VecStatGraphs2D: Vector Analysis using Graphical and Analytical Methods in 2D

A 2D statistical analysis is performed, both numerical and graphical, of a set of vectors. Since a vector has two components (module and azimuth) vector analysis is performed in three stages: modules are analyzed by means of linear statistics, azimuths are analyzed by circular statistics, and the joint analysis of modules and azimuths is done using density maps that allow detecting another distribution properties (i.e. anisotropy) and outliers. Tests and circular statistic parameters have associated a full range of graphing: histograms, maps of distributions, point maps, vector maps, density maps, distribution modules and azimuths.

Package details

AuthorRuiz-Cuetos J.C., Felicisimo A.M., Cuartero A., Polo M.E., Rodriguez P.G., Haut J.M.
MaintainerPablo Garcia Rodriguez <>
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the VecStatGraphs2D package in your browser

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VecStatGraphs2D documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:36 p.m.