cellstyle-class: Class "cellstyle"

cellstyle-classR Documentation

Class "cellstyle"


This class represents a cell style in a Microsoft Excel workbook. S4 objects of this class and corresponding methods are used to manipulate cell styles. This includes setting data formats, borders, background- and foreground-colors, etc.

Objects from the Class

Cell styles are created by calling the createCellStyle method on a workbook object.



Object of class jobjRef (see package rJava) which represents a Java object reference that is used in the back-end to manipulate the underlying Excel cell style instance.


XLConnect generally makes use of custom (named) cell styles. This allows users to more easily manage cell styles via Excel's cell style menu. For example, assuming you were using a specific custom cell style for your data table headers, you can change the header styling with a few clicks in Excel's cell style menu across all tables.


Martin Studer
Mirai Solutions GmbH https://mirai-solutions.ch


Apply, create, or remove a cell style:

See Also

workbook, createCellStyle, setStyleAction, setCellStyle


## Not run: 
# Load workbook (create if not existing)
wb <- loadWorkbook("cellstyles.xlsx", create = TRUE)

# We don't set a specific style action in this demo, so the 
# default 'XLConnect' will be used (XLC$"STYLE_ACTION.XLCONNECT")

# Create a sheet named 'mtcars'
createSheet(wb, name = "mtcars")

# Create a named region called 'mtcars' referring to the sheet
# called 'mtcars'
createName(wb, name = "mtcars", formula = "mtcars!$C$4")

# Write built-in data set 'mtcars' to the above defined named region.
# This will use the default style action 'XLConnect'.
writeNamedRegion(wb, mtcars, name = "mtcars")

# Now let's color all weight cells of cars with a weight > 3.5 in red
# (mtcars$wt > 3.5)

# First, create a corresponding (named) cell style
heavyCar <- createCellStyle(wb, name = "HeavyCar")

# Specify the cell style to use a solid foreground color
setFillPattern(heavyCar, fill = XLC$"FILL.SOLID_FOREGROUND")

# Specify the foreground color to be used
setFillForegroundColor(heavyCar, color = XLC$"COLOR.RED")

# Which cars have a weight > 3.5 ?
rowIndex <- which(mtcars$wt > 3.5)

# NOTE: The mtcars data.frame has been written offset with top 
# left cell C4 - and we have also written a header row!
# So, let's take that into account appropriately. Obviously,
# the two steps could be combined directly into one ...
rowIndex <- rowIndex + 4

# The same holds for the column index
colIndex <- which(names(mtcars) == "wt") + 2

# Set the 'HeavyCar' cell style for the corresponding cells.
# Note: the row and col arguments are vectorized!
setCellStyle(wb, sheet = "mtcars", row = rowIndex, col = colIndex,
             cellstyle = heavyCar)

# Save workbook (this actually writes the file to disk)

# clean up 

## End(Not run)

XLConnect documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:04 p.m.