## Functions for evaluating metrics developed for utility-based learning
## These metrics were developed for both classification and regression tasks
# matrix/surface provided must always contain the true class/value in
# the rows and the predicted class/value in the columns
## Classification metrics
EvalClassifMetrics <- function(trues, preds, mtr, type = "util", metrics = NULL,
thr = 0.5, beta = 1){
# inputs:
# trues: vector with true classes
# preds: vector with predicted classes
# mtr: one matrix that can be either a cost, a benefit or a utility
# matrix.
# The matrix must be always provided with the true class in
# the rows and the predicted class in the columns
# type: the type of matrix. Can be set to "util" (the default), "ben"
# or "cost".
# metrics: metrics to be evaluated
# thr: the threshold on the relevance values used for determining which
# are the important classes to consider. This threshold is only
# necessary for the following metrics: precPhi, recPhi and FPhi.
# These metrics are only available when using a utility matrix.
# beta: beta parameter for the F-score
# outputs: named list with each metric results
type <- match.arg(type, c("cost", "benefit", "utility"))
## Checking trues and preds
if (!is.null(dim(trues))) stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: expecting a vector as trues.",
if (!is.null(dim(preds))) stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: expecting a vector as predictions.",
Cls <- unique(c(levels(as.factor(trues)), levels(as.factor(preds))))
preds <- factor(preds, levels = Cls)
trues <- factor(trues, levels = Cls)
res <- list()
if (is.null(mtr)) stop("EvalClassifMetrics:: expecting a matrix in param mtr and none provided.",
call. = FALSE)
UtilMetrics <- c("totUtil", "MUtil", "NMUtil", "precPhi", "recPhi", "FPhi")
CostMetrics <- c("totCost", "MCost", "NMCost")
BenMetrics <- c("totBen", "MBen", "NMBen")
if( (type=="utility" && !(metrics %in% UtilMetrics)) ||
(type=="cost" && !(metrics %in% CostMetrics)) ||
(type=="benefit" && !(metrics %in% BenMetrics)) ) {
stop("EvalClassifMetrics:: The metrics selected do not match the type of matrix provided.",
call. = FALSE)
if(is.null(metrics) && type == "utility"){
metrics <- UtilMetrics
if(is.null(metrics) && type == "benefit"){
metrics <- BenMetrics
if(is.null(metrics) && type == "cost"){
metrics <- CostMetrics
if("totUtil" %in% metrics){
# sum_{i=1}^N U(y_i, \hat(y)_i)
res[["totUtil"]] <- totUtilClassif(trues, preds, mtr)
if("totCost" %in% metrics){
# sum_{i=1}^N C(y_i, \hat(y)_i)
res[["totCost"]] <- totCostClassif(trues, preds, mtr)
if("totBen" %in% metrics){
# sum_{i=1}^N C(y_i, \hat(y)_i)
res[["totBen"]] <- totBenClassif(trues, preds, mtr)
if("MUtil" %in% metrics){
# MU = \frac{sum_{i=1}^N U(y_i, \hat(y_i)) }{N}: range: [-1, 1]
res[["MUtil"]] <- MUtilClassif(trues, preds, mtr)
if("MCost" %in% metrics){
# MCost = \frac{sum_{i=1}^N C(y_i, \hat(y)_i)}{N}: range:[0,max(C(y, \hat(y)))]
res[["MCost"]] <- MCostClassif(trues, preds, mtr)
if("MBen" %in% metrics){
# MBen = \frac{sum_{i=1}^N B(y_i, \hat(y)_i)}{N}: range:[0,max(B(y, \hat(y)))]
res[["MBen"]] <- MBenClassif(trues, preds, mtr)
if("NMUtil" %in% metrics){
# NMU= \frac{(\sum_{i=1}^N(U(y_i, \hat(y_i))))+N}{2N}: range:[0,1]
res[["NMUtil"]] <- NMUtilClassif(trues, preds, mtr)
if("NMCost" %in% metrics){
# NMC= \frac{(\sum_{i=1}^N(C(y_i, \hat(y_i))))}{N+max(C(y_i, \hat(y_i)))}: range:[0,1]
res[["NMCost"]] <- NMCostClassif(trues, preds, mtr)
if("NMBen" %in% metrics){
# NMB= \frac{(\sum_{i=1}^N(B(y_i, \hat(y_i))))}{N+max(B(y_i, \hat(y_i)))}: range:[0,1]
res[["NMBen"]] <- NMBenClassif(trues, preds, mtr)
if("precPhi" %in% metrics){
