Man pages for TwoPhaseInd
Estimate Gene-Treatment Interaction Exploiting Randomization

aco1armA function to estimate parameters in augmented case-only...
aco2armA function to estimate parameters in Cox proportional hazards...
acoarmA function to estimate parameters in Cox proportional hazard...
acodataA dataset from the STEP trial to study the interactions...
caseonlyA function to deal with case-only designs
char2numA function used in acoarm to transform categorical variable...
melefunction to compute the maximum estimated likelihood...
remove_missingdataA function used in acoarm to remove missing data
remove_rarevariantsA function used in spmle and acoarm to remove rare-variant...
spmlefunction to compute the semiparametric maximum likelihood...
whiBioMarkerAn example dataset to demostrate the usage of MELE and SPMLE
TwoPhaseInd documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:52 p.m.