
Defines functions transcripts_update_fulltexts

Documented in transcripts_update_fulltexts

#' Update full texts
#' Creates/updates the full texts of the transcripts in a corpus.
#'The full text may be created in two different ways: 
#'- The contents of a transcription will be joined consecutively based on the time information. 
#'- The contents of each tier will be joined consecutively, and then the next tier will be joined.
#' @param x Corpus object.
#' @param searchMode Character string; Which full text should be created; accepts the following values: \code{fulltext.bytier, fulltext.bytime, fulltext}.  
#' @param transcriptNames Vector of character strings; Names of the transcripts you want to update; leave empty if you want to process all transcripts that need an update.
#' @param tierNames Vector of character strings; Names of the tiers to include in the fulltext.
#' @param forceUpdate Logical; If \code{TRUE} fulltexts will be created in any case, if \code{FALSE} fulltexts will be only be created if there was a modification to the transcript since the last creation of the fulltexts.
#' @return Corpus object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(act)
#' examplecorpus <- act::transcripts_update_fulltexts(x=examplecorpus)
transcripts_update_fulltexts <- function(x,
										 searchMode      = c("fulltext", "fulltext.bytier", "fulltext.bytime"),
										 transcriptNames = NULL, 
										 tierNames       = NULL, 
										 forceUpdate     = FALSE) {
	#=== check x object
	if (missing(x)) 	{stop("Corpus object in parameter 'x' is missing.") 		}	else { if (!methods::is(x,"corpus")   )	{stop("Parameter 'x' needs to be a corpus object.") } }
	if (is.null(x@transcripts)) 	{
		warning("No transcripts found in corpus object x.")	
	#  if no filter is set, process all transcripts
	if (is.null(transcriptNames)) {transcriptNames <- names(x@transcripts)}
	#=== check arguments
	searchMode <- match.arg(searchMode)
	#=== check which transcripts need an update
	transcriptNames.update <- c()
	for (i in transcriptNames) {
		#=== check if update is necessary
		#- if update is forced
		#- if transcript content has been modified since last update
		#- if tier filter has been changed
		updateThis <- FALSE
		if (forceUpdate) {
			updateThis <- TRUE			
		} else {
			if (length(x@transcripts[[i]]@fulltext.systime)==0) {
				#fulltext has never been created
				updateThis <- TRUE
			} else {
				if (length(x@transcripts[[i]]@modification.systime)==0) {
				} else {
					#if transcript has been modified since last update
					if (x@transcripts[[i]]@modification.systime>x@transcripts[[i]]@fulltext.systime) {
						updateThis <- TRUE
					} else if (x@transcripts[[i]]@normalization.systime>x@transcripts[[i]]@fulltext.systime) {
						updateThis <- TRUE
					} else {
		#check if the current tier filter is not identical with the last tier filter
		if (!updateThis) {
			tierNames.forthistranscript <- x@transcripts[[i]]@tiers$name
			if (!is.null(tierNames)) {
				tierNames.forthistranscript <- tierNames.forthistranscript[tierNames.forthistranscript %in% tierNames]
			if(!identical(x@transcripts[[i]]@fulltext.filter.tier.names, tierNames.forthistranscript)) {
				updateThis <- TRUE
		if (updateThis) {
			transcriptNames.update <- c(transcriptNames.update, i)
	#===iterate through all transcripts and annotations
	if (length(transcriptNames.update)>0) {
		#=== set progress bar
		helper_progress_set("Updating fulltexts", length(transcriptNames.update))
		for (i in transcriptNames.update) {
			#=== update progress bar
			myFulltext.bytime.orig <-""
			myFulltext.bytime.norm <-""
			myFulltext.bytier.orig <-""
			myFulltext.bytier.norm <-""
			#do not get all columns but only the original ones
			#add the other later as empty cols
			mycols <- c("annotationID" ,
					   "startSec" ,
					   "content.norm"   )
			myAnnotations <- x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations[, mycols]
			#=== get filter by tiers
			tierNames.forthistranscript <- x@transcripts[[i]]@tiers$name
			if (!is.null(tierNames)) {
				tierNames.forthistranscript <- tierNames.forthistranscript[tierNames.forthistranscript %in% tierNames]
			if (!is.null(myAnnotations))  	{
				if (nrow(myAnnotations)>0) 	{

