
#' @title Operative Environmental Temperature of a Butterfly
#' @description The function estimates body temperatures (C, operative environmental temperatures) of a butterfly based on \insertCite{Kingsolver1983;textual}{TrenchR} and \insertCite{Buckley2012;textual}{TrenchR}. The function is designed for butterflies that bask with closed wings such as Colias.
#' @param T_a \code{numeric} air temperature (C).
#' @param T_g  \code{numeric} surface temperature (C) in the sunlight.
#' @param T_sh \code{numeric} surface temperature (C) in the shade.
#' @param u \code{numeric} wind speed (\ifelse{html}{\out{m s<sup>-1</sup>}}{\eqn{m s^-1}{ASCII}}).
#' @param S_sdir \code{numeric} direct solar radiation flux (\ifelse{html}{\out{W m<sup>-2</sup>}}{\eqn{W m^-2}{ASCII}}).
#' @param S_sdif \code{numeric} diffuse solar radiation flux (\ifelse{html}{\out{W m<sup>-2</sup>}}{\eqn{W m^-2}{ASCII}}).
#' @param z \code{numeric} solar zenith angle (degrees).
#' @param D \code{numeric} thoracic diameter (cm).
#' @param delta \code{numeric} thoracic fur thickness (mm).
#' @param alpha \code{numeric} wing solar absorptivity (proportion). The range for Colias butterflies is 0.4 to 0.7.
#' @param r_g \code{numeric} substrate solar reflectivity (proportion). See \insertCite{Kingsolver1983;textual}{TrenchR}.
#' @param shade \code{logical} whether body temperature should be calculated in sun (\code{FALSE}) or shade (\code{TRUE}).
#' @return \code{numeric} predicted body (operative environmental) temperature (C).
#' @details 
#'  Thermal radiative flux is calculated following \insertCite{Gates1980;textual}{TrenchR} based on \insertCite{Swinbank1960;textual}{TrenchR}. \insertCite{Kingsolver1983;textual}{TrenchR} estimates using the Brunt equation with black body sky temperature from \insertCite{Swinbank1963;textual}{TrenchR}.
#' @family biophysical models
#' @export
#' @references
#'   \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#'   Tb_butterfly(T_a    = 25, 
#'                T_g    = 25, 
#'                T_sh   = 20, 
#'                u      = 0.4, 
#'                S_sdir = 300, 
#'                S_sdif = 100, 
#'                z      = 30, 
#'                D      = 0.36, 
#'                delta  = 1.46, 
#'                alpha  = 0.6, 
#'                r_g    = 0.3)
Tb_butterfly <- function (T_a, 
                          r_g    = 0.3,
                          shade  = FALSE) {

  stopifnot(u      >= 0, 
            S_sdir >= 0, 
            S_sdif >= 0, 
            z      >= -90, 
            z      <= 90, 
            D      > 0, 
            delta  >= 0, 
            alpha  >= 0, 
            r_g    >= 0, 
            r_g    <= 1, 
  # conversions

    T_a    <- celsius_to_kelvin(T_a)
    T_a_sh <- T_a
    T_g    <- celsius_to_kelvin(T_g)
    T_g_sh <- celsius_to_kelvin(T_sh)

    # wind speed m/s to cm/s

      u <- u *100  

    # solar flux W/m2 to mW/cm2

      S_sdir <- S_sdir / 10 
      S_sdif <- S_sdif / 10

    # thoracic fur thickness mm to cm

      delta <- delta / 10     

  # Total solar radiation

    S_sttl <- S_sdir + S_sdif

  # Butterfly Parameters

    # surface emissivity (proportion), ranges from 0.95-1

      epsilon_s <- 0.97 

      sigma <- stefan_boltzmann_constant(units = "mW_cm-2_K-4") # note units

    # butterfly thermal emissivity

      Ep <- 1 

    # k_e- thermal conductivity of the fur, 1.3 mW cm^-1*K^-1

      k_e <- 1.3 

    # r_i- body radius from Kingsolver 1983

      r_i <- 0.15 

    # approximate thermal conductivity of air, mWcm^-1*K^-1

      k_a <- 0.25

    #  kinematic viscosity of air, cm^2/s at 300K 
    #     http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/air-absolute-kinematic-viscosity-d_601.html

