
Defines functions check_cite_pagerefs

check_cite_pagerefs <- function(filename, .report_error){
  if (missing(.report_error)){
    .report_error <- function(...) report2console(...)
  lines <- 
    read_lines(filename) %>% 

  line_nos_with_cites <-
    grep("cites?[\\[\\{]", lines, perl = TRUE)

  if (any(grepl("cites?\\[[^\\]]+\\][{]", lines[line_nos_with_cites], perl = TRUE))){
    line_no <- line_nos_with_cites[grepl("cites?\\[[^\\]]+\\][{]", lines[line_nos_with_cites], perl = TRUE)][[1]]
    context <- lines[[line_no]]
    .report_error(line_no = line_no,
                  context = context,
                  error_message = "Use postnote for pagerefs.")
    stop("Use postnote for pagerefs.")

    # Check constructions like p. 93
  if (any(grepl(r2("cites?\\[\\]",
                perl = TRUE))){
    line_no <- line_nos_with_cites[grepl(r2("cites?\\[\\]",
                                        perl = TRUE)][[1]]
    context <- lines[[line_no]]
    .report_error(line_no = line_no,
                  context = context,
                  error_message = "Unnecessary p in postnote.")
    stop("Unnecessary p in postnote.")
  # Check single hyphen between pagerefs
  if (any(grepl("cites?\\[\\]\\[[0-9]+-[0-9]+\\]", lines[line_nos_with_cites], perl = TRUE))){
    line_no <- line_nos_with_cites[grepl("cites?\\[\\]\\[[0-9]+-[0-9]+\\]",
                                         perl = TRUE)][[1]]
    context <- lines[[line_no]]
    .report_error(line_no = line_no,
                  context = context,
                  error_message = "Page ranges should be separated by two hyphens (--).")
    stop("Page ranges should be separated by two hyphens (--).")

  # Check footcites when only one key:

  plural_cite_but_single_key <-
           # optional pre/postnote
              r3("[", "^\\]", "]+"),
           # This key
           # Offender: if present, should be cites

  if (any(grepl(plural_cite_but_single_key,
                perl = TRUE))){
    line_nos <- grep(plural_cite_but_single_key,
                    perl = TRUE)
    line_no <- line_nos[[1]]
    context <- lines[[line_no]]
    .report_error(line_no = line_no,
                  context = lines[[line_no]],
                  error_message = paste0("Use of singular form of textcite or footcite."))
    stop("Use of singular form of \\textcite or \\footcite but { follows immediately after the first key. ",
         "Did you mean \\textcites or \\footcites ?")
  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/267399/how-do-you-match-only-valid-roman-numerals-with-a-regular-expression
  roman_numeral <- paste0("(?:M{0,4}(CM|CD|D?C{0,3})(XC|XL|L?X{0,3})(IX|IV|V?I{0,3}))|", 
  if (any(grepl(paste0("\\bp?p(?:(?:\\.[^~])|(?:[^.][~\\s]))((?:[0-9]+)|(?:", roman_numeral, "))\\b"), lines, perl = TRUE))){
    line_no <- grep(paste0("\\bp?p(?:(?:\\.[^~])|(?:[^.][~\\s]))((?:[0-9]+)|(?:", roman_numeral, "))\\b"), lines, perl = TRUE)[[1]]
    context <- lines[line_no]
    .report_error(line_no = line_no,
                  context = context,
                  error_message = "Page reference not in correct format.",
                  advice = "Use a tilde to separate explicit page-number references. (e.g. p.~32)")
    stop("Page reference not in correct format.")


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TeXCheckR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:20 a.m.