
Defines functions filled_voxel_cloud

Documented in filled_voxel_cloud

#' Produces a filled voxel cloud.
#' @description This function produces a filled voxel cloud of a tree, i.e. a voxels cloud within which
#'              empty objects (e.g. trunk and large branches) are filled. The algorithm was inspired from
#'              the one described by Vonderach et al. (2012) with some modifications. First, the point cloud is
#'              is voxelized with a given (\code{res}) voxel resolution. The voxel cloud is then sliced into one voxel
#'              tick layers. Within a single layer different objects are then clustered based on their
#'              distance to each other (see the \link{distance_clustering} function for more details). Each
#'              cluster is then filled by addind voxels along the range of Y for each X value of the cluster and reversly along
#'              the range of X for each Y of the cluster. All unique voxels are then returned.
#' @param data a data.frame or data.table containing the x, y, z, ... coordinates of a point cloud.
#' @param res numeric. Resolution of a voxel.
#' @param d_clust numeric. The distance to use for clustering, see the \link{distance_clustering} for more details.
#' @param estimate_volume logical. If TRUE the tree volume is computed as done in Vonderach et al. (2012).
#' @param message logical. If FALSE, messages are disabled. Default = TRUE.
#' @return If \code{estimate_volume = FLASE} a data.frame or data.table containing the voxels coordinates is returned. If
#'         \code{estimate_volume = TRUE} a list containing the voxels coordinates and the estimated tree volume
#'         is returned.
#' @references Vonderach, C., Voegtle, T., & Adler, P. (2012). Voxel-based approach for estimating urban tree volume from
#'             terrestrial laser scanning data. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences,
#'             39, 451-456.
#' @importFrom data.table .N :=
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #- import tls data
#' tls=data.table::fread(system.file("extdata", "Tree_t1.asc", package="VoxR"))
#' #- keep the tree trunk
#' tls=tls[z<=0]
#' #- run filled voxel voxelisation
#' filled = VoxR::filled_voxel_cloud(tls,0.02)
#' #- run usual voxelisation
#' voxels = VoxR::vox(tls,0.02)
#' #- compare filled voxel cloud to empty voxel cloud
#' VoxR::plot_voxels(filled,res = 0.02)
#' VoxR::plot_voxels(voxels,res = 0.02)
#' #- compare the volume estimate from Vonderach et al. 2012 to estimate based on voxel volume
#' #- run filled voxel voxelisation with volume estimation
#' filled = VoxR::filled_voxel_cloud(tls,0.01,estimate_volume = TRUE)
#' #- compare volumes
#' filled$estimated_volume # Vonderach
#' nrow(filled$filled_voxels)*0.01^3 # voxel based

filled_voxel_cloud = function(data,res,d_clust,estimate_volume,message){

  #- declare variables to pass CRAN check as suggested by data.table mainaitners

  if(missing(estimate_volume)) estimate_volume = FALSE
  if(missing(res)) res = 0.01
  if(missing(d_clust)) d_clust = 2*res



  sequence <- function(from,to,by){
    for(i in 1:length(from)) out = c(out,seq(from[i],to[i],by))

  pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(Z), style = 3,width=33)
  for(i in 1:length(Z)){
    utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    layer = data[z==Z[i],]

    #- clustering
    if(nrow(layer) == 1){
      dist_mat <- dist (layer[,1:2])
      layer[,cluster:=cutree(fastcluster::hclust(dist_mat, method = "single"),h=d_clust)]

    #- interpolate y voxels coordinates for each x value
    x_range = layer[,.(min=min(y),max=max(y)),by=.(x,cluster)] #- find y ranges for each x
    x_range[,N:=round((max-min)/res+1)] #- number of voxels in a given row
    #- create the first voxel cloud for the layer
    x_temp = data.table::data.table(x=rep(x_range$x,x_range$N),
                                    y=sequence(from = x_range$min, to = x_range$max, by = res),

    #- interpolate x voxels coordinates for each y value
    y_range = layer[,.(min=min(x),max=max(x)),by=.(y,cluster)] #- find x range for each y
    y_range[,N:=round((max-min)/res+1)] #- nmber of voxels in a given row
    #- create the second voxel cloud for the layer
    y_temp = data.table::data.table(x=sequence(from = y_range$min, to = y_range$max, by = res),

    #- combine the two voxels clouds
    recons = unique(dplyr::bind_rows(y_temp,x_temp))

    #- add the original voxel cloud
    recons_cl = dplyr::bind_rows(recons,layer[,.(x,y,z,cluster)])
    #- label original voxels as 2 and added voxels as 1
    recons_cl = recons_cl[,.N,by=.(x,y,z,cluster)]

      #- estimate the layer volume as done in Vonderach et al. 2012:
      #- the mean value between the surface with and without external voxels
      Volume=Volume+(vol*res^3) #- the total volume

  out = dplyr::bind_rows(out,data[,':='(index=NULL,volume=NULL)])

    return(list(estimated_volume = Volume,filled_voxels = unique(out)))

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VoxR documentation built on Nov. 16, 2020, 9:14 a.m.