      v <- 15.68 * 10^-2  

  # Calculations

    # total surface area cm^2 as area of cylinder without ends

      A_sttl <- pi * D * 2 

    # direct and reflected surface areas for butterflies basking with wings perpendicular to radiation 

      A_sdir <- A_sttl / 2
      A_sref <- A_sdir

    # Radiative Heat Flux, mW
      Q_s <- alpha * A_sdir * S_sdir / cos(z * pi / 180) + alpha * A_sref * S_sdif + alpha * r_g * A_sref * S_sttl  

    # Thermal Radiative Flux in K

    # effective radiant temperature of sky
    #  K, Gates 1980 Biophysical ecology based on Swinback 1960, Kingsolver (1983) estimates using Brunt equation

       T_sky <- celsius_to_kelvin(1.22 * kelvin_to_celsius(T_a) - 20.4)

    # Convective Heat Flux

      # Reynolds number- ratio of interval viscous forces

      R_e <- u * D / v

      # Nusselt number- dimensionless conductance

        N_u <- 0.6 * R_e^0.5

      # Kingsolver 1983

        # N_u <- 2.3 

      h_c <- N_u * k_a / D

      # total convective heat transfer coefficient

        h_T <- (1 / h_c + (r_i + delta) * log((r_i + delta) / r_i) / k_e)^-1;  

  # Shade Adjustments

    if (shade) {

      # Calculate without basking by dividing areas by two

        A_sttl <- A_sttl / 2

      # Radiative Heat Flux in Shade, mW

        A_sdir <- A_sttl/2
        A_sref <- A_sdir

        # No direct radiation, only diffuse and reflected
          S_sdir_sh <- 0
          S_sdif_sh <- S_sdif
          S_sttl <- S_sdif + S_sdif_sh 

        Q_s <- alpha * A_sdir * S_sdir_sh / cos(z * pi / 180) + alpha * A_sref * S_sdif_sh + alpha * r_g * A_sref * S_sttl 

      # Use shaded surface temperature

        T_g < - T_sh

  # Solution 

    a <- A_sttl * Ep * sigma
    b <- h_T * A_sttl
    d <- h_T * A_sttl * T_a +0.5 * A_sttl * Ep * sigma * T_sky^4 + 0.5 * A_sttl * Ep * sigma * (T_g)^4 + Q_s

    # in K

      T_e <- 1 / 2 * sqrt((2 * b) / (a * sqrt((sqrt(3) * sqrt(256 * a^3 * d^3 + 27 * a^2 * b^4) + 9 * a * b^2)^(1 / 3) / (2^(1 / 3) * 3^(2 / 3) * a) - (4 * (2 / 3)^(1 / 3) * d) / (sqrt(3) * sqrt(256 * a^3 * d^3 + 27 * a^2 * b^4) + 9 * a * b^2)^(1 / 3))) - (sqrt(3) * sqrt(256 * a^3 * d^3 + 27 * a^2 * b^4) + 9 * a * b^2)^(1 / 3) / (2^(1 / 3) * 3^(2 / 3) * a) + (4 * (2 / 3)^(1 / 3) * d) / (sqrt(3) * sqrt(256 * a^3 * d^3 + 27 * a^2 * b^4) + 9 * a * b^2)^(1 / 3)) - 1 / 2 * sqrt((sqrt(3) * sqrt(256 * a^3 * d^3 + 27 * a^2 * b^4) + 9 * a * b^2)^(1 / 3) / (2^(1 / 3) * 3^(2 / 3) * a) - (4 * (2 / 3)^(1 / 3) * d) / (sqrt(3) * sqrt(256 * a^3 * d^3 + 27 * a^2 * b^4) + 9 * a * b^2)^(1 / 3)) 

    # in C



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