
Defines functions mvNcdf

Documented in mvNcdf

#' Truncated multivariate normal cumulative distribution
#' Computes an estimate and a deterministic upper bound of the probability Pr\eqn{(l<X<u)},
#' where \eqn{X} is a zero-mean multivariate normal vector 
#' with covariance matrix \eqn{\Sigma}, that is, \eqn{X} is drawn from \eqn{N(0,\Sigma)}.
#' Infinite values for vectors \eqn{u} and \eqn{l} are accepted. 
#' The Monte Carlo method uses sample size \eqn{n}; 
#' the larger \eqn{n}, the smaller the relative error of the estimator.
#' @param l lower truncation limit
#' @param u upper truncation limit
#' @param Sig covariance matrix of \eqn{N(0,\Sigma)}
#' @param n number of Monte Carlo simulations
#' @details Suppose you wish to estimate Pr\eqn{(l<AX<u)},
#'  where \eqn{A} is a full rank matrix
#'  and \eqn{X} is drawn from \eqn{N(\mu,\Sigma)}, then you simply compute
#'  Pr\eqn{(l-A\mu<AY<u-A\mu)},
#'  where \eqn{Y} is drawn from \eqn{N(0, A\Sigma A^\top)}.
#' @return  a list with components
#' \itemize{
#' \item\code{prob}: estimated value of probability Pr\eqn{(l<X<u)}
#' \item\code{relErr}: estimated relative error of estimator
#' \item\code{upbnd}: theoretical upper bound on true Pr\eqn{(l<X<u)}
#' }  
#' @author Zdravko I. Botev
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @references Z. I. Botev (2017), \emph{The Normal Law Under Linear Restrictions:
#' Simulation and Estimation via Minimax Tilting}, Journal of the Royal
#' Statistical Society, Series B, \bold{79} (1), pp. 1--24.
#' @note For small dimensions, say \eqn{d<50}, better accuracy may be obtained by using 
#' the (usually slower) quasi-Monte Carlo version  \code{\link{mvNqmc}} of this algorithm.  
#' @seealso \code{\link{mvNqmc}}, \code{\link{mvrandn}}
#' @examples
#' d <- 15; l <- 1:d; u <- rep(Inf, d);
#' Sig <- matrix(rnorm(d^2), d, d)*2; Sig=Sig %*% t(Sig)
#' mvNcdf(l, u, Sig, 1e4) # compute the probability 
mvNcdf <-  function(l, u, Sig, n = 1e5){
    d=length(l); # basic input check
    if  (length(u) !=d | d != sqrt(length(Sig)) | any(l > u)){
      stop('l, u, and Sig have to match in dimension with u>l')
    if(d == 1L){
      #warning("Univariate problem not handled; using `pnorm`")
      return(list(prob = exp(lnNpr(a = l / sqrt(Sig[1]), b = u / sqrt(Sig[1]))), err = NA, relErr = NA, upbnd = NA))
    # Cholesky decomposition of matrix
    out <- cholperm(Sig, l, u)
    L <- out$L
    l <- out$l
    u <- out$u
    D <- diag(L)
    if (any(D < 1e-10)){
      warning('Method may fail as covariance matrix is singular!')
    L <- L / D
    u <- u / D
    l <- l / D # rescale
    L <- L - diag(d) # remove diagonal
    # find optimal tilting parameter via non-linear equation solver
    x0 <- rep(0, 2 * length(l) - 2)
    solvneq <- nleqslv::nleqslv(x0, fn = gradpsi, jac = jacpsi,
                                L = L, l = l, u = u, global = "pwldog", method = "Broyden",
                                control = list(maxit = 500L))
    xmu <- solvneq$x
    exitflag <- solvneq$termcd
    flag <- TRUE
    if(!(exitflag %in% 1:2) || !isTRUE(all.equal(solvneq$fvec, rep(0, length(x0)), tolerance = 1e-6))){
      flag <- FALSE
    x <- xmu[1:(d-1)]
    mu <- xmu[d:(2*d-2)] # assign saddlepoint x* and mu*
    if(any((out$L %*% c(x,0) - out$u)[-d] > 0, (-out$L %*% c(x,0) + out$l)[-d] > 0)){
      warning("Solution to exponential tilting problem using Powell's dogleg method \n  does not lie in convex set l < Lx < u.")
      flag <- FALSE
    # If Powell dogleg method fails, try constrained convex solver
      solvneqc <- alabama::auglag(par = xmu,
                                  fn = function(par, l=l, L=L, u=u){
                                    ps <- try(-psy(x = c(par[1:(d-1)],0), mu = c(par[d:(2*d-2)],0),
                                                   l = l, L = L, u = u))
                                    return(ifelse(is.character(ps), -1e10, ps))},
                                  gr = function(x, l=l, L=L, u=u){gradpsi(y=x, L=L,l=l, u=u)},
                                  L=L, l=l, u=u,
                                  # equality constraints d psi/d mu = 0
                                  heq = function(x, l, L, u){gradpsi(y = x, l=l, L=L, u = u)[d:(2*d-2)]},
                                  hin= function(par,...){c((out$u - out$L %*% c(par[1:(d-1)],0))[-d] > 0, (out$L %*% c(par[1:(d-1)],0) - out$l)[-d])},
                                  control.outer = list(trace = FALSE,method="nlminb"))
      if(solvneqc$convergence == 0){
        x <- solvneqc$par[1:(d-1)]
        mu <- solvneqc$par[d:(2*d-2)] 
      } else{
        stop('Did not find a solution to the nonlinear system in `mvNqmc`!') 
    est <- mvnpr(n, L, l, u, mu)
    # compute psi star
    est$upbnd <- exp(psy(x, L, l, u, mu))

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TruncatedNormal documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:04 p.m.