
Defines functions CladisticInfo.list CladisticInfo.Splits CladisticInfo.phylo PhylogeneticInfo CladisticInfo Log2TreesMatchingTree LnTreesMatchingTree TreesMatchingTree

Documented in CladisticInfo CladisticInfo.list CladisticInfo.phylo CladisticInfo.Splits LnTreesMatchingTree Log2TreesMatchingTree PhylogeneticInfo TreesMatchingTree

#' Number of trees containing a tree
#' `TreesMatchingTree()` calculates the number of unrooted binary trees that
#' are consistent with a tree topology on the same leaves.
#' Remember to unroot a tree first if the position of its root is arbitrary.
#' @template treeParam
#' @return `TreesMatchingTree()` returns a numeric specifying the number of
#' unrooted binary trees that contain all the edges present in the input tree.
#' `LnTreesMatchingTree()` gives the natural logarithm of this number.
#' @examples
#' partiallyResolvedTree <- CollapseNode(BalancedTree(8), 12:15)
#' TreesMatchingTree(partiallyResolvedTree)
#' LnTreesMatchingTree(partiallyResolvedTree)
#' # Number of rooted trees:
#' rootedTree <- AddTip(partiallyResolvedTree, where = 0)
#' TreesMatchingTree(partiallyResolvedTree)
#' @template MRS
#' @family tree information functions
#' @export
TreesMatchingTree <- function(tree) {

#' @rdname TreesMatchingTree
#' @export
LnTreesMatchingTree <- function(tree) {

#' @rdname TreesMatchingTree
#' @export
Log2TreesMatchingTree <- function(tree) {

#' Cladistic information content of a tree
#' `CladisticInfo()` calculates the cladistic (phylogenetic) information
#' content of a phylogenetic object, _sensu_ Thorley _et al._ (1998).
#' The \acronym{CIC} is the logarithm of the number of binary trees that
#' include the specified topology.
#' A base two logarithm gives an information content in bits.
#' The \acronym{CIC} was originally proposed by 
#' \insertCite{Rohlf1982;textual}{TreeTools}, and formalised,
#' with an information-theoretic justification, by 
#' \insertCite{Thorley1998;textual}{TreeTools}.
#' \insertCite{Steel2006;textual}{TreeTools} term the equivalent quantity
#' "phylogenetic information content" in the context of individual characters.
#' The number of binary trees consistent with a cladogram provides a more
#' satisfactory measure of the resolution of a tree than simply
#' counting the number of edges resolved \insertCite{Page1992}{TreeTools}.
#' @param x Tree of class `phylo`, or a list thereof.
#' @return `CladisticInfo()` returns a numeric giving the cladistic information
#' content of the input tree(s), in bits.
#' If passed a `Splits` object, it returns the information content of each
#' split in turn.
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @family tree information functions
#' @family tree characterization functions
#' @template MRS
#' @export
CladisticInfo <- function(x) UseMethod("CladisticInfo")

#' @rdname CladisticInfo
#' @export
PhylogeneticInfo <- function(x) {                                               # nocov start
}                                                                               # nocov end

#' @rdname CladisticInfo
#' @export
CladisticInfo.phylo <- function(x) {
  Log2Unrooted(NTip(x)) - Log2TreesMatchingTree(x)

#' @rdname CladisticInfo
#' @export
CladisticInfo.Splits <- function(x) {
  Log2Unrooted(NTip(x)) -
    apply(cbind(TipsInSplits(x), TipsInSplits(!x)), 1, Log2TreesMatchingSplit)

#' @rdname CladisticInfo
#' @export
CladisticInfo.list <- function(x) vapply(x, CladisticInfo, 0)
#' @rdname CladisticInfo
#' @export
CladisticInfo.multiPhylo <- CladisticInfo.list

#' @rdname CladisticInfo
#' @export
PhylogeneticInformation <- PhylogeneticInfo
#' @rdname CladisticInfo
#' @export
CladisticInformation <- CladisticInfo

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