# pre_\phi=\frac{sum_{\forall \hat{y}_i>thr} (1+U(y_i, \hat{y}_i))}
# {sum_{\forall \hat{y}_i>thr} (1+\phi(\hat{y}_i))}
res[["precPhi"]] <- precPhiClassif(trues, preds, mtr, thr)
if("recPhi" %in% metrics){
# rec_\phi=\frac{sum_{\forall y_i>thr} (1+U(y_i, \hat{y}_i))}
# {sum_{\forall y_i>thr} (1+\phi(y_i))}
res[["recPhi"]] <- recPhiClassif(trues, preds, mtr, thr)
if("FPhi" %in% metrics){
# F_\phi\beta=(1+beta^2)*frac{prec*rec}{beta^2*prec+rec}
res[["FPhi"]] <- FPhiClassif(trues, preds, mtr, thr, beta)
totUtilClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
N <- length(trues)
confm <- as.matrix(table(trues, preds))
stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and utility matrices do not match",
call. = FALSE)
res <- sum(confm*mtr)
MUtilClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
N <- length(trues)
confm <- as.matrix(table(trues, preds))
stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and utility matrices do not match",
call. = FALSE)
res <- sum(confm*mtr)/N
NMUtilClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
N <- length(trues)
confm <- as.matrix(table(trues,preds))
stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and utility matrices do not match",
call. = FALSE)
res <- (sum(confm*mtr)+N)/(2*N)
totCostClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
N <- length(trues)
confm <- as.matrix(table(trues, preds))
stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and cost matrices do not match",
call. = FALSE)
res <- sum(confm*mtr)
MCostClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
N <- length(trues)
confm <- as.matrix(table(trues, preds))
stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and cost matrices do not match",
call. = FALSE)
res <- sum(confm*mtr)/N
NMCostClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
N <- length(trues)
confm <- as.matrix(table(trues,preds))
stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and cost matrices do not match",
call. = FALSE)
res <- sum(confm*mtr)/(N*max(mtr))
totBenClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
N <- length(trues)
confm <- as.matrix(table(trues, preds))
stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and benefit matrices do not match",
call. = FALSE)
res <- sum(confm*mtr)
MBenClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
N <- length(trues)
confm <- as.matrix(table(trues, preds))
stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and benefit matrices do not match",
call. = FALSE)
res <- sum(confm*mtr)/N
NMBenClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr){
N <- length(trues)
confm <- as.matrix(table(trues,preds))
stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and benefit matrices do not match",
call. = FALSE)
res <- sum(confm*mtr)/(N*max(mtr))
precPhiClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr, thr){
confm <- as.matrix(table(trues, preds))
stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and utility matrices do not match",
call. = FALSE)
relClasses <- NULL
for(i in 1:nrow(mtr)){if(mtr[i,i]>thr) relClasses <- c(relClasses, i)}
tprod <- confm*(mtr+1)
res <- sum(tprod[,relClasses]) /
recPhiClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr, thr){
confm <- as.matrix(table(trues, preds))
stop("EvalclassifMetrics:: dimensions of confusion and utility matrices do not match",
call. = FALSE)
relClasses <- NULL
for(i in 1:nrow(mtr)){if(mtr[i,i]>thr) relClasses <- c(relClasses, i)}
tprod <- confm*(mtr+1)
res <- sum(tprod[relClasses,]) /
FPhiClassif <- function(trues, preds, mtr, thr, beta){
rec <- recPhiClassif(trues, preds, mtr, thr)
prec <- precPhiClassif(trues, preds, mtr, thr)
res <- (1+beta^2)*(prec*rec)/(beta^2*prec + rec)
# Regression metrics
EvalRegressMetrics <- function(trues, preds, util.vals, type = "util", metrics = NULL,
