MappingQuality: Faithfulness of mapped distances

View source: R/trustworthiness.R

MappingQualityR Documentation

Faithfulness of mapped distances


MappingQuality() calculates the trustworthiness and continuity of mapped distances \insertCiteVenna2001,Kaski2003TreeDist. Trustworthiness measures, on a scale from 0–1, the degree to which points that are nearby in a mapping are truly close neighbours; continuity, the extent to which points that are truly nearby retain their close spatial proximity in a mapping.


MappingQuality(original, mapped, neighbours = 10L)

ProjectionQuality(original, mapped, neighbours = 10L)


original, mapped

Square matrix or dist object containing original / mapped pairwise distances.


Integer specifying number of nearest neighbours to use in calculation. This should typically be small relative to the number of points.


MappingQuality() returns a named vector of length four, containing the entries: Trustworthiness, Continuity, TxC (the product of these values), and sqrtTxC (its square root).


Martin R. Smith (



See Also

Other tree space functions: Islands(), MSTSegments(), MapTrees(), SpectralEigens(), cluster-statistics, median.multiPhylo()


library("TreeTools", quietly = TRUE)
trees <- as.phylo(0:10, nTip = 8)
distances <- ClusteringInfoDistance(trees)
mapping <- cmdscale(distances)
MappingQuality(distances, dist(mapping), 4)

TreeDist documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:10 p.m.