
Defines functions expand_stics_names

#' Expand STICS names from parameters/variables simple names,
#' with indices (i.e. par(1), par(2),...regarding to parameter/variable
#'  dimensions)
#' @param in_csv_file Input csv file path
#' @param out_csv_file Output csv file path
#' @param header A logical TRUE if a header line exists, FALSE otherwise
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' csv_file <- "/path/to/JavaSTICS/folder/config/inputs.csv"
#' out_csv_file <- "/path/to/out/dir/config/inputs_xpanded.csv"
#' expand_stics_names(csv_file, out_csv_file)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
expand_stics_names <- function(in_csv_file, out_csv_file, header = FALSE) {

  skip <- as.integer(header)
  in_data <- utils::read.table(in_csv_file,
    sep = ";", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    header = FALSE, skip = skip

  #if (base::is.null(header_vec)) {
    names(in_data) <- c(
      "name", "def", "unit", "param", "dim", "type",
      "min", "max", "optim", "n"

  # getting param names to duplicate
  par_to_expand <- in_data[in_data$dim > 1, ]
  out_df <- data.frame()

  # duplicating rows and concatenation
  for (p in seq_len(dim(par_to_expand)[1])) {
    par <- par_to_expand$name[p]
    par_dim <- par_to_expand$dim[p]
    tmp <- par_to_expand[rep(p, par_dim), ]
    tmp$name <- paste0(par, sprintf("(%i)", 1:par_dim))
    out_df <- rbind(out_df, tmp)

  # treating parameters ending with 0
  par0 <- in_data[grep("[^0-9]0$", in_data$name), ]
  new_names <- gsub("0$", "", par0$name)
  existing <- new_names %in% in_data$name
  if (any(existing)) {
    par0 <- par0[!existing, ]
    par0$name <- gsub("0$", "", par0$name)

  out_df <- rbind(in_data, out_df, par0)
  out_df <- out_df[order(out_df$name), ]

    file = out_csv_file,
    sep = ";", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
    quote = FALSE, na = ""


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SticsRFiles documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:18 a.m.