thr = 0.5, control.parms = NULL, beta = 1,
maxC = NULL, maxB = NULL){
# # inputs:
# trues: vector with true values
# preds: vector with predicted values
# util.vals: the utility values of each pair of points (true, pred) provided
# type: the type of surface being considered. Can be set to "util"
# (the default), "ben" or "cost".
# metrics: metrics to be evaluated
# thr: the threshold on the relevance values used to decide which are
# the important and unimportant cases
# beta: beta parameter for the F-score
# maxC: the maximum Cost achievable in the Cost surface
# maxB: the maximum Benefit achievable in the Benefit surface
# control.parms: the control.parms of the relevance function phi. These are
# only necessary for evaluating the following utility metrics:
# recPhi, precPhi and FPhi.
# outputs: named list with each metric results
type <- match.arg(type, c("cost", "benefit", "utility"))
## Checking trues, preds and utility values
if (!is.null(dim(trues))) stop("EvalRegressMetrics:: expecting a vector as trues.",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(dim(preds))) stop("EvalRegressMetrics:: expecting a vector as predictions.",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(dim(util.vals))){
if(type == "utility"){
stop("EvalRegressMetrics:: expecting a vector with utility values.",
call. = FALSE)
} else if (type == "cost"){
stop("EvalRegressMetrics:: expecting a vector with cost values.",
call. = FALSE)
} else if(type == "benefit"){
stop("EvalRegressMetrics:: expecting a vector with benefit values.",
call. = FALSE)
res <- list()
UtilMetrics <- c("totUtil", "MUtil", "NMUtil")
UtilMetricsL <- c("totUtil", "MUtil", "NMUtil", "precPhi", "recPhi", "FPhi")
CostMetrics <- c("totCost", "MCost", "NMCost")
BenMetrics <- c("totBen", "MBen", "NMBen")
if( (type=="utility" && !(metrics %in% UtilMetricsL)) ||
(type=="cost" && !(metrics %in% CostMetrics)) ||
(type=="benefit" && !(metrics %in% BenMetrics)) ) {
stop("EvalRegressMetrics:: The metrics selected do not match the type of matrix provided.",
call. = FALSE)
if(is.null(metrics) && type=="utility"){
if (!is.null(control.parms)){
metrics <- UtilMetricsL
} else {
metrics <- UtilMetrics
if(is.null(metrics) && type=="benefit"){
metrics <- BenMetrics
if(is.null(metrics) && type=="cost"){
metrics <- CostMetrics
if(type=="cost" && is.null(maxC)){
stop("EvalRegressMetrics:: maxC must be set when evaluating cost based metrics",
call. = FALSE)
if(type=="benefit" && is.null(maxB)){
stop("EvalRegressMetrics:: maxB must be set when evaluating benefit based metrics",
call. = FALSE)
if("totUtil" %in% metrics){
# sum_{i=1}^N U(y_i, \hat(y)_i)
res[["totUtil"]] <- totUtilRegress(trues, preds, util.vals)
if("totCost" %in% metrics){
# sum_{i=1}^N C(y_i, \hat(y)_i)
res[["totCost"]] <- totCostRegress(trues, preds, util.vals)
if("totBen" %in% metrics){
# sum_{i=1}^N C(y_i, \hat(y)_i)
res[["totBen"]] <- totBenRegress(trues, preds, util.vals)
if("MUtil" %in% metrics){
# MU = \frac{sum_{i=1}^N U(y_i, \hat(y_i)) }{N}: range: [-1, 1]
res[["MUtil"]] <- MUtilRegress(trues, preds, util.vals)
