
Defines functions plot.whatif

Documented in plot.whatif

#' Plot Whatif results
#' Generates a cumulative frequency plot of distances from an
#' object of class "whatif".  The cumulative frequencies (the fraction
#' of rows in the observed data set with either Gower or (squared)
#' Euclidian distances to the counterfactuals  less than the given value on the 
#' horizontal axis) appear on the vertical axis. 
#' @examples 
#'  Create example data sets and counterfactuals
#'  my.cfact <- matrix(rnorm(3*5), ncol = 5)
#'  my.data <- matrix(rnorm(100*5), ncol = 5)
#'  Evaluate counterfactuals
#'  my.result <- whatif(data = my.data, cfact = my.cfact, mc.cores = 1)
#'  Plot cumulative frequencies for the first two counterfactuals (rows
#'  1 and 2) in my.cfact
#'  plot(my.result, type = "b", numcf = c(1, 2), mc.cores = 1)
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off postscript
#' @importFrom graphics lines plot
#' @importFrom stats lowess
#' @export

plot.whatif <- function(x, type = "f", numcf = NULL, eps = FALSE, ...)  {

    #Check if plot argument is valid
    if (!((identical(type, "f") || identical(type, "l") || identical(type, "b"))))  {
      stop("argument 'type' must be one of the characters ''l'', ''f'', or ''b''")

    #Check if numcf is a numeric vector without missing data if
    #user supplies the argument
    if (!is.null(numcf))  {
      if (!(is.vector(numcf) && is.numeric(numcf)))  {
        stop("argument 'numcf' must be a numeric vector")

    x.val <- as.numeric(dimnames(x$cum.freq)[[2]])
    do.plot <- function(x, type, x.val, i)  {
      if (x$in.hull[i])  {
        if (identical(type, "f") || identical(type, "b"))  {
          lines(x.val, x$cum.freq[i,], lty = 1)
        if (identical(type, "l") || identical(type, "b"))  {
          lines(lowess(x.val, x$cum.freq[i,],
            f = 0.3), lty = 1, col = 4)
      }  else  {
        if (identical(type, "f") || identical(type, "b"))  {
          lines(x.val, x$cum.freq[i,], lty = 2)
        if (identical(type, "l") || identical(type, "b"))  {
          lines(lowess(x.val, x$cum.freq[i,],
            f = 0.3), lty = 2, col = 4)

    if (eps)  {
      if (is.null(numcf))  {
        filename <- paste("graph_", type, "_all", ".eps", sep="")
      }  else {
        filename <- paste("graph_", type, "_", numcf[1], ".eps", sep="")
      postscript(file=filename, onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE)
    plot(x.val, x$cum.freq[1,], xlab =
      "Distance", ylab =
      "Cumulative % of data within distance", ylim = c(0, 1),
      xlim = c(min(x.val), max(x.val)), type = "n", main = 
      "Cumulative Frequencies of Distances to Counterfactual")
    if (is.null(numcf))  {
      for (i in 1:dim(x$cum.freq)[1])  {
        do.plot(x, type, x.val, i)
    }  else  {
      for (j in 1:length(numcf)) {
        do.plot(x, type, x.val, numcf[j])
    if (eps) {

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WhatIf documentation built on Nov. 14, 2020, 5:13 p.m.