
Defines functions unf3

Documented in unf3

#' @rdname unf
#' @export
unf3 <- 
         digits = 7L, 
         characters = 128L, 
         factor_as_character = TRUE,
         nonfinites_as_missing = FALSE, 
         empty_character_as_missing = FALSE,
         dvn_zero = FALSE,
    if (inherits(x, 'AsIs')) {
        x <- as.character(x)
    if (is.factor(x)) {
        # FACTOR: treat factor as character and truncate to k
        # old DVN files downloaded as Tab save factors as integers w/o labels
        if (factor_as_character) {
            x <- as.character(x)
        } else {
            x <- as.numeric(x)
    if (is.complex(x)) {
        # COMPLEX numbers: treat as character?
        x <- as.character(x)
        warning("Complex vector converted to character")
    if (is.integer(x)) {
        rounded <- signif(x, digits) # uses standard signif rounding, despite standard
        char <- .expform(rounded, digits)
        char <- ifelse(x==0, '+0.e+', char) # dvn introduced 0-value bug after v3, apparently
    } else if (is.numeric(x)) {
        rounded <- signif(x, digits) # uses standard signif rounding, despite standard
        char <- .expform(rounded, digits)
        char <- ifelse(x==0, '+0.e+', char) # dvn introduced 0-value bug after v3, apparently
    } else if (is.character(x)) {
        # CHARACTER
        char <- as.character(x)
        if (empty_character_as_missing) {
            char <- ifelse(x=='',NA,char)
    # deal with non-finite and missing values
    out <- .nonfinite(x, char, nonfinites_as_missing, encoding = 'UTF-32BE', characters = characters)
    hash <- digest(out, algo='md5', serialize=FALSE, raw=TRUE)
    encoded <- base64encode(hash)
    out <- list(unf = as.character(encoded),
                hash = hash)
    out$formatted <- paste0('UNF3:',
        if ((digits !=7) | (characters !=128)) {
            paste0(paste(digits, characters, sep=','), ':', out$unf)
        } else {
    class(out) <- c('UNF')
    attr(out, 'version') <- 3
    attr(out, 'digits') <- digits
    attr(out, 'characters') <- characters

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UNF documentation built on April 13, 2022, 5:06 p.m.