Defines functions SK_VOLab_EBLUP_LME.f

Documented in SK_VOLab_EBLUP_LME.f

#' @title taper volume estimation
#' @description Internal function not usually called by users
#' @param xm relative heights for which measurements are available
#' @param ym corresponding diameter measurements in height \code{xm}
#' @param a relative height of lower threshold of stem section
#' @param b relative height of upper threshold of stem section
#' @param Ht tree height
#' @param par.lme List of taper model parameters obtained by \code{\link{TapeR_FIT_LME.f}}
#' @param Rfn list with function name to provide estimated or assumed residual 
#' variances for the given measurements, optionally parameters for such functions
#' @param IntPolOpt option for method of interpolation, if TRUE using a natural 
#' interpolating spline (\code{\link[stats]{splinefun}}), if FALSE using a smoothing 
#' spline (\code{\link[stats]{smooth.spline}}); defaults to TRUE
#' @param ... not currently used
#' @details with \code{Rfn=list(fn="zero")} one can decide whether the 
#' measured diameters are forced to lie exactly on the taper curve; this 
#' interferes somewhat with the \code{IntPolOpt}, which determines the method of
#' taper curve point interpolation for integration. The default \code{TRUE} 
#' (used throughout all function calls) applies natural interpolating splines, 
#' hence this does not contradict the optional use of \code{Rfn=list(fn="zero")}. 
#' @return List with two elements, the estimated volume and its variance 
#' @author Edgar Kublin
#' @importFrom stats integrate

function(xm, ym, a=0, b=1, Ht, par.lme, Rfn=list(fn="sig2"), IntPolOpt = TRUE, ...){

	#   Design Matrizen X und Z zu den Kalibrierungsdaten :

		xp  = c(seq(0,1,length.out=51));
		xp 	= unique(xp[order(xp)])

  #       -------------------------
		Cm 		= pi*0.25*1e-4*Ht    # Skalierungskonstante D[cm]-->D[m] und H--> h=H/H_ges
  #       -------------------------

	#   ********************************************
		SK_LME = SK_EBLUP_LME.f(xm, ym, xp, par.lme, Rfn=Rfn)
	#   ********************************************

			(Int_E_D2_Hx = Cm*integrate(y2x_isp.f, a, b, x.grd = xp, y.grd = SK_LME$yp)$value)
			(Int_E_D2_Hx = Cm*integrate(y2x_ssp.f, a, b, x.grd = xp, y.grd = SK_LME$yp)$value)
			(Int_VAR_D_Hx  	= Cm*integrate(yx_isp.f, a, b, x.grd = xp, y.grd = SK_LME$MSE_Pred)$value)
			(Int_VAR_D_Hx  	= Cm*integrate(yx_ssp.f, a, b, x.grd = xp, y.grd = SK_LME$MSE_Pred)$value)

	#   ********************************************
		SK_VOLab_EBLUP	= Int_E_D2_Hx + Int_VAR_D_Hx
	#   ********************************************

	#   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	#   Fehler integriertes Schaftvolumen - Lappi (2006) & Press et al (1986 par 4.6 /2007)
	#   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

		hx.grd      	= xp

		hx1.grd      	= hx.grd
		hx2.grd      	= hx.grd

		KOV_hx1hx2.grd 	= SK_LME$KOV_Mean

		ED_hx1.grd    	= as.vector(SK_LME$yp)
		ED_hx2.grd    	= as.vector(SK_LME$yp)

	#   Integrand fuer das innere Integral :.........................................................

	#   Formel (13) Summanden 2+3:..................................................................

	#   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		G_hx1hx2.grd   = (2*KOV_hx1hx2.grd + 4*ED_hx1.grd%o%ED_hx2.grd)*KOV_hx1hx2.grd
	#   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


	#   Formel (13) Summand (1) s2(x)*s2(y) :.......................................................

			VARD_hx1.grd   = as.vector(SK_LME$MSE_Mean)
			VARD_hx2.grd   = as.vector(SK_LME$MSE_Mean)

			G_hx1hx2.grd   = VARD_hx1.grd%o%VARD_hx2.grd + G_hx1hx2.grd

	#   Integrand fuer das aeussere Integral :.........................................................

		Hx1.grd = rep(0,nrow(G_hx1hx2.grd))

		for(ij in 1:nrow(G_hx1hx2.grd)){
				Hx1.grd[ij]	= integrate(yx_isp.f, a, b, x.grd = hx2.grd, y.grd = G_hx1hx2.grd[ij,])$value
				Hx1.grd[ij]	= integrate(yx_ssp.f, a, b, x.grd = hx2.grd, y.grd = G_hx1hx2.grd[ij,])$value

	#   Integral[G(hx1,hx2) dhx1dhx2 |(0,1)2]:......................................................

	#   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	#	Int_KOV_D2 = unlist(integrate(y_smth.f,a, b, x.grd = hx1.grd, y.grd  = Hx1.grd))$value
	#   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

			Int_KOV_D2 = integrate(yx_isp.f, a, b, x.grd = hx1.grd, y.grd = Hx1.grd)$value
			Int_KOV_D2 = integrate(yx_ssp.f, a, b, x.grd = hx1.grd, y.grd = Hx1.grd)$value

	#   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		VAR_SK_VOLab_EBLUP = Cm^2*Int_KOV_D2
	#   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

		return(list(VOL = SK_VOLab_EBLUP, VAR_VOL = VAR_SK_VOLab_EBLUP))


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