
Defines functions read_clock_lab_files read_clock_lab_file

Documented in read_clock_lab_files

#' @title read_clock_lab_files
#' @param file_names the names of the files to read.
#'   Should be the result of a call to list.files(..., full.names = TRUE)
#' @return a big data.frame
#' @description reads binary files in clocklab format
#' @export
#' @examples
#' f <- file.path(system.file(package = 'actogrammr'), 'testdata')
#' d <- read_clock_lab_files(file_names = list.files(path = f, full.names = TRUE))

read_clock_lab_files <- function(file_names) {

  mouse_data <- list()
  for (file_name in file_names) {

    mouse_data[[file_name]] <- read_clock_lab_file(file_name = file_name)


  d <- do.call(what = rbind,
               args = mouse_data)

  # don't know what to do with very rare act = -61, just set to NA
  # 1 such row in test data (4 mice, 90 days per mouse)
  d$act[d$act < -1] <- NA

  # not sure waht act = -1 means...probably some error code
  # like "couldn't measure activity"
  # 24 such rows in test data (4 mice, 90 days per mouse)
  d$act[d$act == -1] <- NA


read_clock_lab_file <- function(file_name) {

  act <- act_1 <- act_60 <- light <- light_1 <- light_60 <- trash <- 'fake_global_for_CRAN'

  file_name_byte_length <- 4
  bytes_per_hours_data <- 172

  file_name_start <- 4
  file_name_end <- 23

  date_start <- 28
  date_end <- 37

  seconds_start <- 38
  seconds_end <- 41

  hour_offset <- 42

  counts_start <- 48
  counts_end <- 107

  light_start <- 112
  light_end <- 171

  data <- readr::read_file_raw(file = file_name)

  data_length <- readBin(con = data[1:4],
                         what = 'integer',
                         size = file_name_byte_length,
                         endian = 'big')

  num_hours <- num_hours <- (data_length - file_name_byte_length)/bytes_per_hours_data

  filenames <- dates <- hours <- seconds <- acts <- lights <- list()

  for (hour in 1:num_hours) {

    hour_start <- (hour - 1)*bytes_per_hours_data + 5

    filenames[[hour]] <- readBin(con = data[hour_start + (file_name_start:file_name_end)],
                                 what = 'character',
                                 endian = 'big')

    dates[[hour]] <- readBin(con = data[hour_start + (date_start:date_end)],
                             what = 'character',
                             endian = 'big')

    hours[[hour]] <- readBin(con = data[hour_start + hour_offset],
                             what = 'integer',
                             n = 1,
                             size = 1,
                             endian = 'big')

    # browser()
    # doesn't work -- need to read a 4-byte unsigned int
    # seconds[[hour]] <- readBin(con = data[hour_start + (seconds_start:seconds_end)],
    #                            what = 'integer',
    #                            size = 2,
    #                            n = 1,
    #                            endian = 'big',
    #                            signed = FALSE)

    acts[[hour]] <- readBin(con = data[hour_start + (counts_start:counts_end)],
                            what = 'integer',
                            n = 60,
                            size = 1,
                            endian = 'big')

    lights[[hour]] <- readBin(con = data[hour_start + (light_start:light_end)],
                              what = 'integer',
                              n = 60,
                              size = 1,
                              endian = 'big')

  stopifnot(all(is.character(unlist(x = filenames))))
  stopifnot(length(unique(unlist(x = filenames))) == 1)

  acts <- do.call(what = rbind, args = acts)
  colnames(acts) <- paste0('act_', 1:60)

  lights <- do.call(what = rbind, args = lights)
  colnames(lights) <- paste0('light_', 1:60)

  wide_data <- cbind(data.frame(file_name = file_name,
                                date = lubridate::mdy(unlist(dates)),
                                hour = unlist(hours)
                                #,second = unlist(seconds)

  long_act <- wide_data %>%
    dplyr::select(-dplyr::matches('light')) %>%
    tidyr::gather(key = min,
                  value = act,

  long_light <- wide_data %>%
    dplyr::select(-dplyr::matches('act')) %>%
    tidyr::gather(key = min,
                  value = light,

  long_act %>%
    dplyr::as_data_frame() %>%
    tidyr::separate(col = min, into = c('trash', 'min')) %>%
    dplyr::select(-trash) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(min = as.integer(min),
                  light = long_light$light) %>%


Try the actogrammr package in your browser

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actogrammr documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:03 p.m.