
Defines functions get_versions_file_name get_version_string get_version_num get_versions_info check_version_compat get_stics_versions_compat

Documented in get_stics_versions_compat

#' Get the compatible STICS versions
#' @description Get the versions of STICS that are fully compatible
#' with this package.
#' @param version_index Absolute positive index, or negative relative index from
#' latest version
#' @return A named list with the STICS versions compatible with this package
#' ($versions_list), and the latest version in use ($latest_version) or
#' an existing version selected using version_index.
#' @examples
#' # Getting the complete versions list
#' get_stics_versions_compat()
#' # Getting the first version
#' get_stics_versions_compat(1)
#' # Getting the previous version of the latest one
#' get_stics_versions_compat(-1)
#' @export
get_stics_versions_compat <- function(version_index = NULL) {

  # Getting versions list
  ver_info <- get_versions_info()
  versions_names <- ver_info$versions
  #num_versions <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "^[V]", "", versions_names))
  num_versions <- get_version_num(versions_names)

  # Getting the latest version string
  latest_version <- versions_names[num_versions == max(num_versions)]

  # List of versions strings ans latest version string
  versions <- list(versions_list = versions_names,
                   latest_version = latest_version)

  if (is.null(version_index)) {

  # getting relative backwards versions
  nb_versions <- length(versions$versions_list)

  if (version_index < 0) {
    if (version_index >= -nb_versions + 1) {
      return(versions$versions_list[nb_versions + version_index])
    } else {

  # or absolute rank number
  if (version_index > 0) {
    if (version_index <= nb_versions) {
    } else {

#' Checking the validity of a given version code
#' @param stics_version An optional version name as listed in
#' get_stics_versions_compat() return
#' @return A valid version string
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' check_version_compat()
#' }
check_version_compat <- function(stics_version = "latest") {
  versions <- get_stics_versions_compat()
  if (stics_version == "latest") {

  if (stics_version %in% versions$versions_list) {

  stop(stics_version, ": is an unknown version!")

#' Getting versions data (versions strings and examples files directories list)
#' @param stics_version Optional version string (i.e. "VX.Y")
#' @param versions_dir Optional, either an `extdata` directory path
#' of the installed SticsRFiles library (default) or of the package project
#' @return A data.frame with versions data
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_versions_info()
#' get_versions_info(stics_version = "V8.5")
#' get_versions_info(
#'   stics_version = "V8.5",
#'   versions_dir = "path/to/SticsRFilesproject/inst/extdata"
#' )
#' }
get_versions_info <- function(stics_version = NULL, location = "install") {

  # Getting available versions info from a file
  ver_file <- get_versions_file_path(location = location)

  if (!file.exists(ver_file)) {

  ver_info <- utils::read.csv2(
    file = ver_file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    colClasses = "character"

  # Set NA where no information is given
  ver_info[ver_info[] == ""] <- NA

  # Returning the full data.frame for all versions
  if (base::is.null(stics_version)) {

  # Selecting data according to the desired version
  if (stics_version %in% ver_info$versions) {
    return(ver_info[ver_info$versions == stics_version, ])

  # Nothing to return for unknown version

#' Getting version number from the version string
#' @param stics_version An optional version name as listed in
#' get_stics_versions_compat() return
#' @param numeric logical, TRUE for numerical output format,
#' FALSE for character output format
#' @return version number (numeric or character)
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_version_num()
#' }
get_version_num <- function(stics_version = "latest", numeric = TRUE) {
  if(length(stics_version) > 1) {
    versions_list <- unlist(lapply(stics_version, function(x){
      get_version_num(x, numeric = numeric)}

  if (is.numeric(stics_version) && numeric) {

  if (stics_version == "latest") {
    stics_version <- get_stics_versions_compat()$latest_version

  char_version <- gsub(pattern = "([V | v]{1})([0-9\\.]*)",
                       x = stics_version,
                       replacement = "\\2")

  if (!numeric) {

  char_version <- gsub(pattern = "([0-9]*\\.[0-9]*)([\\.]{0,1})([0-9]{0,})",
                       x = char_version,
                       replacement = "\\1\\3")

#' Getting version string from the version number
#' @param stics_version numeric (i.e. X.Y)
#' @return version string
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_version_string()
#' }
get_version_string <- function(stics_version) {
  pattern <- "^[V | v]"

  if (is.character(stics_version) &&
      grepl(pattern = pattern, x = stics_version)) {

  paste0("V", as.character(stics_version))

#' Getting the csv file name storing versions information
#' @return file name
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_versions_file_name()
#' }
get_versions_file_name <- function() {

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SticsRFiles documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:18 a.m.