## library(TR8)
## context("tr8 results")
## test_that("ecoflora works", {
## #skip_on_cran()
## ecoflora<-tr8(c("Salix alba"),download_list=c("li_form"))
## eco<-ecoflora@results$li_form
## expect_identical(as.character(eco[1]),"phanerophyte" )
## })
## test_that("BiolFlor works", {
## #skip_on_cran()
## biol<-tr8(c("Salix alba"),download_list=c("li_form_B"))
## bio<-biol@results$li_form_B
## expect_identical(as.character(bio[1]),"M (Macrophanerophyte)" )
## })
## test_that("LEDA works", {
## #skip_on_cran()
## LEDA<-tr8(c("Salix alba"),download_list=c("growth_form"))
## led<-LEDA@results$growth_form
## expect_identical(as.character(led[1]),"Phanerophyte" )
## })
## test_that("Pignatti works", {
## #skip_on_cran()
## Pign<-tr8(c("Salix alba"),download_list=c("ell_L_it"))
## Pign<-Pign@results$ell_L_it
## expect_identical(as.character(Pign[1]),"5" )
## })
## test_that("Akhmetzhanova works", {
## #skip_on_cran()
## Akh<-tr8(c("Abies alba"),download_list=c("Myco_infection"))
## Akh<-Akh@results$Myco_infection
## expect_identical(as.character(Akh[1]),"7-NA" )
## })
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