
Defines functions hidimSurvbonlas

Documented in hidimSurvbonlas

#' @title hidimSurvbonlas
#' Two step filteration using bonferroni correction and LASSO
#' @description hidimSurvbonlas on high dimensional data using bonferoni's correction factor and LASSO.
#' @details hidimSurvbonlas function first creates a new column 'Status' in the input
#' data set and assigns values 0, 1, 2 to each rows. It assigns 0 (for progression = 1 & death(event) = 0) is
#' or (when progression = 0 & death(event) = 0. It assigns 1 (for progression = 1 &
#' death = 1, whereas assigns 2 (for progression = 0 and death = 1).
#' Further, it creates two data sets, one data set named 'deathdata' which includes
#' subjects with status 0 and 1 and applies Cox PH on it. Another data is named as
#' 'compdata' which includes subjects with status 0 and 2, then applies Cox PH after
#' substituting 2 by 1. Then it filters out study variables using Bonferroni's correction criteria,  i.e. having P-value < siglevel/ no. of study variables(significance level taken as input from user) from both
#' subset data. Secondly, it merges the commom sigificant variables from both data and creates a
#' new data frame which contains columns, 'ID','OS','Death','PFS','Prog','Status' and observations
#' of common significant variables (which are supposed to be leading to death given they leads to progression of cancer
#' as well as accounts for competing risks)
#' Further, it lists the common variables names and correspond in results in .csv format by default in user's current
#' working directory.
#' On obtained commondata it fits LASSO and reduces the dimensions of study variables to handful significant variables.
#' hidimSurvbonlas(m,n,siglevel,data)
#' 1) Subject ID column should be named as 'ID'.
#' 2) OS column must be named as 'OS'.
#' 3) Death status/event column should be named as 'Death'.
#' 4) Progression Free Survival column should be named as 'PFS'.
#' 5) Progression event column should be named as 'Prog'.
#' deathdata - A data frame with status column includes only those rows/subjects for which death/event was observed or not, given
#' progression was observed or not.
#' compdata - A data frame with status column which includes those rows/subjects who died given progression was observed
#' data1variables - list of variables/genes from deathdata
#' data2variables - list of variables/genes from compdata
#' siginificantpvalueA - A data frame with estimate values, HR, Pvalue, etc. of significant variables from deathdata.
#' siginificantpvalueB - A data frame with estimate values, HR, Pvalue, etc. of significant variables from compdata.
#' commongenes - A data frame consisting observations on common significant study variables.
#' cvar - List of common significant study variables.
#' commondata - A final data out consisting survival information ans observations on common significant study variables.
#' By default the fucntion stores the output in .csv forms in current directory of user.
#' @param m Starting column number form where study variables of high dimensional data will get selected.
#' @param n Ending column number till where study variables of high dimensional data will get selected.
#' @param boncorr Level of significance on which bonferroni correction will be applied.
#' @param ID Column name of subject ID, a string value. i.e. "id"
#' @param OS Column name of survival duration event, a string value. i.e. "os"
#' @param Death Column name of survival event, a string value. i.e "death"
#' @param PFS Column name of progression free survival duration, a string value. i.e "pfs"
#' @param Prog Column name of progression event, a string value. i.e "prog"
#' @param data High dimensional data containing the survival, progression and genomic observations.
#' @import survival
#' @import utils
#' @import glmnet
#' @import tidyverse
#' @importFrom  Rdpack reprompt
#' @references Ho, D. E., Imai, K., King, G., & Stuart, E. A. (2007). Matching as Nonparametric Preprocessing for Reducing Model Dependence in Parametric Causal Inference. Political Analysis,
#' 15(3), 199-236. doi: 10.1093/pan/mpl013
#' @examples
#' ##
#' data(hnscc)
#' hidimSurvbonlas(6,104,0.05,ID="id",OS="os",Death="death",PFS="pfs",Prog="prog",hnscc)
#' ##
#' @return List of significant genes
#' @export
#' @author Atanu Bhattacharjee and Akash Pawar
#' @seealso hidimSurvbon

hidimSurvbonlas <- function(m,n,boncorr,ID,OS,Death,PFS,Prog,data){

  siglevel <- boncorr

  data$Status[data[,Prog] == 0 & data[,Death] == 1] <- 2
  data$Status[data[,Prog] == 0 & data[,Death] == 0] <- 0
  data$Status[data[,Prog] == 1 & data[,Death] == 1] <- 1
  data$Status[data[,Prog] == 1 & data[,Death] == 0] <- 0

  data1 <- data
  data2 <- data

  data2$Status[data2$Status == 1] <- 3 #death1 = 1 in mydata2 is assigned "3"
  data2$Status[data2$Status == 2] <- 1 #death1 = 2 in mydata2 is assigned "1"

