
Defines functions check_biber

Documented in check_biber

#' Check biber
#' @param path The path containing the \code{blg} file, following successful compilation.
#' @param rstudio Use the RStudio API?
#' @export

check_biber <- function(path = ".", rstudio = FALSE) {
  blg.file <- dir(path = path, pattern = "blg$", full.names = TRUE)
  if (length(blg.file) > 1L){
    stop("More than one blg file.")
  } else {
    if (length(blg.file) == 1L){
      blg <- read_lines(blg.file)
      biber_version <-
        gsub("^.*This is Biber ([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+).*",
             grep("This is Biber",
                  fixed = TRUE,
                  value = TRUE)[[1]],
             perl = TRUE)
      if (length(biber_version) == 0L){
        stop("Biber version could not be detected")
      if (package_version(biber_version) < package_version("2.6")) {
        stop("biber version is ", biber_version, " but >=2.6 is required.")
      # Remove legislation marks:
      blg <- blg[!grepl("WARN - year field .((Cth)|(NSW)|(Vic)|(SA)|(Tas)|(Qld)|(WA)|(ACT)|(NT)|(NZ)). in entry .*((Act)|(Reg)|(Bill))", blg, perl = TRUE)]
      blg <- blg[!grepl("Entry .*((Act)|(Reg)|(Bill)).*Missing mandatory field", blg, perl = TRUE)]
      blg <- blg[!grepl("n.d.", blg, fixed = TRUE)]
      # WARN not WARNINGS
      if (any(grepl("WARN ", blg, fixed = TRUE))){
        all_bad_entries <- 
          blg[grepl("WARN ", blg, fixed = TRUE)]
        n_bad_entries <- length(all_bad_entries)
        cat_(red(symbol$cross), ": ", "biber warnings:\n")
        for (j in seq_along(all_bad_entries)){
          first_bad_entry <-
            all_bad_entries %>%
          if (grepl("I didn't find a database entry for '.'", first_bad_entry, fixed = TRUE)){
            extra_text <- 
              paste0("Probable reason: use of \\footcites or \\textcites but omitting the last key.\n",
                     "e.g.\n\t\\textcites{Knuth}.\n  or\n\t\\textcites[][33]{Knuth}[][3].")
          } else {
            extra_text <- NULL
          cat_(crayon::red(sub("^.*WARN ", "WARN", first_bad_entry)), "\n", extra_text)
          if (j == 5){
        if (n_bad_entries > 1) {
          if (n_bad_entries > 5) {
            stop("Biber emitted a warning. See the above WARN messages. (Only the first five are given; there were ",
                 n_bad_entries, " in total.")
          } else {
            stop("Biber emitted a warning. See the above WARN messages.")
        } else {
          if (grepl("Datamodel: Entry", all_bad_entries)) {
            entry <- gsub("^.*Datamodel. Entry '(.*?)'.*$", "\\1", all_bad_entries, perl = TRUE)
            bib_file <- gsub("^.*Datamodel. Entry '(.*?)' \\((.*?\\.bib)\\).*$",
                             perl = TRUE)
            line_no <- NULL
            max_line_no <- 
              fread_bib(file.bib = bib_file) %>%
              .[key == entry] %>%
              last %>%
            report2console(file = bib_file,
                           error_message = "Biber warning requiring action:",
                           line_no = max_line_no,
                           advice = paste0("Biber emitted a warning about a missing or invalid field.\nGo to the the entry\n",
                                           "\t", entry, "\n",
                                           "in\t", bib_file, "\n",
                                           "to fix the entry."),
                           rstudio = rstudio)
          stop("Biber emitted a warning. See the above WARN message.")

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TeXCheckR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:20 a.m.