if("MCost" %in% metrics){
# MCost = \frac{sum_{i=1}^N C(y_i, \hat(y)_i)}{N}: range:[0,max(C(y, \hat(y)))]
res[["MCost"]] <- MCostRegress(trues, preds, util.vals)
if("MBen" %in% metrics){
# MBen = \frac{sum_{i=1}^N B(y_i, \hat(y)_i)}{N}: range:[0,max(B(y, \hat(y)))]
res[["MBen"]] <- MBenRegress(trues, preds, util.vals)
if("NMUtil" %in% metrics){
# NMU= \frac{(\sum_{i=1}^N(U(y_i, \hat(y_i))))+N}{2N}: range:[0,1]
res[["NMUtil"]] <- NMUtilRegress(trues, preds, util.vals)
if("NMCost" %in% metrics){
# NMC= \frac{(\sum_{i=1}^N(C(y_i, \hat(y_i))))}{N+max(C(y_i, \hat(y_i)))}: range:[0,1]
res[["NMCost"]] <- NMCostRegress(trues, preds, util.vals, maxC)
if("NMBen" %in% metrics){
# NMB= \frac{(\sum_{i=1}^N(B(y_i, \hat(y_i))))}{N+max(B(y_i, \hat(y_i)))}: range:[0,1]
res[["NMBen"]] <- NMBenRegress(trues, preds, util.vals, maxB)
if("precPhi" %in% metrics){
# pre_\phi=\frac{sum_{\forall \hat{y}_i>thr} (1+U(y_i, \hat{y}_i))}
# {sum_{\forall \hat{y}_i>thr} (1+\phi(\hat{y}_i))}
res[["precPhi"]] <- precPhiRegress(trues, preds, util.vals, thr, control.parms)
if("recPhi" %in% metrics){
# rec_\phi=\frac{sum_{\forall y_i>thr} (1+U(y_i, \hat{y}_i))}
# {sum_{\forall y_i>thr} (1+\phi(y_i))}
res[["recPhi"]] <- recPhiRegress(trues, preds, util.vals, thr, control.parms)
if("FPhi" %in% metrics){
# F_\phi\beta=(1+beta^2)*frac{prec*rec}{beta^2*prec+rec}
res[["FPhi"]] <- FPhiRegress(trues, preds, util.vals, thr, beta, control.parms)
totUtilRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals){
res <- sum(util.vals)
MUtilRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals){
N <- length(trues)
res <- sum(util.vals)/N
NMUtilRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals){
N <- length(trues)
res <- (sum(util.vals)+N)/(2*N)
totCostRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals){
res <- sum(util.vals)
MCostRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals){
N <- length(trues)
res <- sum(util.vals)/N
NMCostRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals, maxC){
N <- length(trues)
res <- sum(util.vals)/(N*maxC)
totBenRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals){
res <- sum(util.vals)
MBenRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals){
N <- length(trues)
res <- sum(util.vals)/N
NMBenRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals, maxB){
N <- length(trues)
res <- sum(util.vals)/(N*maxB)
precPhiRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals, thr, control.parms){
imp.ev <- which(phi(preds, control.parms)>thr)
res <- sum(1+util.vals[imp.ev])/sum(1+phi(preds[imp.ev], control.parms))
recPhiRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals, thr, control.parms){
imp.ev <- which(phi(trues, control.parms)>thr)
res <- sum(1+util.vals[imp.ev])/sum(1+phi(preds[imp.ev], control.parms))
FPhiRegress <- function(trues, preds, util.vals, thr, beta, control.parms){
rec <- recPhiRegress(trues, preds, util.vals, thr, control.parms)
prec <- precPhiRegress(trues, preds, util.vals, thr, control.parms)
res <- (1+beta^2)*(prec*rec)/(beta^2*prec + rec)
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