ripsDiag: Rips Persistence Diagram

View source: R/ripsDiag.R

ripsDiagR Documentation

Rips Persistence Diagram


The function ripsDiag computes the persistence diagram of the Rips filtration built on top of a point cloud.


    X, maxdimension, maxscale, dist = "euclidean",
    library = "GUDHI", location = FALSE, printProgress = FALSE)



If dist="euclidean", X is an n by d matrix of coordinates, where n is the number of points in the d-dimensional euclidean space. If dist="arbitrary", X is an n by n matrix of distances of n points.


integer: max dimension of the homological features to be computed. (e.g. 0 for connected components, 1 for connected components and loops, 2 for connected components, loops, voids, etc.) Currently there is a bug for computing homological features of dimension higher than 1 when the distance is arbitrary (dist = "arbitrary") and library 'GUDHI' is used (library = "GUDHI").


number: maximum value of the rips filtration.


"euclidean" for Euclidean distance, "arbitrary" for an arbitrary distance given in input as a distance matrix. Currently there is a bug for the arbitrary distance (dist = "arbitrary") when computing homological features of dimension higher than 1 and library 'GUDHI' is used (library = "GUDHI").


either a string or a vector of length two. When a vector is given, the first element specifies which library to compute the Rips filtration, and the second element specifies which library to compute the persistence diagram. If a string is used, then the same library is used. For computing the Rips filtration, if dist = "euclidean", the user can use either the library "GUDHI" or "Dionysus". If dist = "arbitrary", the user can use either the library "Dionysus". The default value is "GUDHI" if dist = "euclidean", and "Dionysus" if dist == "arbitrary". When "GUDHI" is used for dist = "arbitrary", "Dionysus" is implicitly used. For computing the persistence diagram, the user can choose either the library "GUDHI", "Dionysus", or "PHAT". The default value is "GUDHI". Currently there is a bug for 'GUDHI' (library = "GUDHI") when computing homological features of dimension higher than 1 and the distance is arbitrary (dist = "arbitrary").


if TRUE and if "Dionysus" or "PHAT" is used for computing the persistence diagram, location of birth point and death point of each homological feature is returned. Additionaly if library="Dionysus", location of representative cycles of each homological feature is also returned.


logical: if TRUE, a progress bar is printed. The default value is FALSE.


For Rips filtration based on Euclidean distance of the input point cloud, the user can decide to use either the C++ library GUDHI or Dionysus. For Rips filtration based on arbitrary distance, the user can decide to the C++ library Dionysus. Then for computing the persistence diagram from the Rips filtration, the user can use either the C++ library GUDHI, Dionysus, or PHAT. Currently there is a bug for computing homological features of dimension higher than 1 when the distance is arbitrary (dist = "arbitrary") and library 'GUDHI' is used (library = "GUDHI"). See refereneces.


The function ripsDiag returns a list with the following elements:


an object of class diagram, a P by 3 matrix, where P is the number of points in the resulting persistence diagram. The first column contains the dimension of each feature (0 for components, 1 for loops, 2 for voids, etc.). Second and third columns are Birth and Death of the features.


only if location=TRUE and if "Dionysus" or "PHAT" is used for computing the persistence diagram: if dist="euclidean", then birthLocation is a P by d matrix, where P is the number of points in the resulting persistence diagram. Each row represents the location of the data point completing the simplex that gives birth to an homological feature. If dist="arbitrary", then birthLocation is a vector of length P. Each row represents the index of the data point completing the simplex that gives birth to an homological feature.


only if location=TRUE and if "Dionysus" or "PHAT" is used for computing the persistence diagram: if dist="euclidean", then deathLocation is a P by d matrix, where P is the number of points in the resulting persistence diagram. Each row represents the location of the data point completing the simplex that kills an homological feature. If dist="arbitrary", then deathLocation is a vector of length P. Each row represents the index of the data point completing the simplex that kills an homological feature.


only if location=TRUE and if "Dionysus" is used for computing the persistence diagram: if dist="euclidean", then cycleLocation is a list of length P, where P is the number of points in the resulting persistence diagram. Each element is a P_i by h_i +1 by d array for h_i dimensional homological feature. It represents location of h_i +1 vertices of P_i simplices, where P_i simplices constitutes the h_i dimensional homological feature. If dist = "arbitrary", then each element is a P_i by h_i +1 matrix for for h_i dimensional homological feature. It represents index of h_i +1 vertices of P_i simplices on a representative cycle of the h_i dimensional homological feature.


Brittany T. Fasy, Jisu Kim, Fabrizio Lecci, and Clement Maria


Maria C (2014). "GUDHI, Simplicial Complexes and Persistent Homology Packages."

Morozov D (2007). "Dionysus, a C++ library for computing persistent homology".

Edelsbrunner H, Harer J (2010). "Computational topology: an introduction." American Mathematical Society.

Fasy B, Lecci F, Rinaldo A, Wasserman L, Balakrishnan S, Singh A (2013). "Statistical Inference For Persistent Homology." (arXiv:1303.7117). Annals of Statistics.

See Also

summary.diagram, plot.diagram, gridDiag


## EXAMPLE 1: rips diagram for circles (euclidean distance)
X <- circleUnif(30)
maxscale <- 5
maxdimension <- 1
## note that the input X is a point cloud
DiagRips <- ripsDiag(
    X = X, maxdimension = maxdimension, maxscale = maxscale,
    library = "Dionysus", location = TRUE, printProgress = TRUE)

# plot
layout(matrix(c(1, 3, 2, 2), 2, 2))
plot(X, cex = 0.5, pch = 19)
title(main = "Data")
title(main = "rips Diagram")
one <- which(
    DiagRips[["diagram"]][, 1] == 1 &
    DiagRips[["diagram"]][, 3] - DiagRips[["diagram"]][, 2] > 0.5)
plot(X, col = 2, main = "Representative loop of data points")
for (i in seq(along = one)) {
  for (j in seq_len(dim(DiagRips[["cycleLocation"]][[one[i]]])[1])) {
	    DiagRips[["cycleLocation"]][[one[i]]][j, , ], pch = 19, cex = 1,
        col = i)

## EXAMPLE 2: rips diagram with arbitrary distance
## distance matrix for triangle with edges of length: 1,2,4
distX <- matrix(c(0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 4, 2, 4, 0), ncol = 3)
maxscale <- 5
maxdimension <- 1
## note that the input distXX is a distance matrix
DiagTri <- ripsDiag(distX, maxdimension, maxscale, dist = "arbitrary",
                    printProgress = TRUE)
#points with lifetime = 0 are not shown. e.g. the loop of the triangle.

TDA documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:28 a.m.