#' Predict marginal cumulative incidences with confidence intervals for a target trial population
#' This function predicts the marginal cumulative incidences when a target trial population receives either the
#' treatment or non-treatment at baseline (for an intention-to-treat analysis) or either sustained treatment or
#' sustained non-treatment (for a per-protocol analysis). The difference between these cumulative incidences is the
#' estimated causal effect of treatment. Currently, the `predict` function only provides marginal intention-to-treat and
#' per-protocol effects, therefore it is only valid when `estimand_type = "ITT"` or `estimand_type = "PP"`.
#' @param object Object from [trial_msm()] or [initiators()].
#' @param newdata Baseline trial data that characterise the target trial population that marginal cumulative incidences
#' or survival probabilities are predicted for. `newdata` must have the same columns and formats of variables as in
#' the fitted marginal structural model specified in [trial_msm()] or [initiators()]. If `newdata` contains rows with
#' `followup_time > 0` these will be removed.
#' @param type Specify cumulative incidences or survival probabilities to be predicted. Either cumulative incidence
#' (`"cum_inc"`) or survival probability (`"survival"`).
#' @param predict_times Specify the follow-up visits/times where the marginal cumulative incidences or survival
#' probabilities are predicted.
#' @param conf_int Construct the point-wise 95-percent confidence intervals of cumulative incidences for the target
#' trial population under treatment and non-treatment and their differences by simulating the parameters in the
#' marginal structural model from a multivariate normal distribution with the mean equal to the marginal structural
#' model parameter estimates and the variance equal to the estimated robust covariance matrix.
#' @param samples Number of samples used to construct the simulation-based confidence intervals.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A list of three data frames containing the cumulative incidences for each of the assigned treatment options
#' (treatment and non-treatment) and the difference between them.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats .checkMFClasses coef delete.response model.frame model.matrix terms setNames
#' @examples
#' # If necessary set the number of `data.table` threads
#' data.table::setDTthreads(2)
#' data("te_model_ex")
#' predicted_ci <- predict(te_model_ex, predict_times = 0:30, samples = 10)
#' # Plot the cumulative incidence curves under treatment and non-treatment
#' plot(predicted_ci[[1]]$followup_time, predicted_ci[[1]]$cum_inc,
#' type = "l",
#' xlab = "Follow-up Time", ylab = "Cumulative Incidence",
#' ylim = c(0, 0.7)
#' )
#' lines(predicted_ci[[1]]$followup_time, predicted_ci[[1]]$`2.5%`, lty = 2)
#' lines(predicted_ci[[1]]$followup_time, predicted_ci[[1]]$`97.5%`, lty = 2)
#' lines(predicted_ci[[2]]$followup_time, predicted_ci[[2]]$cum_inc, type = "l", col = 2)
#' lines(predicted_ci[[2]]$followup_time, predicted_ci[[2]]$`2.5%`, lty = 2, col = 2)
#' lines(predicted_ci[[2]]$followup_time, predicted_ci[[2]]$`97.5%`, lty = 2, col = 2)
#' legend("topleft", title = "Assigned Treatment", legend = c("0", "1"), col = 1:2, lty = 1)
#' # Plot the difference in cumulative incidence over follow up
#' plot(predicted_ci[[3]]$followup_time, predicted_ci[[3]]$cum_inc_diff,
#' type = "l",
#' xlab = "Follow-up Time", ylab = "Difference in Cumulative Incidence",
#' ylim = c(0.0, 0.5)
#' )
#' lines(predicted_ci[[3]]$followup_time, predicted_ci[[3]]$`2.5%`, lty = 2)
#' lines(predicted_ci[[3]]$followup_time, predicted_ci[[3]]$`97.5%`, lty = 2)
predict.TE_msm <- function(object,
conf_int = TRUE,
samples = 100,
type = c("cum_inc", "survival"),
...) {
if (object$args$estimand_type == "As-Treated") {
warning("As-Treated estimands are not currently supported by this predict method. Results may be unexpected.")
