) { # for each post (top-level list element) in the pageData

    # DEBUG
    # cat(paste0("\nI am sorting through tempDataList[",i,"] out of ",length(tempDataList)))

            # for each of the likes
            for (j in 1:length(tempDataList[i][[1]]$likes$from_id)) {

    # DEBUG
    # cat(paste0("\nI am sorting through 'likes' data on tempDataList[",j,"] out of ",length(tempDataList[i][[1]]$likes$from_id)))

                likeFromID_TEMP    <- tempDataList[i][[1]]$likes$from_id[j]
                likeFromName_TEMP  <- tempDataList[i][[1]]$likes$from_name[j]

                if(length(likeFromID_TEMP) < 1) {
                  likeFromID_TEMP <- "NA"

                if(length(likeFromName_TEMP) < 1) {
                  likeFromName_TEMP <- "NA"

                tempDataTableLOOP <- data.table(
                  postID          = tempDataList[i][[1]]$post$id,
                  postName        = tempDataList[i][[1]]$post$from_name,
                  postMessage     = tempDataList[i][[1]]$post$message,
                  postType        = tempDataList[i][[1]]$post$type,
                  postLink        = tempDataList[i][[1]]$post$link,
                  postTimestamp   = tempDataList[i][[1]]$post$created_time,
                  likeFromID      = likeFromID_TEMP,
                  likeFromName    = likeFromName_TEMP,
                  commentFromID   = "NA",
                  commentFromName = "NA",
                  commentText     = "NA",
                  commentTimestamp= "NA")

                tempDataTable <- rbind(tempDataTable,tempDataTableLOOP)


            # for each of the comments
            for (j in 1:length(tempDataList[i][[1]]$comments$from_id)) {

    # DEBUG
    # cat(paste0("\nI am sorting through 'comments' data on tempDataList[",j,"] out of ",length(tempDataList[i][[1]]$comments$from_id)))

                commentFromID_TEMP    <- tempDataList[i][[1]]$comments$from_id[j]
                commentFromName_TEMP  <- tempDataList[i][[1]]$comments$from_name[j]
                commentText_TEMP      <- tempDataList[i][[1]]$comments$message[j]
                commentTimestamp_TEMP <- tempDataList[i][[1]]$comments$created_time[j]

                if(length(commentFromID_TEMP) < 1) {
                  commentFromID_TEMP <- "NA"
                if(length(commentFromName_TEMP) < 1) {
                  commentFromName_TEMP <- "NA"
                if(length(commentText_TEMP) < 1) {
                  commentText_TEMP <- "NA"
                if(length(commentTimestamp_TEMP) < 1) {
                  commentTimestamp_TEMP <- "NA"

                tempDataTableLOOP <- data.table(
                  postID          = tempDataList[i][[1]]$post$id,
                  postName        = tempDataList[i][[1]]$post$from_name,
                  postMessage     = tempDataList[i][[1]]$post$message,
                  postType        = tempDataList[i][[1]]$post$type,
                  postLink        = tempDataList[i][[1]]$post$link,
                  postTimestamp   = tempDataList[i][[1]]$post$created_time,
                  likeFromID      = "NA",
                  likeFromName    = "NA",
                  commentFromID   = commentFromID_TEMP,
                  commentFromName = commentFromName_TEMP,
                  commentText     = commentText_TEMP,
                  commentTimestamp= commentTimestamp_TEMP)

                tempDataTable <- rbind(tempDataTable,tempDataTableLOOP)

                # keyCols = c("postID","postName")
                setkey(tempDataTable,postID) # set the key value of the data table


            # remove dummy first row
            # tempDataTable <- tempDataTable[-1,] # OLD WAY
            tempDataTable[postID != "foo"] # NEW DATA TABLE WAY

          ## TO DO - delete NA values in tempDataTable, before proceeding with data munging?

    # cat("\n ########## Creating subsets of data for processing...") # DEBUG

          # create subsets of data, for processing

          usersLikedPosts <- data.table(
            from          = tempDataTable$likeFromName,
            to            = tempDataTable$postID,
            edgeType  = "Like",
            # edgeWeight    = 1,
            postType      = tempDataTable$postType,
            postLink      = tempDataTable$postLink,
            postTimestamp = tempDataTable$postTimestamp,
            commentText   = "Not_applicable",
            commentTimestamp   = "Not_applicable"

          usersCommentedPosts <- data.table(
            from          = tempDataTable$commentFromName,
            to            = tempDataTable$postID,
            edgeType  = "Comment",
            # edgeWeight    = 1,
            postType      = tempDataTable$postType,
            postLink      = tempDataTable$postLink,
            postTimestamp = tempDataTable$postTimestamp,
            commentText   = tempDataTable$commentText,
            commentTimestamp   = tempDataTable$commentTimestamp

          dataCombined <- rbind(usersLikedPosts,usersCommentedPosts)

          setkey(dataCombined,from) # set the key value of the data table

    # cat("\n ########## Removing 'fake' NA values...") # DEBUG

          # remove the "fake" NA values (these will occur due to the way the original data.table is structured, see above)
            # toRemove <- which(dataCombined$from=="NA")
            # dataCombined <- dataCombined[-toRemove,]
          # do it the data.table way...
          dataCombined <- dataCombined[!"NA"]

    # cat("\n ########## removing actual NA values...") # DEBUG

          # and then remove the "actual" NA values (the data.table way)
          dataCombined <- na.omit(dataCombined)

    # cat("\n ########## Get unique pairs...") # DEBUG

          # get unique pairs only
          dataCombinedUNIQUE <- data.table(
            from             = dataCombined$from,
            to               = dataCombined$to,
            edgeType     = dataCombined$edgeType,
            commentTimestamp = dataCombined$commentTimestamp

          # 7/4/2016 - we want multiple edges, so we don't want unique rows
          # dataCombinedUNIQUE <- unique(dataCombinedUNIQUE)

          setkey(dataCombinedUNIQUE,from,to) # set the key value of the data table

          class(dataCombinedUNIQUE) <- append(class(dataCombinedUNIQUE),c("dataSource","facebook"))

          if (writeToFile=="TRUE" | writeToFile=="true" | writeToFile=="T" | writeToFile==TRUE) {
            #currTime <- format(Sys.time(), "%b_%d_%X_%Y_%Z")
            cat("Facebook data was written to current working directory, with filename:\n")



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SocialMediaLab documentation built on May 29, 2017, 9:41 p.m.