Man pages for WordOfMouth
Estimates Economic Variables for Word-of-Mouth-Campaigns

compareToFIMarketCompares the welfare of the WoM campaign to that of a fully...
computeConsumerSurplusComputes the expected cumulative consumer surplus
computeDemandComputes the expected demand
computeInformationCostsThresholdComputes the information costs threshold
computeOptimalPriceComputes the profit-maximizing price
computeProfitComputes the expected profit
computeRoundDemandComputes the expected demand per round
computeWoMIntensityComputes the WoM intensity
WoMCampaign-classClass 'WoMCampaign'
WoMCampaign-methodShows a 'WoMCampaign' object
WoMNetwork-classClass 'WoMNetwork'
WoMNetwork-methodShows a 'WoMNetwork' object
WordOfMouth-packageEstimates Economic Variables for Word-of-Mouth-Campaigns
WordOfMouth documentation built on Oct. 4, 2021, 5:08 p.m.