  deathdata <- subset(data1, Status != 2) #deleting "2" row from mydata1
  compdata <- subset(data2, Status != 3) #deleting "3" row from mydata2

  da<-matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 3) #creating dummy matrix
  dc<-matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 3)
  dap<-matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 1)
  dcp<-matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 1)

  for(i in m:n){

    b = data[,i]
    c = data[,i]
    coxdeath <- coxph(Surv(get(OS), get(Death)) ~ b, data = data)
    coxcomp <- coxph(Surv(get(PFS), get(Prog)) ~ c, data = data)
    dsum <- summary(coxdeath)
    csum <- summary(coxcomp)

    da <- rbind(da,dsum$conf.int[,-2])
    dc <- rbind(dc,csum$conf.int[,-2])
    dap <- rbind(dap,round(dsum$coefficients[,5],4))
    dcp <- rbind(dcp,round(csum$coefficients[,5],4))

  dat <- data.frame(da,dap)
  dct <- data.frame(dc,dcp)
  nm <- colnames(data[m:n])
  dan <- cbind(nm,dat)
  dcn <- cbind(nm,dct)
  colnames(dan)<- c("Variables","HR","LCL","UCL","pvalue")
  colnames(dcn)<- c("Variables","HR","LCL","UCL","pvalue")
  dan <- subset(dan, pvalue < (siglevel/length(m:n)))
  dcn <- subset(dcn, pvalue < (siglevel/length(m:n)))

  significantpvalueA <- dan
  significantpvalueB <- dcn

  commongenes <- merge(significantpvalueA, significantpvalueB, by ="Variables")

  data1variables <- significantpvalueA$Variables
  data2variables <- significantpvalueB$Variables

  cvar <- commongenes$Variables
  Status ="Status"
  commondata1 <- data.frame(IDname<-data[ID],OSurvival<-data[OS],DeathEvent<-data[Death],PFSurv<-data[PFS],
  commondata2 <- subset(data, select = c(cvar))

  commondata <-cbind(commondata1,commondata2)
  print("Function executed properly")

  report1 <- list()
  report1[[1]] <- "List of variable taking OS and survival event"
  report1[[2]] <- data1variables

  report2 <- list()
  report2[[1]] <- "List of variable taking PFS and progression event"
  report2[[2]] <- data2variables

  report3 <- list()
  report3[[1]] <- "Estimates values for significant variables on OS and survival event"
  report3[[2]] <- significantpvalueA

  report4 <- list()
  report4[[1]] <- "Estimates values for significant variables on PFS and progression event"
  report4[[2]] <- significantpvalueB

  report5 <- list()
  report5[[1]] <- "Estamates data for the DEGs/Variables found common between significant
    DEGs from data having death due to progression and data showing death without progression"
  report5[[2]] <- commongenes

  report6 <- list()
  report6[[1]] <- "List of variable/ DEGs found common between significant
    DEGs from data having death due to progression and data showing death without progression"
  report6[[2]] <- cvar

  if(length(cvar)>=1){report7 <- list()
  report7[[1]] <- "Data with Survival outcomes and DEGs/Variable observations on each subject for
    DEGs found playing crucial role in death due to progression and without."
  report7[[2]] <- commondata

    x <- commondata2 %>% data.matrix()
    cv.commondata2 =cv.glmnet(x,Surv(OS,Death),alpha = 1,family = "cox",maxit =1000)
    LambdaMin = cv.commondata2$lambda.min
    LambdaMax = cv.commondata2$lambda.1se
    est.coef = coef(cv.commondata2, s = cv.commondata2$lambda.min)
    p <- as.matrix(est.coef)
    colnames(p) <- c("LambdaMin Value")
    s <- p[p[,1]!= 0,]
    s <- as.matrix(s)
    colnames(s) <- c("LambdaMin Value")
    l <- data.frame(rownames(s),s[,1])
    signif_genes <- list(rownames(s))

    print("Number of significant genes from HiDimSurv cannot be further fltered, use HiDimSurv.")
    print(paste(" Number of Significant DEGs are - ", nrow(s)))
    rep <- list()
    rep[1] <- "Sigificant Genes are - "
    rep[2] <- signif_genes
        #write.csv(s, "Lasso_output.csv",row.names = T)
  } else{print("Number of variables or genes must be equal to or greater than 1, since it is not, LASSO cannot be appiled
              . Use HiDimSurv() function to get significant genes after using Cox Proportional Hazard fucntion")

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SurvHiDim documentation built on June 26, 2021, 5:06 p.m.