# TSP - Traveling Salesperson Problem
# Copyrigth (C) 2011 Michael Hahsler and Kurt Hornik
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
## Insertion algorithms
## (Rosenkrantz et al. 1977)
tsp_insertion <- function(x, type = "nearest", control = NULL){
## since sample has an annoying convenience feature for
## lenght(x) == 1
choose1 <- function(x) if(length(x) > 1) sample(x, 1) else x
## this is slower than which.min and which.max but works also
## correctly for only values Inf in x and breaks ties randomly
choose1_min <- function(x) choose1(which(x == min(x)))
choose1_max <- function(x) choose1(which(x == max(x)))
types <- c("nearest", "farthest", "cheapest", "arbitrary")
type_num <- pmatch(type, types)
if( stop(paste("Unknown insertion type: ", sQuote(type)))
## x comes checked form solve_TSP/solve_ATSP
n <- n_of_cities(x)
## we use a matrix for now (covers TSP and ATSP)
asym <- inherits(x, "ATSP")
x <- as.matrix(x)
## place first city
control <- .get_parameters(control, list(
start = sample(n, 1)
), method = paste0(types[type_num], "_insertion"))
start <- as.integer(control$start)
if(start < 0 || start > n)
stop(paste("illegal value for", sQuote("start")))
placed <- logical(n)
placed[start] <- TRUE
order <- c(start)
## place other cities
while(any(placed == FALSE)) {
## find city to be inserted
ks <- which(!placed)
js <- which(placed)
## nearest / farthest
if(type_num < 3) {
m <- x[ks,js, drop = FALSE]
## for the asymmetric case we have to take distances
## from and to the city into account
m <- cbind(m, t(x)[ks,js, drop = FALSE])
ds <- sapply(1:length(ks), FUN =
function(i) min(m[i, , drop = FALSE]))
## nearest/farthest insertion
winner_index <- if(type_num == 1) choose1_min(ds)
else choose1_max(ds)
k <- ks[winner_index]
## cheapest
else if(type_num == 3) {
winner_index <- choose1_min(sapply(ks, FUN =
function(k) min(.Call(R_insertion_cost, x, order, k)) ))
k <- ks[winner_index]
## we look for the optimal insertion place for k again later
## this is not necessary, but it is more convenient
## to reuse the code for the other insertion algorithms for now.
## random
else if(type_num == 4) k <- choose1(ks)
## just in case
else stop("unknown insertion type")
## do insertion
placed[k] <- TRUE
if(length(order) == 1) order <- append(order, k)
else {
pos <- choose1_min(.Call(R_insertion_cost, x, order, k))
order <- append(order, k, after = pos)
if (control$verbose)
cat("All cities placed.\n\n")
### faster arbitrary insertion (random sampling takes care of breaking ties)
tsp_insertion_arbitrary <- function(x, control = NULL){
## x comes checked form solve_TSP/solve_ATSP
n <- n_of_cities(x)
control <- .get_parameters(control, list(), method = "arbitrary_insertion")
## we use a matrix for now (covers TSP and ATSP)
x <- as.matrix(x)
## deal with special cases
if(nrow(x) == 1) return(1L)
if(nrow(x) == 2) return(sample(1:2))
x[] <- Inf
## random order
rorder <- sample(n)
x <- x[rorder, rorder]
## FIXME: specify start city
## place first two cities
order <- integer(n)
order[1:2] <- 1:2
## place other cities
for(i in 3:n) {
pos <- which.min(.Call(R_insertion_cost, x, order[1:(i-1L)], i)) + 1L
order[((pos):i)+1L] <- order[(pos):i]
order[pos] <- i
if (control$verbose)
cat("All cities placed.\n\n")
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