kernelDist: Kernel distance over a Grid of Points

View source: R/kernelDist.R

kernelDistR Documentation

Kernel distance over a Grid of Points


Given a point cloud X, the function kernelDist computes the kernel distance over a grid of points. The kernel is a Gaussian Kernel with smoothing parameter h:

K_h (x,y) = exp( -(||x-y||^2)/(2h^2) ).

For each x in R^d, the Kernel distance is defined by

κ_X (x) = √( 1/(n^2) ∑_{i=1}^n∑_{j=1}^n K_h(X_i, X_j) + K_h(x,x) - 2/n ∑_{i=1}^n K_h(x,X_i) ).


kernelDist(X, Grid, h, weight = 1, printProgress = FALSE)



an n by d matrix of coordinates of points, where n is the number of points and d is the dimension.


an m by d matrix of coordinates, where m is the number of points in the grid.


number: the smoothing paramter of the Gaussian Kernel.


either a number, or a vector of length n. If it is a number, then same weight is applied to each points of X. If it is a vector, weight represents weights of each points of X. The default value is 1.


if TRUE, a progress bar is printed. The default value is FALSE.


The function kernelDist returns a vector of lenght m (the number of points in the grid) containing the value of the Kernel distance for each point in the grid.


Jisu Kim and Fabrizio Lecci


Phillips JM, Wang B, Zheng Y (2013). "Geometric Inference on Kernel Density Estimates." arXiv:1307.7760.

Chazal F, Fasy BT, Lecci F, Michel B, Rinaldo A, Wasserman L (2014). "Robust Topological Inference: Distance-To-a-Measure and Kernel Distance." Technical Report.

See Also

kde, dtm, distFct


## Generate Data from the unit circle
n <- 300
X <- circleUnif(n)

## Construct a grid of points over which we evaluate the functions
by <- 0.065
Xseq <- seq(-1.6, 1.6, by = by)
Yseq <- seq(-1.7, 1.7, by = by)
Grid <- expand.grid(Xseq, Yseq)

## kernel distance estimator
h <- 0.3
Kdist <- kernelDist(X, Grid, h)

TDA documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 6:35 p.m.