summary-methods: Methods to print SW objects or the optimal design and the...

Description Methods


Function MOPT, ceff1, ceff2, and Deff return objects of class OPT. Function S.Weight returns objects of class SW. The summary-methods print the multiple-objective optimal design (from function MOPT); the c-optimal design and c-efficiency for estimating the ED50 (from function ceff1); the c-optimal design and c-efficiency for estimating the MED (from function ceff2); the D-optimal design and D-efficiency (from function Deff); the matrix of the optimal weights and the first and second derivative of the optimality criterion w.r.t weights (from function S.Weight).


signature(object = "OPT")
signature(object = "SW")

VNM documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:13 p.m.