
## ----setup, include = FALSE----------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## approach using lists
inventory_thresholds <- list(min = 50, max = 100)

## ... more code

adjust_inventory <- function(prod, units) {
  if (units < inventory_thresholds$min) { # low inventory
    "low inventory: order more product"
  } else {
    "inventory good"

# ... lots more code

inventory_thresholds$min <- 90 # Oh No! team member unknowingly changes value

# ... additional code

## Runtime, logical bug
adjust_inventory("widgets", units = 60) 
## expect: "inventory good"
## received: "low inventory: order more product"

## ---- eval=F, echo=T-----------------------------------------------------
#  library("VarBundle")
#  ## approach using VarBundle
#  inventory_thresholds <- varbundle(list(min = 50, max = 100))
#  ## ... more code
#  adjust_inventory <- function(prod, units) {
#    if (units < inventory_thresholds$min) { # low inventory
#      "low inventory: order more product"
#    } else {
#      "inventory good"
#    }
#  }
#  # ... lots more code
#  # Oh No! team member unknowingly changes value
#  inventory_thresholds$min <- 90 ## ERROR THROWN HERE
#  ## "VarBundle fields are read only."
#  # ... additional code
#  adjust_inventory("widgets", units = 60) ## NO LOGICAL BUG

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
thresholds <- varbundle(list(min = 1, max = 10))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## the "list" approach
file_paths <- list(data_in = "./foo/bar/data.csv", 
                   data_out = "./foo/bar/out.csv")

# transform existing list to VarBundle
file_paths <- varbundle(file_paths)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
t1 <- "min"


## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
vb <- varbundle(list(hello = 1, world = 2))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

## ---- eval=F, echo=T-----------------------------------------------------
#  thresholds$min <- 25

## ---- eval=F, echo=T-----------------------------------------------------
#  thresholds$new_min <- 25

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# integers
vb_int <- varbundle(list(a = 1L, b = 2L))
# doubles
vb_dbl <- varbundle(list(a = 1.5, b = 2.1))
vb_char <- varbundle(list(a = "foo", b = "bar"))
vb_log <- varbundle(list(a = TRUE, b = FALSE))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
vb_mix <- varbundle(list(a = 1L, b = 2.1, c = "foo", d = TRUE))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
vb_vec <- varbundle(list(nums = 1:10, colors = c("red", "green")))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
vb_df <- varbundle(list(df = data.frame(a = 1:10, b = 11:20)))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
units <- varbundle(list(min = 1, max = 100))
sales <- varbundle(list(min = 10000, max = 500000))
thresholds <- varbundle(list(units = units, sales = sales))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
simple_vb <- varbundle(list(user_id = "doe.john", 
                            role = "admin", 
                            max_resources = 25))

complex_vb <- varbundle(list(data = data.frame(a = 1:10, b = letters[1:10])))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

## ---- eval=F, echo=T-----------------------------------------------------
#  config_file <- "user_config.csv"
#  df <- simple_vb$
#  readr::write_csv(df, config_file)
#  new_vb <- varbundle(readr::read_csv(config_file, ))
#  new_vb

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
df <- complex_vb$

## ---- eval=F, echo=T-----------------------------------------------------
#  ll <- list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
#  en <- rlang::new_environment(ll)
#  vb <- VarBundle::varbundle(ll)
#  ## Access elements via `$`
#  ll$a #1
#  en$a #1
#  vb$a #1
#  ## Access elements via name
#  ll[["b"]] #2
#  en[["b"]] #2
#  vb[["b"]] #2
#  ## Access by integer index
#  ll[[3]] #3
#  en[[3]] #NO - Throws Error
#  vb[[3]] #No - Throws Error
#  ## Change Element
#  ll$a <- "foo" #foo
#  en$a <- "foo" #foo
#  vb$a <- "foo" #NO - Throws Error
#  ## Add element
#  ll$bar <- "bar" #bar
#  en$bar <- "bar" #bar
#  vb$bar <- "bar" #NO - Throws Error
#  ## List names
#  names(ll) #"a"   "b"   "c"   "bar"
#  names(en) #"a"   "b"   "c"   "bar"
#  field_names(vb) #"a" "b" "c"
#  names(vb) # returns attributes and methods
#  ## Unique Names
#  # lists allow non-unique names
#  ll2 <- list(a = 1, a = 2)
#  ll2 # list of 2 elements
#  # environments force unique names
#  en2 <- rlang::new_environment(ll2)
#  en2 # environment of 1 element (drops to force unique names)
#  # varbundles require unique names
#  vb2 <- varbundle(ll2) #NO - Throws Error (VarBundle names must be unique)

Try the VarBundle package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

VarBundle documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:24 a.m.