
Defines functions server

`%>%` <- dplyr::`%>%`
#' @keywords internal

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  # Initialise reactive values
  rv <- shiny::reactiveValues()
  rv$button_disabled <- FALSE
  rv$arbs_text <- " Find arbs"
  rv$arbs_icon <- shiny::icon("search-dollar")

  # Find level one subdomains for arb select input
  # will be fixed for later versions...
  #subdomains <- level_one_subdomains()$subdomains
  subdomains <- c("Football" = "football", "Tennis" = "tennis")

  # Create arb select input
  output$select_subdomain <- shiny::renderUI({
      "select_subdomain", "Pick a subdomain",
      choices = subdomains, width = "100%"

  output$select_arb_ui <- shiny::renderUI({
    shiny::selectInput("select_arb", "Pick an arb",
                       choices = NULL, width = "100%")

  output$open_new_tab_ui <- shiny::renderUI({
                        label = " Open in New Tab", #, href = rv$src, target = "_blank"),
                        width = "100%",
                        icon = shiny::icon("external-link-alt"), style = 'margin-top:25px')

  output$best_choice <- DT::renderDT({
                  options = list(dom = "t"),
                  style = "bootstrap4",
                  fillContainer = FALSE,
                  rownames = FALSE)

  output$win_box <- shiny::renderUI({
    if(is.null(rv$arbs[[input$select_arb]]$Win)) {
      win_box <- NULL
    } else {
      win_box <- shinydashboard::infoBox(
        "Returns: ",
        paste0(rv$arbs[[input$select_arb]]$Win, "%"),
        icon = shiny::icon("hand-holding-usd"),
        color = "green",
        fill = TRUE, width = 12

  # Create original source as first subdomain (likely quicker)
  rv$src <- "https://www.oddschecker.com/"

  # Create oddschecker embedded iframe with source as
  # whichever arb is selected.
  shiny::observeEvent(input$select_subdomain, {

    rv$button_disabled <- FALSE
    rv$arbs_text <- " Find arbs"
    rv$arbs_icon <- shiny::icon("search-dollar")

    rv$src <- paste0("https://www.oddschecker.com/",

    output$web_page <- shiny::renderUI({

      # Create oddschecker embedded iframe
      rv$website <-
            seamless = NA,
            #seamless = "seamless",
            src = rv$src,
            height = 1000,
            # width = 1230
            width = "100%"


  # "Find arbs" button pressed
  shiny::observeEvent(input$get_arbs_button_btn, {
    rv$button_disabled <- TRUE
    rv$arbs_icon <- shiny::icon("check-circle")

  # Create find arbs action button that we can disable
  output$get_arbs_ui <- shiny::renderUI({
      inputId = "get_arbs_button_btn",
      label = rv$arbs_text,
      icon = rv$arbs_icon,
      style = "success",
      size = "small",
      block = TRUE,
      disabled = rv$button_disabled#, style = 'margin-top:25px'

  shiny::observeEvent(input$get_arbs_button_btn, {

    rv$arbs <- aRbs::get_arbs(

    rv$arbs_text <- paste0(
      " ", length(rv$arbs),
      ifelse(length(rv$arbs) == 1,
             " arb found", " arbs found.")

    shiny::updateSelectInput(session, "select_arb",
                             choices = names(rv$arbs))

  # Changed arb
  shiny::observeEvent(input$select_arb, {
    rv$src <- paste0("https://www.oddschecker.com/",

  # Open new tab of current arb when button is pressed. Commented out and hyperlink in UI label
  # used at the moment, as browseURL not allowed on shinyapps.io
  shiny::observeEvent(input$open_new_tab_button, {




Try the aRbs package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

aRbs documentation built on April 24, 2021, 5:08 p.m.