
Defines functions search_concordance

Documented in search_concordance

#' Make concordance for search results
#' @param x Corpus object.
#' @param s Search object.
#' @param searchNormalized Logical; if \code{TRUE} function will search in the normalized content, if \code{FALSE} function will search in the original content.
#' @return Search object.
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/search_concordance.R
search_concordance <- function(x, 
							   searchNormalized=TRUE) {
	if (missing(x)) 	{stop("Corpus object in parameter 'x' is missing.") 		}	else { if (!methods::is(x,"corpus")   )	{stop("Parameter 'x' needs to be a corpus object.") } }
	if (missing(s)) 	{stop("Search object in parameter 's' is missing.") 		}	else { if (!methods::is(s, "search")	)	{stop("Parameter 's' needs to be a search object.") 	} }
	search_concordance_single <- function(mySR, x, showProgress)	{
		if(is.na(mySR["annotationID"])) { return(rep("",5)) }
		hit.pos.fulltext    <- 	strtoi(mySR["hit.pos.fulltext"])
		hit.pos.content    	<- 	strtoi(mySR["hit.pos.content"])
		hit.length	    	<-	strtoi(mySR["hit.length"])
		myTName	<-	as.character(mySR["transcript.name"])
		#update progress bar
		# get text for concordance
		if (s@search.mode=="fulltext") 		{
			#get hit pos
			hit.pos 				<- hit.pos.fulltext
			#get the full text
			if (as.character(mySR["search.mode"]) =="byTier") {
				if (s@search.normalized==TRUE) {
					myFulltext     <- x@transcripts[[myTName]]@fulltext.bytier.norm
				} else  {
					myFulltext     <- x@transcripts[[myTName]]@fulltext.bytier.orig
			} else {
				if (s@search.normalized==TRUE) {
					myFulltext     <- x@transcripts[[myTName]]@fulltext.bytime.norm
				} else  {
					myFulltext     <- x@transcripts[[myTName]]@fulltext.bytime.orig
			if (is.na(myFulltext) == TRUE) {
				stop("Please recreate full text.")
		} else {
			#get hit pos
			hit.pos 				<- hit.pos.content
			#get content
			if (s@search.normalized==TRUE) {
				myFulltext     <- mySR["content.norm"]
			} else  {
				myFulltext     <- mySR["content"]
		#===left part
		leftPart 	<- 	""
		concLeft1	<- ""
		concLeft2	<- ""
		if (hit.pos>1)		{
			#get everything left of the hit
			leftMargin 	<-	max(0, hit.pos-s@concordance.width-1)
			leftPart  	<- 	substr(myFulltext, leftMargin, hit.pos-1)
			#regex_last_word <- paste("(?<concLeft1>[^\\s|\\|\\'|\\#|\\/|\\\\\\\\", options()$act.separator_between_intervals, options()$act.separator_between_tiers, "]*[\\W]*$)",sep="", collapse="")
			regex_last_word <- paste("(?<concLeft1>[", options()$act.separator_between_words, options()$act.separator_between_intervals, options()$act.separator_between_tiers, "]*[\\W]*$)",sep="", collapse="")
			#get last word
			concLeft1 <- stringr::str_extract(leftPart, regex_last_word)
			#get position last word
			pos <- stringr::str_locate(leftPart, regex_last_word)[1]-1
			#get everything before
			concLeft2 <-  stringr::str_sub(leftPart, 1, pos)
			if(is.na(concLeft1)) { concLeft1 <- ""}
			if(is.na(concLeft2)) { concLeft2 <- ""}
			#remove spaces
			concLeft1 <- stringr::str_trim(concLeft1, side="both")
			concLeft2 <- stringr::str_trim(concLeft2, side="both")
		#===right part
		concRight1	<- ""
		concRight2	<- ""
		rightPart 	<- 	""
		if (hit.pos +  hit.length < nchar(myFulltext) )		{
			#get everything right of the hit
			rightMargin <- 	hit.pos +  hit.length + s@concordance.width
			rightMargin <- 	min(rightMargin, nchar(myFulltext))
			rightPart 	<- 	substr(myFulltext, hit.pos + hit.length , rightMargin)
			#regex_first_word <- paste("(?<concRight1>^[\\W]*[^\\s|\\|]", options()$act.separator_between_intervals, options()$act.separator_between_tiers, "]*)",sep="", collapse="")
			regex_first_word <- paste("(?<concRight1>^[\\W]*[", options()$act.separator_between_words, options()$act.separator_between_intervals, options()$act.separator_between_tiers, "]*)",sep="", collapse="")
			#get first word
			concRight1 <- stringr::str_extract(rightPart, regex_first_word)
			#get position last word
			pos <- stringr::str_locate(rightPart, regex_first_word)[2]+1
			#get everything after
			concRight2 <-  stringr::str_sub(rightPart,pos, nchar(rightPart))
			if(is.na(concRight1)) { concRight1 <- ""}
			if(is.na(concRight2)) { concRight2 <- ""}
			#remove spaces
			concRight1 <- stringr::str_trim(concRight1, side="both")
			concRight2 <- stringr::str_trim(concRight2, side="both")
		concHit <- mySR["hit"]
		concHit <- unname(unlist(concHit))
		#count words
		if (s@search.mode=="content") 		{
			nrWordsLeft <- as.integer(stringi::stri_count_words(leftPart))
			nrWordsHitPosition <- as.integer(nrWordsLeft + 1)
			nrWordsHit <- as.integer(stringi::stri_count_words(mySR["hit"]))
			nrWordsRight <- as.integer(stringi::stri_count_words(rightPart))
			nrWordsTotal <- as.integer(nrWordsLeft + nrWordsHit + nrWordsRight)
		} else {
			nrWordsLeft <- NA
			nrWordsHitPosition <- NA
			nrWordsHit <- NA
			nrWordsRight <- NA
			nrWordsTotal <- NA
		return(c(concLeft2, concLeft1, concHit, concRight1, concRight2, nrWordsLeft, nrWordsHitPosition, nrWordsHit, nrWordsRight, nrWordsTotal))
	conccolnames	  	  <- c("concLeft2", "concLeft1", "concHit", "concRight1", "concRight2", "nrWordsLeft", "nrWordsHitPosition", "nrWordsHit", "nrWordsRight", "nrWordsTotal")

	#remove old concordance
	mynames <- setdiff(colnames(s@results),conccolnames)
	temp <- s@results[,mynames]
	if (nrow(s@results)==0 ) {
		concs 				  <- data.frame(concLeft2=character(), 
								  stringsAsFactors		= FALSE)
	} else {
		concs			      <- t(apply(temp, MARGIN=1, x=x, search_concordance_single))
		concs			      <- data.frame(concs, stringsAsFactors		= FALSE)
		colnames(concs) 	  <- conccolnames

	#add new concordance
	s@results <- cbind(temp, concs)

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act documentation built on June 7, 2023, 6:16 p.m.