
#' Search, replace and copy the contents of annotations
#' The function searches within the contents of annotations and replaces the search hits. 
#' In addition the search hit may be copied to another tier. 
#' In case that there is NO overlapping annotation in the destination tier a new annotation will be created (based on the time values of the original annotation). 
#' In case that there is an overlapping annotation in the destination tier, the search result will be added at the end. 
#' If only certain transcripts or tiers should be affected set the parameter \code{filterTranscriptNames} and \code{filterTierNames}.
#' In case that you want to select transcripts and/or tiers by using regular expressions use the function \code{act::search_makefilter} first.
#' @param x Corpus object.
#' @param pattern Character string; search pattern as regular expression.
#' @param replacement Character string; replacement.
#' @param destTier Character string; name of the tier to which the hit should be copied (if no copying is intended set to NA).
#' @param addDestTierIfMissing Logical; if \code{TRUE} the destination tier will be added if missing in the transcript object, if \code{FALSE} an error will be raised if the destination tier is missing.
#' @param filterTranscriptNames Vector of character strings; names of the transcripts to be included. 
#' @param filterTierNames Character string; names of the tiers to be included.
#' @param collapseString Character string; will be used to collapse multiple search results into one string.
#' @return Corpus object.
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/annotations_replace_copy.R
annotations_replace_copy <- function (x, 
									  replacement           = NULL, 
									  destTier              = NULL, 
									  addDestTierIfMissing  = TRUE,
									  filterTranscriptNames = NULL, 
									  filterTierNames       = NULL, 
									  collapseString        = " | ") {
	if (missing(x)) 	{stop("Corpus object in parameter 'x' is missing.") 		}	else { if (!methods::is(x,"corpus")   )	{stop("Parameter 'x' needs to be a corpus object.") } }
	transcripts_modified_ids      <- c()
	annotations_copied_nr         <- 0
	annotations_replaced_nr       <- 0
	annotations_copied_total_nr   <- 0
	annotations_replaced_total_nr <- 0
	recodsets_copiederror_destinationtiermissingintranscript_nr <- 0
	recodsets_copiederror_destinationtiermissingintranscript_ids <- c()
	#i <- 1
	#x <- corpus
	#make sure that the destination tier is a string	
	if (!is.null(destTier)) {
		destTier <- as.character(destTier)
		if (destTier=="") {
	#=== get the transcript names
	#if none are given, take all names
	if (is.null(filterTranscriptNames)) {		
		filterTranscriptNames <- NULL
	} else if (length(filterTranscriptNames)==0) {
		filterTranscriptNames <- NULL
	} else if (length(filterTranscriptNames)==1) {
		if (filterTranscriptNames[1]=="") { filterTranscriptNames <- NULL }
	if (is.null(filterTranscriptNames)) {	filterTranscriptNames <- names(x@transcripts)	}
	# Add the destination tier if it is missing and should be added
	if (!is.null(destTier) & addDestTierIfMissing) {
		x <- act::tiers_add(x, tierName = destTier)
	#all transcripts
	for (i in filterTranscriptNames) {
		anyChanges <- FALSE
		#check if destination tier exists
		destTierIsPresent <- any(x@transcripts[[i]]@tiers$name==destTier)==TRUE
		#set the filter in which tears to search
		if (is.null(filterTierNames)) {	
			filterTierNames.current <- x@transcripts[[i]]@tiers$name
		} else {
			filterTierNames.current <- filterTierNames
		#exclude the destination tier from the filter
		if(is.null(destTier)) {
			filterTierNames.current <- setdiff(filterTierNames.current, destTier)
		#each annotation
		if (nrow(x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations)>0) {
			for (j in 1:nrow(x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations)) {
				#check if this tier is to be included
				processThisRecordset <- TRUE
				if (!is.null(filterTierNames)) {
					processThisRecordset <- x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations$tier.name[[j]] %in% filterTierNames.current
				if (processThisRecordset) {
					#get the hits
					hits 		<- stringr::str_extract_all(x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations$content[[j]], pattern)
					hits_merged <- c()
					if (length(unlist(hits))>0) {
						hits_merged <- stringr::str_flatten(unlist(hits), collapse=collapseString)
					#if there is a hit
					if (length(hits_merged) > 0) {
						# COPY part
						if (!destTierIsPresent) {
							#keep track of annotations that could not be copied
							recodsets.copiederror.tiermissingintranscript.count = recodsets_copiederror_destinationtiermissingintranscript_nr +1
