
Defines functions TransBoot.TPC TPCBoot.cboot TPCBoot.rboot TransBoot.TP TPBoot.cboot TPBoot.rboot

TPBoot.rboot <- function(object, UT, nboot, ...) {
	lst <- vector(mode="list", length=2);
	a3d <- array( data=0, dim=c(nboot, length(UT), 4) );
	est <- TransPROB(object, UT, nboot=1, ...);
	a3d[1,,] <- est[[1]];
	lst[[2]] <- est[[2]];
	for (i in 2:nboot) {
		y <- vector(mode="list", length=1);
		# csample.int must be called for reproduction with TPmsm's own RNG
		y[[1]] <- object[[1]][csample.int( n=nrow(object[[1]]) ),];
		class(y) <- class(object)[2];
		a3d[i,,] <- TransPROB(y, UT, nboot=1, ...)[[1]];
	lst[[1]] <- a3d;
} # TPBoot.rboot

TPBoot.cboot <- function(object, UT, nboot, ...) {
	return( TransPROB(object, UT, nboot=nboot, ...) );
} # TPBoot.cboot

TransBoot.TP <- function(object, s, t, state.names, n.boot, conf.level, method.boot, ...) {
	UT <- uniqueTIME(object, s, t);
	n.boot <- trunc(n.boot);
	lst <- TPBoot(object, UT, n.boot, ...);
	class(lst) <- class(object)[2];
	TPmsm <- BtoTPmsm(lst, UT, s, t, state.names, n.boot, conf.level, method.boot);
} # TransBoot.TP

TPCBoot.rboot <- function(object, UT, UX, nboot, ...) {
	lst <- vector(mode="list", length=2);
	a4d <- array( data=0, dim=c(nboot, length(UT), length(UX), 4) );
	est <- TransPROB(object, UT, UX, nboot=1, ...);
	a4d[1,,,] <- est[[1]];
	lst[[2]] <- est[[2]];
	for (i in 2:nboot) {
		y <- vector(mode="list", length=1);
		# csample.int must be called for reproduction with TPmsm's own RNG
		y[[1]] <- object[[1]][csample.int( n=nrow(object[[1]]) ),];
		class(y) <- class(object)[2];
		a4d[i,,,] <- TransPROB(y, UT, UX, nboot=1, ...)[[1]];
	lst[[1]] <- a4d;
} # TPCBoot.rboot

TPCBoot.cboot <- function(object, UT, UX, nboot, ...) {
	return( TransPROB(object, UT, UX, nboot=nboot, ...) );
} # TPCBoot.cboot

TransBoot.TPC <- function(object, s, t, state.names, n.boot, conf.level, method.boot, xi, ...) {
	UT <- uniqueTIME(object, s, t);
	UX <- uniqueCOV(object, xi);
	n.boot <- trunc(n.boot);
	lst <- TPCBoot(object, UT, UX, n.boot, ...);
	class(lst) <- class(object)[2];
	TPCmsm <- BtoTPCmsm(lst, UT, UX, s, t, xi, state.names, n.boot, conf.level, method.boot);
} # TransBoot.TPC

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TPmsm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:43 a.m.