					#===add new cols
					myAnnotations <- cbind.data.frame(myAnnotations, 
													  char.norm.bytime.start=0 , 
													  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
					#---------------------- by time
					if (searchMode=="fulltext" | searchMode=="fulltext.bytime") {
						#=== sort annotations: start sec - tier name
						myAnnotations <- 	myAnnotations[order(myAnnotations$startSec, myAnnotations$tier.name), ]
						#=== filter by tiers
						include <- which(myAnnotations$tier.name %in% tierNames.forthistranscript)
						#=== make vector with separator character
						#check if tier of preceeding interval is the same
						included.sametier 				<- c(FALSE, myAnnotations$tier.name[include[2:length(include)]] == myAnnotations$tier.name[include[1:length(include)-1]])
						#make vector containing corresponding separators
						included.separator				<- unlist(lapply(included.sametier, function(x) if(x==TRUE) {options()$act.separator_between_intervals} else {options()$act.separator_between_tiers}))
						#set the separators in annotations
						#myAnnotations$separator 				<- ""  	# rep("", nrow(myAnnotations))
						myAnnotations$separator[include] 		<- included.separator
						#=== calculate the lengths only of included recordsets
						myAnnotations$char.separator[include]				<- nchar(myAnnotations$separator[include])
						myAnnotations$char.content.orig[include]			<- nchar(myAnnotations$content[include] )
						myAnnotations$char.content.norm[include]			<- nchar(myAnnotations$content.norm[include] )
						#separator + content
						myAnnotations$char.content.orig.plussep[include]	<- myAnnotations$char.separator[include] + myAnnotations$char.content.orig[include]
						myAnnotations$char.content.norm.plussep[include]	<- myAnnotations$char.separator[include] + myAnnotations$char.content.norm[include]
						#end position within full text
						#-- original leads to error in recognizing the first hit
						myAnnotations$char.orig.bytime.end   	<- cumsum(myAnnotations$char.content.orig.plussep)
						myAnnotations$char.norm.bytime.end    	<- cumsum(myAnnotations$char.content.norm.plussep)
						#start position within full text
						#-- original leads to error in recognizing the first hit
						myAnnotations$char.orig.bytime.start  	<- myAnnotations$char.orig.bytime.end - myAnnotations$char.content.orig.plussep + 1
						myAnnotations$char.norm.bytime.start 	<- myAnnotations$char.norm.bytime.end - myAnnotations$char.content.norm.plussep+ 1
						#=== create full text
						myFulltext.bytime.orig 						<- paste(myAnnotations$separator[include], myAnnotations$content[include], sep="", collapse="")
						myFulltext.bytime.norm 						<- paste(myAnnotations$separator[include], myAnnotations$content.norm[include], sep="", collapse="")
						#end full text with separator for tiers
						myFulltext.bytime.orig 						<- paste(myFulltext.bytime.orig, options()$act.separator_between_tiers, sep="", collapse="")
						myFulltext.bytime.norm 						<- paste(myFulltext.bytime.norm, options()$act.separator_between_tiers, sep="", collapse="")
					#---------------------- by tier
					if (searchMode=="fulltext" | searchMode=="fulltext.bytier") {
						#=== sort annotations: tier name - start sec
						myAnnotations <- 	myAnnotations[order(myAnnotations$tier.name, myAnnotations$startSec), ]
						#=== filter by tiers
						include <- which(myAnnotations$tier.name %in% tierNames.forthistranscript)
						#=== make vector with separator character
						#check if tier of preceeding interval is the same
						included.sametier 					<- c(FALSE, myAnnotations$tier.name[include[2:length(include)]] == myAnnotations$tier.name[include[1:length(include)-1]])
						#make vector containing corresponding separators
						included.separator					<- unlist(lapply(included.sametier, function(x) if(x==TRUE) {options()$act.separator_between_intervals} else {options()$act.separator_between_tiers}))
						#set the separators in annotations
						myAnnotations$separator 					<- rep("", nrow(myAnnotations))
						myAnnotations$separator[include] 			<- included.separator
						#=== calculate the lengths only of included recordsets
						myAnnotations$char.separator[include]				<- nchar(myAnnotations$separator[include])
						myAnnotations$char.content.orig[include]			<- nchar(myAnnotations$content[include] )
						myAnnotations$char.content.norm[include]			<- nchar(myAnnotations$content.norm[include] )
						#separator + content
						myAnnotations$char.content.orig.plussep[include]	<- myAnnotations$char.separator[include] + myAnnotations$char.content.orig[include]
						myAnnotations$char.content.norm.plussep[include]	<- myAnnotations$char.separator[include] + myAnnotations$char.content.norm[include]
						#end position within full text
						myAnnotations$char.orig.bytier.end  		<- cumsum(myAnnotations$char.content.orig.plussep)
						myAnnotations$char.norm.bytier.end    		<- cumsum(myAnnotations$char.content.norm.plussep)
						#star position within full text
						myAnnotations$char.orig.bytier.start  	<- myAnnotations$char.orig.bytier.end  - myAnnotations$char.content.orig.plussep + 1
						myAnnotations$char.norm.bytier.start  	<- myAnnotations$char.norm.bytier.end - myAnnotations$char.content.norm.plussep + 1
						#=== create full text
						myFulltext.bytier.orig 						<- paste(myAnnotations$separator[include], myAnnotations$content[include], sep="", collapse="")
						myFulltext.bytier.norm 						<- paste(myAnnotations$separator[include], myAnnotations$content.norm[include], sep="", collapse="")
						#end full text with separator for tiers
						myFulltext.bytier.orig 						<- paste(myFulltext.bytier.orig, options()$act.separator_between_tiers, sep="", collapse="")
						myFulltext.bytier.norm 						<- paste(myFulltext.bytier.norm, options()$act.separator_between_tiers, sep="", collapse="")
					#=== get rid of superfluous columns
					myAnnotations <- myAnnotations[,setdiff(colnames(myAnnotations), c("separator", "char.separator","char.content.orig","char.content.norm", "char.content.orig.plussep","char.content.norm.plussep"))]
					#=== save modified annotations back to corpus object
					x@transcripts[[i]]@annotations <- myAnnotations 
			#=== save full text to corpus object
			x@transcripts[[i]]@fulltext.bytime.orig <- myFulltext.bytime.orig 
			x@transcripts[[i]]@fulltext.bytime.norm <- myFulltext.bytime.norm 
			x@transcripts[[i]]@fulltext.bytier.orig <- myFulltext.bytier.orig 
			x@transcripts[[i]]@fulltext.bytier.norm <- myFulltext.bytier.norm 
			x@transcripts[[i]]@fulltext.systime     	  <- Sys.time()
			x@transcripts[[i]]@fulltext.filter.tier.names <- tierNames.forthistranscript

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act documentation built on June 7, 2023, 6:16 p.m.