Man pages for TDA
Statistical Tools for Topological Data Analysis

alphaComplexDiagAlpha Complex Persistence Diagram
alphaComplexFiltrationAlpha Complex Filtration
alphaShapeDiagPersistence Diagram of Alpha Shape in 3d
alphaShapeFiltrationAlpha Shape Filtration in 3d
bootstrapBandBootstrap Confidence Band
bootstrapDiagramBootstrapped Confidence Set for a Persistence Diagram, using...
bottleneckBottleneck distance between two persistence diagrams
circleUnifUniform Sample From The Circle
clusterTreeDensity clustering: the cluster tree
distFctDistance function
dtmDistance to Measure Function
filtrationDiagPersistence Diagram of Filtration
funFiltrationFiltration from function values
gridDiagPersistence Diagram of a function over a Grid
gridFiltrationPersistence Diagram of a function over a Grid
hausdIntervalSubsampling Confidence Interval for the Hausdorff Distance...
kdeKernel Density Estimator over a Grid of Points
kernelDistKernel distance over a Grid of Points
knnDEk Nearest Neighbors Density Estimator over a Grid of Points
landscapeThe Persistence Landscape Function
maxPersistenceMaximal Persistence Method
multipBootstrapMultiplier Bootstrap for Persistence Landscapes and...
plot.clusterTreePlots the Cluster Tree
plot.diagramPlot the Persistence Diagram
plot.maxPersistenceSummary plot for the maxPersistence function
ripsDiagRips Persistence Diagram
ripsFiltrationRips Filtration
silhouetteThe Persistence Silhouette Function
sphereUnifUniform Sample From The Sphere S^d
summary.diagram'print' and 'summary' for 'diagram'
TDA-internalInternal TDA functions
TDA-packageStatistical Tools for Topological Data Analysis
torusUnifUniform Sample From The 3D Torus
wassersteinWasserstein distance between two persistence diagrams
TDA documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:28 a.m.