Man pages for VNM
Finding Multiple-Objective Optimal Designs for the 4-Parameter Logistic Model

ceff1Checking c-efficiency for estimating the ED50.
ceff2Checking c-efficiency for estimating the MED.
DeffChecking D-efficiency for estimating model parameters.
MOPTSearch the 3-objective optimal designs for estimating model...
OPT-classClass to contain the results from function MOPT, ceff1,...
PAR-classClass to contain the variables for the verification plots...
plot-methodsMethods to plot the verification plot of the obtained optimal...
summary-methodsMethods to print SW objects or the optimal design and the...
SW-classClass to contain the results from function S. Weight.
S.WeightIdentify optimal weights for given dose levels.
VNM-packageTools for constructing 3-objective optimal designs
VNM documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:13 p.m.