							recodsets.copiederror.tiermissingintranscript.ids   = unique(c(recodsets_copiederror_destinationtiermissingintranscript_ids, x@transcripts[[i]]@name))
						} else {
							#get record set in destination tier that possibly overlaps
							temp <- (	x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations$tier.name==destTier) & (x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations$startSec < x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations$endSec[[j]]) & (x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations$endSec > x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations$startSec[[j]])
							#if there is no overlapping record set on destination tier
							if (length(which(temp, TRUE))==0) {
								#create new record set
								myrow                 <- x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations[j,]
								myrow$tier.name       <- destTier
								myrow$content         <- hits_merged
								myrow$content.norm    <- ""
								myrow$annotationID    <- max(x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations$annotationID)+1
								#add to table
								x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations <- rbind(x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations, myrow)
							} else {
								#if there is one or several overlapping record sets on the destination tiers, take the first one
								index <- which(temp, TRUE) [[1]]
								#add text in the end
								x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations$content[[index]] <- paste (x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations$content[[index]], hits_merged, collapse= collapseString)
							annotations_copied_nr <- annotations_copied_nr + 1
							anyChanges <- TRUE
						} # end copy
						#REPLACE part
						if (!is.null(replacement)) {
							newvalue <- stringr::str_replace_all(x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations$content[[j]], pattern, replacement)
							if (newvalue!=x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations$content[[j]]) {
								#set new value
								x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations$content[[j]] <- newvalue
								#increase counter
								annotations_replaced_nr <- annotations_replaced_nr + 1
								anyChanges <- TRUE
						} #end replace
					} #end there are hits
				} #end process this recordset
			} #end each annotation
		} #end there are annotations
		#update info for transcript
		if (anyChanges) {
			#HISTORY transcript
			x@transcripts[[i]]@modification.systime <- Sys.time()
			x@transcripts[[i]]@history[[length(x@transcripts[[i]]@history)+1]] <-	list( 
				modification               = "annotations_search_replace_copy",
				systime                    = Sys.time(),
				annotations.replaced.count = annotations_replaced_nr,
				annotations.copied.count   = annotations_copied_nr
			#increase counters for corpus object
			transcripts_modified_ids      <- c(transcripts_modified_ids, i)
			annotations_replaced_total_nr <- annotations_replaced_total_nr + annotations_replaced_nr
			annotations_copied_total_nr   <- annotations_copied_total_nr + annotations_copied_nr
	} #next transcript
	#HISTORY corpus
	x@history[[length(x@history)+1]] <- list( modification                     = "annotations_search_replace_copy",
											  systime                          = Sys.time(),
											  pattern                          = pattern,
											  replacement                      = replacement,
											  destTier                         = destTier,
											  addDestTierIfMissing             = addDestTierIfMissing,
											  transcripts.modified.count       = length(transcripts_modified_ids),
											  transcripts.modified.ids         = transcripts_modified_ids,
											  annotations.replaced.total.count = annotations_replaced_total_nr,
											  annotations.copied.total.count   = annotations_copied_total_nr)
	if (recodsets_copiederror_destinationtiermissingintranscript_nr>0) {
		x@history[[length(x@history)+1]] <-  list( 
			modification                                        = "annotations_search_replace_copy",
			systime                                             = Sys.time(),
			recodsets.copiederror                               = "ERROR: the destination tier for copying was missing in some transcripts. No data copied.",
			recodsets.copiederror.tiermissingintranscript.count = recodsets_copiederror_destinationtiermissingintranscript_nr,
			recodsets.copiederror.tiermissingintranscript.ids   = recodsets_copiederror_destinationtiermissingintranscript_ids
	return (x)

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act documentation built on June 7, 2023, 6:16 p.m.