Man pages for SubtypeDrug
Prioritization of Candidate Cancer Subtype Specific Drugs

AccumulateNormalSubtypeDrug internal function
CalculateSESSubtypeDrug internal function
Disease_drugsSimulated result data
Drugs_CIDCorrespondence table of drug label and drug ID in PubCham...
GeneexpSimulated gene expression data
GeneexpTGene expression data for testing
getDrugMatrixSubtypeDrug internal function
getDrugSpwSubtypeDrug internal function
getDrugStructureGet drug chemical structure diagram data
isPackageLoadedSubtypeDrug internal function
plotDScoreHeatmapPlot a heat map of the normalized drug-disease reverse...
plotDSpwHeatmapPlot heat map of the drug regulated subpathway activity score
plotGlobalGraphPlot a global graph of the drug
plotSpwNetGraphPolt a subpathway network graph
PrioSubtypeDrugPrioritization of candidate cancer subtype-specific drugs...
ReadClsFileSubtypeDrug internal function
SpwNetworkDataSubpathway network structure data
Subtype_drugsSimulation result data
UserDSSimulated user-defined drug regulator subpathway dataset
UserDSTUser-defined drug regulator subpathway dataset for testing
UserGSSimulated user-defined gene set data
UserGSTUser-defined gene set data for testing
SubtypeDrug documentation built on May 17, 2021, 9:09 a.m.