assert_class(object$model, "glm")
model <- object$model
type <- match.arg(type)
assert_integerish(predict_times, lower = 0, min.len = 1)
assert_int(samples, lower = 1)
coefs_mat <- matrix(coef(model), nrow = 1)
if (conf_int) {
assert_matrix(object$robust$matrix, nrows = ncol(coefs_mat), ncols = ncol(coefs_mat))
coefs_mat <- rbind(coefs_mat, mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = samples, mean = coef(model), sigma = object$robust$matrix))
newdata <- check_newdata(newdata, model, predict_times)
pred_fun <- if (type == "survival") {
} else if (type == "cum_inc") {
pred_list <- calculate_predictions(
newdata = newdata,
model = model,
treatment_values = c(assigned_treatment_0 = 0, assigned_treatment_1 = 1),
pred_fun = pred_fun,
coefs_mat = coefs_mat,
matrix_n_col = length(predict_times)
pred_list$difference <- pred_list$assigned_treatment_1 - pred_list$assigned_treatment_0
pred_matrix = pred_list,
col_names = paste0(type, c("", "", "_diff")),
FUN = function(pred_matrix, col_names) {
if (conf_int) {
quantiles <- apply(pred_matrix, 1, quantile, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))
data.frame(predict_times, pred_matrix[, 1], quantiles[1, ], quantiles[2, ]),
c("followup_time", col_names, "2.5%", "97.5%")
} else {
setNames(data.frame(predict_times, pred_matrix[, 1]), nm = c("followup_time", col_names))
#' Check Data used for Prediction
#' @param newdata new data to predict, or missing.
#' @param model glm model object.
#' @param predict_times times to predict to add to resulting newdata.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A `newdata` data.frame
check_newdata <- function(newdata, model, predict_times) {
required_vars <- setdiff(all.vars(model$formula), "outcome")
if (missing(newdata)) {
newdata <- model$data[, required_vars, with = FALSE]
newdata <- newdata[newdata$followup_time == 0, ]
} else {
assert_data_frame(newdata, min.rows = 1)
assert_names(colnames(newdata), must.include = required_vars)
newdata <- data.table(newdata)[, required_vars, with = FALSE]
newdata <- newdata[newdata$followup_time == 0, ]
col_attr_model <- lapply(model$data[, required_vars, with = FALSE], attributes)
col_attr_newdata <- lapply(newdata, attributes)
if (!isTRUE(all_eq <- all.equal(col_attr_model, col_attr_newdata))) {
warning("Attributes of newdata do not match data used for fitting. Attempting to fix.")
newdata <- rbind(model$data[0, required_vars, with = FALSE], newdata)
fixed <- all.equal(
lapply(model$data[, required_vars, with = FALSE], attributes),
lapply(newdata, attributes)
if (!fixed) {
stop("Attributes do not match.")
n_baseline <- nrow(newdata)
newdata <- newdata[rep(seq_len(n_baseline), times = length(predict_times)), ]
newdata$followup_time <- rep(predict_times, each = n_baseline)
#' Calculate Cumulative Incidence and Survival
#' @param p_mat Probability matrix with rows for each subject and follow-up time as the columns.
#' @return A vector containing the cumulative incidence or survival values.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' surv_prob <- matrix(
#' c(
#' 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,
#' 0.5, 0.2, 0.1
#' ),
#' nrow = 2,
#' byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' TrialEmulation:::calculate_cum_inc(surv_prob)
calculate_cum_inc <- function(p_mat) {
assert_matrix(p_mat, mode = "numeric")
result <- 1 - calculate_survival(p_mat)
#' @rdname calculate_cum_inc
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
#' TrialEmulation:::calculate_survival(surv_prob)
calculate_survival <- function(p_mat) {
assert_matrix(p_mat, mode = "numeric")
result <- rowMeans(apply(1 - p_mat, 1, cumprod))
assert_monotonic(result, increasing = FALSE)
#' Calculate and transform predictions
#' @param model GLM object
#' @param newdata New data to predict outcome
#' @param treatment_values Named vector of value to insert into `assigned_treatment` column
#' @param pred_fun Function to transform prediction matrix
#' @param coefs_mat Matrix of coefficients corresponding to `model_matrix`.
#' @param matrix_n_col Expected number of column after prediction.
#' @return A matrix with transformed predicted values. Number of columns corresponds
#' to the number of rows of `coefs_mat`
#' @keywords internal
calculate_predictions <- function(newdata, model, treatment_values, pred_fun, coefs_mat, matrix_n_col) {
model_terms <- delete.response(terms(model))
model_frame <- model.frame(model_terms, newdata, xlev = model$xlevels)
if (!is.null(data_classes <- attr(model_terms, "dataClasses"))) .checkMFClasses(data_classes, model_frame)
linkinv <- model$family$linkinv
lapply(treatment_values, function(treatment_value) {
model_frame$assigned_treatment <- treatment_value
model_matrix <- model.matrix(model_terms, model_frame, contrasts.arg = model$contrasts)
pred_list <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(coefs_mat)), function(coef_i) {
pred_fun(matrix(linkinv(model_matrix %*% t(coefs_mat[coef_i, , drop = FALSE])), ncol = matrix_n_col))
matrix(unlist(pred_list), ncol = length(pred_list))
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